Beautiful and neat tulle lends a homely feel and warm atmosphere. In addition to washing, keeping the curtains clean allows such a simple thing as starch. Today, less and less housewives spend on this time. Many no longer remember how to starch tulle. However, a simple procedure not only gives the curtains an aesthetic and neat appearance, but also has practical value.
- Why starch tulle
- Preparing for an procedure
- Appliprocedure. Just need from time to time starched curtains. It becomes much easier to care for them. Indeed, dressing not only improves the appearance of the curtains, but also prolongs their shelf life, prevents contamination.
The following advantages of starching can be highlighted:
- imparts tissue density;
- tulle pattern becomes clearer;
- interior looks more neat;
- fabric is not wrinkled and keeps its shape;
- can make beautiful drape;
- white curtains look fresher and lighter;
- tulle gets less dirty and easier to wash.
Starched products are much easier to wash. After all, polysaccharides form a protective film on the fabric. Starch envelops threads, increasing their durability. The resulting film does not allow dirt and dust inside the fibers. When it comes time to clean, the water dissolves the protective barrier, and the dirt is easily washed away with soap or laundry detergent.
. ..Another advantage of dressing will be appreciated by pet owners. As you know, urine stains are difficult to remove, especially on white tissue. Even a typewriter machine is not easy to handle. Yes, and constantly wash bulk tulle - time-consuming task. But if the curtains are starched, they do not need to be removed. It is enough to lower the contaminated area for a while in a container with water, and then immediately wash it off.
Preparation for the procedure
Before starching tulle or curtains at home, you need to clean them from dirt and stains. For this, several stages of preparation for dressing are carried out.
Tulle is soaked in detergent solution for several hours. At 10 liters of warm water add a tablespoon of soda or powder. Also suitable liquid soap or salt. The solution can be changed several times depending on how large the degree of contamination.
Washing and bleaching
After soaking, you can proceed to the wash itself. Dissolve the powder in water. The temperature should not exceed 40-50 degrees. During the procedure, slightly squeeze the fabric, lifting above the water and again lowering it into the container. Try not to rub the edges of the curtains together, this will spoil the quality of the tulle and cause the fibers to deform.
Not all fabrics are suitable for aggressive household chemicals. Since tulle is sewn from chiffon, cotton, nylon, organza and other airborne materials, the detergent is selected individually, depending on the type of fabric. In addition to store powders, there is a mass of cheap bleach improvised.
Material How to wash and bleach What to watch out for Chiffon - liquid laundry soap;
- table salt.
- hot water;
- laundry detergents;
- bleach;
- coarse spin and friction.
Capron - soda;
- table salt;
- manganese;
- blue dye for linen.
- hot water.
Organza - table salt;
- brilliant green;
- blue.
- hot water;
- powders;
- bleach.
Cotton - liquid laundry soap;Ammonia
- ;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- starch.
( unpretentious) Veil - table salt;
- liquid laundry soap;
- Zelenka;
- blue dye for linen.
- hot water;
- coarse spin and friction.
Housewives face the greatest trouble during the washing of voile curtains. This thin material absorbs dust faster than others. To completely remove dust from it, it takes a long soak in the active compound.
You can whiten nylon curtains with ordinary table salt. This is a safe method. Such curtains can be hung even in the bedroom of an allergic child. The only negative is the duration of processing. Tulle should be kept in the solution for 6 to 8 hours, so it is better to soak overnight. A pre-washed curtain is lowered into a bucket of water and 200 g of salt. In the morning, rinse the material.
After washing and removing stains, rinse two times: in warm and cold water. The main thing is not to twist and squeeze the tulle. Otherwise it will lead to deformation and rapid wear of the fabric.
How to starch
curtains loading. ..There are several ways to starch tulle fabric. You can do it manually and in the washing machine;prepare a rare, medium or thick solution;shape the curtains with starch or other means.
Depending on the thickness of the solution, the following processing methods are distinguished:
- A gentle method( a teaspoon of starch per liter of water) for curtains and tulle.
- Medium( tablespoon per 1 liter) for lace, napkins, shirts, aprons.
- Hard( 2 tablespoons per liter of water) for collars and cuffs.
A soft method is used for curtains and curtains. It protects the fabric and gives it a fresh look, but does not make the fibers rigid. For the procedure, you can use the products of rice, wheat, corn. But potato starch is the most popular. It is accessible, viscous, quickly thickens and effectively bleaches the fabric. If the starch has a grayish tint, it should be washed well, drained and allowed to dry.
finishing steps The procedure involves soaking clean, dry or wet tulle in a starch solution. To do this, follow these steps:
- dissolve 5 teaspoons of starch in 200 ml of cold water;
- stir thoroughly;
- in a separate container to heat 5 liters of water;
- constantly stirring, pour a thin stream of the resulting starch solution;
- cook over low heat until a clear paste is formed;
- turn off the fire;
- strain through a sieve or cheesecloth to avoid lumps;
- if the liquid is cloudy, boil for 5 minutes;
- If you need to add shine to the curtain, add a spoonful of salt or sugar;
- to cool the solution to room temperature;
- pour liquid into a basin or bucket;
- immerse pure tulle in the solution for half an hour;
- pull the fabric out and let the water run out.
