Which is better to buy a washing machine

We recommend washing machine, the front loading. Conveniently on the unit to put things, there is no need to remove when the time comes to use the technique. In washing machines emit the main parameters, with the power does not belong here. If you strongly need to see energy rating sticker. Such a sticker is equipped with all appliances, easily recognizable by a plurality of strips of different colors. If the selected device is not a figure standing in front of a red or yellow, it is time to question the preferences. Which is better to buy a washing machine, consider the article.

Washing machines

Those who wish to try out the true American manufacturability, it is recommended to buy a washing machine Whirlpool. It is not cheap, because the US is the ocean.

Benefits quietest washing machines

Washing machine detects two types of clearly marked cycle:

  1. Spin at high speeds.
  2. Washing at low revs.
Silent washing machine

Silent washing machine

The engine even several pairs of coils to make it easier to switch speed - so large discrepancy. Low speed do not deliver tangible troubles, unlike high. Each system resonant frequency is present. In the washing machine tank weighs four stiffer springs and is equipped with a pair of gems to impart structural weight. As a result, over 800 not anything pressing frequencies occurs. But it is necessary to reduce speed to 400 and put the "right" amount of laundry as neighbors on the heads of batters "hammer".

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brick system enters into resonance, developed turbulence. They say that the spring can be adjusted, but the independent intervention of the machine warranty is impossible. Any household appliance own noise level above which it is impossible to climb. For washing machines - 72 dB, Sales can not find a more noisy. But! Test parameters recorded in laboratory conditions. And in the life of the device is jumping on the heads of the neighbors.

Because the manufacturer says that before washing supposed to weigh, avoiding resonance. Tell the story of the assembly. Reliably the case when Samsung washing machine during the spin cycle started to knock. Not typical 72 dB and deaf, clearly distinguishable punches. Starters disassemble, to tighten the upper spring to increase the resonant frequency of the system. As usual, we had to remove almost everything: panels, detergent tray with an inlet valve, a couple of bricks from the gravity tank. It turned out, the engine was only two of the four bolts, with crooked. It was decided not to touch the item.

Washing machine for home

Washing machine for home

It would be required to mount again. But pupomyanutaya washing machine Samsung worked already (!) Two years without a hitch, left as is. Only the springs tightened. By the way, after setting up the washing machine began to work normally. The resonant frequency and the frequency of heartbeat readers will be able to check only the house, but then the problem will prove complicated.

By the way, most of the washing machine is running with a stable noise.

Flat or conventional Washer

In Russia, are trying to save. Washing machine parameters adorned quality - shallow depth. The models are called fine and ultrafine. Recommended to buy a compact washing machine. It is known that the drum is held on two bearings. At maximum capacity due to centrifugal force, the laundry weight is 500 times higher than normal. Conclusions do the shorter barrel, the less wear on the bearings. Slim washing machine is not more expensive than the standard.

In addition, a compact washing machine fit in the bathroom (where the norms of devices with voltage of 220 V should not be in sight).

Buying a washing machine

Buying a washing machine

What is the power of the washing machine is preferable

In the washing machine the main consumer of electricity becomes a commutator motor (not counting PETN). Moreover, in the extraction mode. Typical types of washing machines are arranged in a similar way. Therefore, more power means that the speed is high. Typical values ​​for fine Samsung - 300 watts. On the turnover of mention that more than 800 best linen is not pressing. Despite the smooth drums and Diamond technology, the fabric still rubs against the metal. Recall already mentioned that at the speed of 1000 weight products 500 times the nominal value (dependent on the diameter of the drum).

For power should not chase. This is just another expression of the maximum speed. Of course, the larger the load, the more powerful the motor of the washing machine. The above figures are typical of the weight of 4 kg.

Vertical or front loading washing machine

Definitely recommend to buy a vertical washing machine in the absence of free space. The only advantage of the solution will be loading from the top. The best kind is impossible to determine. In the former case, suitable furniture compartments with doors, in the second part of the jigsaw to cut permissible under the countertop load of laundry.

Choosing a washing machine in store

Choosing a washing machine in store

The dilemma is eliminated automatically for those who want to buy a washing machine activator. Mechanisms with vertical loading. Worth taking:

  1. Students who for obvious reasons can not always set the washing machine in the dorm.
  2. Cottagers who want purity, but do not want to put in the attic of a pressure tank (or attic is smallish).
  3. Poor families, where even the powder weight in gold. In one series of wash water allowed downloads linen.
  4. Lovers of antiquities cheap antediluvian.

We see no reason to deny myself the purchase frontal washing machine. Except as otherwise specified in the list. The only way out for people who want to buy a cheap washing machine, and then to suffer, pouring and pouring water each wash. Not all models are able to activator pressing need to roll up our sleeves.

Kilograms of washing machine

We are not talking about the mass of the washing machine and on the load. A typical value of 4 - 5 kg, while LG has introduced giant machines, overlapping at times figures shown. We suggest to consider:

  • The house has a limited amount of laundry. And it is consumed over a given period.
  • If you take too much of a washing machine, it is difficult to wait until the tank is full.

For example, from a conventional sock fabric weighs 30 grams, shirt - Quarter kg. Take your kitchen scales for the products, determine a lot of things. Summarize the desired wash period (say a week), to obtain the necessary figure.

Please note that not all things are permitted to be washed together. We do not mean the color. Just mode wool or delicate for specific tissues.

Choose manufacturer

If you want to buy a good washing machine, preferably of the brand well-known manufacturers. About Samsung have said, Hotpoint-Ariston and are expensive, because assembly of the Italian. Not sure if that necessarily better than the Russian. Rukastym people heartily recommend the cheaper models, then to suffer a fix on their own, a person with income approach something more expensive.

It should be borne in mind that some models Hotpoint-Ariston different additional features that improve the quality of washing and outputting it to another level. For example, Direct Injection technology allows to increase the washing result by 60% - detergents pre mixed with water to form an active mousse that can penetrate rapidly and deeply into the tissue structure from the start washing. This system helps to successfully and carefully wash out stubborn dirt, wash colored garments and white without the risk of staining the latter. Direct Injection feature lets you save time, water, detergent and electricity. You do not need a long time to save the clothes by color or spend time on a number of washings - it is necessary to select a program Removing stains at 20 degrees with Direct Injection technology and simply wash clothes together, and not be afraid that, for example, a white shirt will become your favorite color from the dresses.

A set of programs and functions of the washing machine

Today, any washing machine demonstrates a sufficient number of programs. Worth a look at two options:

  1. Prewash.
  2. Additional rinsing.

It is well known that people often can not stand the smell of powder, then without these small and useful options not do. By the mentioned program is equivalent washing machine Children's things. Created other brand chips. The name individually. Just ask the consultants, whether the desired options.

For lazy people advice - pay attention to the option of dosing detergents. Not all washing machines are able to do so. But capable of great washes linen in the minimum time. Should I pay for it? Repair of these devices is slightly more complicated, in view of having a larger number of sensors, but to use less complexity. Not always remaining detergent can be used for a new cycle. Details inquire at the manufacturer's technical support.

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