How to choose a RCD machine for a washing machine

If the wiring is not designed for increased voltage, failures, jumps in the network, machinery breaks down. Therefore, it is important to select the RCD for connecting the washing machine. Then you can not worry that the expensive washing machine will fail, even if you live in the house of an old building.

material Contents:

  • 1 Selecting RCD type and power
    • 1.1 Principle of operation
    • 1.2 correct choice
  • 2 Installation and connection
  • 3 If the RCD knocks when the CMA

Selecting RCD type and power

recommended to put the individual automatic RCD on the washing machine. Why is it important to do it in the case of the washer? Because it consumes a large amount of energy, which creates a significant load on the electrical network and wiring.

The extent depends on the type of washing machine. Washers with drying mode is the most loaded network.

UZO protects equipment from damage, and the person - from electric shock. In case of any deviations from the norm in the network( overvoltage, short circuit), the RCD operates. His lever turns off, than breaks the chain.

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If the user touches a randomly exposed wire, the machine will activate, which will protect it from electric shock.

The principle of operation of the

Before you decide which machine to choose, consider its structure. The RCD consists of an

  • transformer;
  • protective plastic housing;
  • sensor for self-testing;
  • device for breaking the chain;
  • electromagnetic cutoffs.

When a power surge occurs in a network, a device is activated to break the circuit. The lever on the machine is turned off, the wiring is de-energized. What machine to put on your washing machine? Depends on the strength of the voltage. Today they are releasing new versions that combine RCD and difavtomat. The differential circuit breaker is not only an overvoltage protection, but also serves as a fire breaker.

The price of diphiftomate is significantly higher than the RCD.But it is better to establish normal protection once, than to change.

To select, you need to assess the status and power of the wiring.

The right choice

What is needed automaton, and how much ampere should it pull? In the case of a difavtomat, the choice is better to make in the direction of the device with 0.03 Amp. Also, the view depends on the type of network: single phase, three phase. Pay attention to instrument labeling. For a standard household network, select the RCD with the designation "C".For an outlet with a RCD, the designation C16, C25.At the same time, the most effective one is marked A. But the AC is suitable for domestic use.

Installation and connection

It is easy to install a safety switch on your own. You can arrange it in the switchboard. If there is not enough space, then the installation is done near the washing machine, close to the outlet. Only a waterproof socket should be used for connection.

How to connect an electrical appliance:

  • If you are connecting through a shield, then pull the VVG wire to the washer - 3x2.5 mm.
  • Take the indicator to find out where the phase is and where it is zero. An approximate wiring diagram is shown below. Connect these wires to the difactomu.
  • After these wires are connected, connect to an outlet or extension cord with an RCD.

That's it. You have installed a separate machine for washing machines. If you want to connect more equipment, the scheme becomes more complicated, since for each device you need to install a separate RCD.

In more detail how to connect the washing machine to a network without grounding, we told in the previous articles.

If the UZO knocks out when turning on the MCA.

. Why does this happen:

  1. Automatic is faulty.
  2. An error occurred while installing the safety device.
  3. power cord washer closed.
  4. The selected device does not fit the parameters.
  5. A motor, heater, or electronic washer was broken.

Take care of the safety of your family and equipment today, so that tomorrow you don’t have to eliminate the consequences of an accident.

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