Remember that tulle is not recommended to strongly squeeze. If corn starch is used, the solution must be boiled. To make the light curtains “frosty fresh”, add a little blue in the dressing liquid.
Starch in a washing machine
The curtains can be finished not only manually. To do this, the paste or dry starch is dissolved in water in the right proportion and poured into the compartment for the air conditioner. Then the machine is turned on in standard mode. After stopping, you can pull out the curtain and dry.
Method without soaking
This recipe is suitable not only for tulle, but also for colored fabrics. The main condition is to process dry material. In a liter of warm water you need to dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of starch. Klester boiled for 7 minutes and cooled. The resulting liquid should be poured into a spray bottle and applied to dry and clean curtains with it. If desired, after spraying tulle can be ironed.
Dressing without starch.
The same effect can be obtained using other available tools and special store structures. These preparations are suitable for synthetic curtains, which are not affected by potato starch. Materials with synthetic threads should be covered with special production mixtures or gelatin.
The solution for dressing is prepared in the following way:
- Dissolve 5 tbsp in liter of boiling water.spoons of sugar.
- Cool the liquid.
- Immerse the tulle in warm water.
- Wait until it is saturated, pull out and let the solution drain.
This method has some nuances. In particular, it is not necessary to boil sugar in water, otherwise the solution will turn yellow and stain the curtains. Another disadvantage of the method is that the curtains with the smell of sweet syrup will attract insects to the house.
First you need to prepare a solution.3 tablespoons of gelatin must be dissolved in 50 ml of cold water. Then the liquid is heated in a water bath. Gradually, half a liter of water is added to it. The resulting solution must be dissolved in 4-5 liters of warm boiled water and immerse the curtains in it. The method is well suited to synthetic fabrics.
PVA glue
In some cases glue is used for finishing. To do this, two teaspoons of PVA dissolved in a bucket of warm water. This method aligns the texture of the fabric, making it more smooth and shiny. After this treatment, dust does not sit on the curtains for a long time.
Silicate Adhesive
Acts in the same way as PVA.To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of glue in a bucket of water. The tulle is lowered into the liquid for a couple of minutes, then dried. The method is suitable for delicate fabrics.
Industrial products
Modern industry offers special sprays and powders for dressing. Some preparations are made on the basis of a polyvinyl acetate emulsion.
Special solutions and powders can be used for machine or hand washing. They must be added to the water according to the instructions on the package or poured into the compartment for the air conditioner. The main thing is to do everything correctly and not to exceed the dosage, otherwise then the curtains will have to be rinsed again.
Dry tulle can be starched with industrial aerosols. Such funds are sprayed on the fabric before ironing. Their advantage is that there are no stains and bright traces on colored fabrics.
How to stroke starched tulle
Before ironing the curtains, they need to be properly pressed and dried a little. In order not to damage the delicate tulle, it is better not to twist it, but simply take it out of the water, slightly squeeze it out and let the water drain. After that, the fabric is shaken and hung to dry. Gently straighten all creases and folds. Drying tulle is better in a well-ventilated room. Make sure that the dry starch curtains are not in the cold, near the battery or in direct sunlight.
It is better to iron slightly undressed curtains. Some hostesses do not heat the tulle, because they are afraid to damage the delicate fabric. They simply hang the curtains on the curtains, straighten them and allow them to dry so. Indeed, if the iron is too hot, the tulle may melt or turn yellow. And if the curtains are not wrung out, then after drying on the curtain they will be smooth and even.
But if the fabric is wrung out and it is impossible to smooth out the creases, it is better to use the iron. Adjust it to moderately hot mode, not more than 120 degrees. Wrap the cotton fabric and iron it. Curtains should be slightly damp. If the finished material is dry, it is almost impossible to iron. Do not use steam, because then the starch will lose its properties. Cotton cloth or gauze will not allow the iron to adhere to the tulle. A pinch of salt added to the starch solution helps to reduce soot. For these purposes, you can also use a few drops of turpentine.
If the synthetic curtains are gray or yellowed, you can paint them a delicate color. Make it easy, even at home, just buy a special dye.
Accurately following this instruction, you will get beautiful, fresh and clean tulle. If for some reason you did not manage to starch the curtains or the result does not please you, simply wash the tulle again.