Narrow dishwashers

At the depth of washing machines ranges, dishwashers and in width. Both are called narrow, if the corresponding parameter is reduced. In washing machines gradation wide. From 33 cm to 60 - twice (there are also pomassivnee), with the height and width can not be different from the full-size models. Much easier is the case with dishwashers. Height release four gradations - 87, 82, 60 and 45 cm. The last two categories of products are compact. Narrow dishwashers with a width of 45 - 50 cm and different heights.

vertical load

Recently lucky enough to stumble across an article on the Internet, which describes a dishwasher and dryers. Photo shows the colorful, beautiful... It is a typical drum washing machine with vertical-type loading. Washing machine Vyatka Bianca 1000.

Washing machines were produced at the plant in West Kirov. They say that the first workshop organized by the fall of 1941 to work in the armaments industry. Already in 1959 the Vyatka washing machines produced here - 3. Later bought patents from Italian company Indesit. As time went on, Vyatka - 12 seemed to be deducted from the washing machine Ariston. Now brand Candy redeemed and no more Russian.

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Dishwashers are not top-loading is not necessary. However, there are exotic models, for example, briva-in-sink, sold already built into the countertop. It is so rare, that it is impossible to find ready-made goods on sale in the KitchenAid website. If the request type in Yandex "dish washer dryers", with high probability, there will be no sensible.

Dish washer and dryers

Having started on a positive note, let us consider the equipment.

The width of the dishwasher

Putting aside the professional models, there are three values ​​dishwasher width:

  1. 45 - 50 cm.
  2. 60 cm.
  3. 80 cm.

Considered normal size 60 cm. In this household dishwashers exhaust yourself. Width does not depend on the height, compact models do not come across 80 cm, it is the prerogative of the full-size copies. For the rest, there is no difference. Meet with a width of 45 cm tall freestanding dishwashers, compact products under the sink (obtained in size cubes). We offer to pay attention to the typical representatives.

Narrow Dishwasher BEKO DSFS 6530 B

Dishwasher narrow detached BEKO DSFS 6530 B according to a strict design and the dark color of the body is easy to take for embedded. However, the height of 85 cm, will not allow the product to hide under a typical countertop. When the capacity of 10 place settings and energy consumption class A device looks a little above average. Please note, the price of the equipment is only 11,500 rubles. Almost nothing, a look inside and see.

Dishwasher narrow freestanding BEKO DSFS 6530 B

The first surprise - you can not use funds from Class 3 to 1. Tablets or capsules, wherein the outer shell is a salt, a second layer is powder, inside conditioner. This allows a means to soften the water to clean dirt and reduce the surface tension of the liquid prior to drying. Much time is saved, but the savings can not be cleaners. The unit will not allow the use of 3 in 1 tablets.

The rest is:

  • Full protection against leaks aimed at preventing flood inside the body and out of the hose. Additional equipment to buy more is not necessary.
  • Half load the dishwasher will work with the five sets of dishes. We remind you that each includes 11 items. In total, 55 out of plates, cups, spoons, knives and forks.
  • Present LEDs presence of salt and rinse aid. Enough to buy the necessary funds in the store and add as needed in the appropriate compartments.
  • Klassnost machine is AAA. Washing, drying and energy consumption reach very high levels.
  • Available mode soaking or pre-rinsing required if the dishes going for a week. Without even the best option given the narrow dishwasher can not cope with the task.
  • There is a timer delay start. Permissible start the process at any time. In the West, at night the electricity is cheaper in Russia will move to the start time, when there are people in the house.
  • Several high noise level, however, below the plurality of refrigerators, operating at 52 dB (index down to 43 dB). Lack insignificant.

Dishwasher narrow

The front panel is devoid of protection of children, there is no function of Ray on the floor. We believe the unit worthy of the quoted price.

With a width of 45 cm, adding that it is the narrowest dishwasher.

Narrow dishwasher KAISER S 4581 XLW

Additional atypical example. We consider the said narrow washing machine because of the increased price of 25,000 rubles - twice, compared with the previous one. It is expensive, above average. Let's see, where the sum is taken.

The first difference is immediately visible. You may use the means 3 in 1 and to connect to the hot water technique that saves time, but not money, given the cost of a cubic meter. Note that in many models imposes a restriction on the inlet temperature of, say, 60 ° C. If the flow from the faucet hot, guaranteed, at best, incorrect operation of the device, in the worst - damage.

Inside download only 9 sets, see the program for delicate items. We heard that inside the typical dishwasher is not allowed to load crystal products with metal elements and so on. The specified device is able to cope with the delicate task.

Noise level 43 dB. Less is not there. This street sounds in the room with the window closed tightly. Most refrigerators if the inside is not linear compressor operate louder dishwasher is simply not heard.


With standard cycle device copes for 110 min, allowed half load of utensils in the dishwasher. 9 washing programs, 4 temperature settings. Freestanding model, feature Ray on the floor is simply not required. Even when there is condensation drying, it can be seen on the scoreboard all.

Narrow washing machine ZANUSSI ZDS 105

Narrow washing machine ZANUSSI ZDS 105 attracted the attention of the promotional price of 9500 rubles instead of 10,800. We see the meaning of a closer look. Dishwasher with means capable 3 1 run. Noise level 53 dB medium. Available soaking mode, half load the dishwasher is not allowed. So, performance is not too impressive. In our opinion, slightly worse than the BEKO DSFS 6530 B.

No indicators presence of salt and rinse aid. The device is intended exclusively for users and equipment 3 to 1.

Narrow Dishwasher HOTPOINT-ARISTON LSF 8357

Narrow Dishwasher HOTPOINT-ARISTON LSF 8357 different turbosushkoy. Fan drives air through the hot plates, dry faster. Mode is considered to be less efficient than the condensation drying, but there will be no divorce, in addition to the background departs role rinse.

Wet steam enters into the kitchen, do not be surprised if you begin to spread through the house a pleasant smell of detergent. This will contribute to a temporary increase in humidity. Acoustic noise when the device is moderate, is 47 dB, the delayed start timer available.

Available indicators of the presence of salt and rinse aid, Ray on the floor, talking about the end of the program, it is simply not needed. Alarming lack of soaking function, might have forgotten to specify in the description. Otherwise, with equipment designed for loading 10 sets come incident.

Among single out two programs:

  1. Night.
  2. Ultra Intensive (rewritten verbatim from the item card).

The first seems to mean less noise. Given the presence of the timer, it is a useful option. Together worth 14,500 rubles. Justified price for the options provided. Do not take down to the careful handling. Try putting in unnecessary aerogrill old plate. A quarter of an hour warming up on the glass will go cracks.

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