How to get rid of the smell of cat urine using peroxide and potassium permanganate, photo and video

To pet defecate in the right place, you need to create the conditions
To pet defecate in the right place, you need to create the conditions

We all strive to create comfort in your home. However, about a cozy nest can be a speech when entering the home you are greeted favorite kitten and... the smell of his toilet. What to do? I know the reason for this behavior pet and tell you how to get rid of the smell of cat urine.

The causes of odor

When I had a cat, his bowel movements sharp scent did not smell. Then, as the smell of not save any regular cleaning of the toilet pet or ventilation of the room. I wondered why the animal became stinking feces?

May be several reasons:

  1. Dehydration. Lack of water causes an increase in body urea cat urine smell that gives ammonia.
Photo: pet, like a person, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of water
Photo: pet, like a person, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of water
  1. Urolithiasis disease. Improper nutrition leads to the formation of urate stones - product of activity of uric acid.
  2. pubescence. In puberty in cats begin to work genital secretions. Mingling with the smell of urine, they acquire a specific aroma. Experts recommend to sterilize the animal.
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At puberty urine odor becomes particularly pungent odor
At puberty urine odor becomes particularly pungent odor
  1. malnutrition. Protein-rich foods leads to a glut that their body. The ammonia concentration increases, and cat urine smell stronger than usual.

Even if you identify the cause of the disease the animal alone should not engage in its treatment, it can worsen the pet's health. Refer to a specialist!

Getting rid of odor

How to remove the smell of cat urine in the apartment, without causing harm to the animal? It makes it difficult, especially if the animal excrement hit the absorbent surface. But keep the fresh air in an apartment can, with their own hands!

8 improvised

Picture Means and methods
Means 1. Laundry soap

A piece of this universal means of reliably absorb and help get rid of the "incense" without prejudice to things.

The most difficult to eliminate odors of spoiled cat shoes. However, the soap will absorb all the odors and thus gives a second life to your shoes.

Means 2. Iodine

This material is perfect for cleaning textiles. 10-15 drops diluted in a liter of water, can help to bring urine odor.

Means 3. permanganic acid

Having a bright crimson color, liquid is recommended to apply on non-absorbent surfaces.

Saturated wipe space marked cat, and wash with water. Potassium permanganate and urine does not get along together - manganese elements split the ammonia, eliminating odor.

Means 4. Hydrogen peroxide

Excellent antibromic cat on upholstery or carpets. 2 tablespoons baking soda mixed with 10-15 grams of peroxide and dissolved in the liquid soap. Mixture treat the stain, then rinse with warm water.

Means 5. Vinegar

The places where the cat marks territory, wipe with vinegar diluted in water with respect to 1/2.

Upon completion of the procedure, wash the place of treatment to get rid of the vinegar flavor. It's best to use this method for the cleaning of clothes, because then it can be washed.

Means 6. Lemon acid

Citrus repel cats, so suitable for the removal of odor, and to repel cats from the favorite places.

To prepare the "potions" will need lemon juice and a glass of water. Mix the ingredients with a solution and wipe the stain.

Means 7. Vodka

Alcohol is able to eliminate the unpleasant odor once and for all because of its disinfectant properties. However, the very need vodka will erode a long time.

Means 8. aeration

Remove the stain after defecating cats will "harmful" water. It is perfect for carpets and mattresses. Fill problematic place soda and sprinkle a little salt on it. After several hours the mixture was wash with water.

7 household chemicals against feline flavors

If none of the popular methods is not saved from the problem, then the question is, how to get rid of the cat smell remains open. However, scientists have long studied the properties of chemical elements, and based on these special funds to combat unpleasant odors have been developed.

Picture Means and methods
Means 1. Nioynonno

It is biologically a natural remedy to combat odors. Manual states: spray the preparation on the source.

Also means exists in liquid form for washing laundry.

For his effective force manufacturers request 900 p. 50 ml.

Means 2. BOS

Stain and bleach in liquid form. Tool will help to bring the spot and get rid of the smell of cat puddles on any absorbent surface.

costs - from 100 to 150 p.

Means 3. Natures Miracl

Means the smell of cat urine in the form of a spray. Designed specifically to deal with cat scents. It operates effectively.

Price - 1500 p.

Means 4. Odorgon

This spray is actively working on various kinds of biological odors.

Relatively inexpensive preparation - 300 p.

Means 5. ZooSan

Detergents, perfect for cleaning all surfaces.

means necessary from 300 to 500 p.

Means 6. DezoSan

It means to remove the odor of feces and urine of animals. It recommended after carpet processing Dezosanom vacuum the floor.

Price per bottle - 500 p.

Means 7. Odor Kill

One of the most expensive drugs to eliminate odors. It costs about 4000 rubles. Producers promise complete elimination of problems with absolutely no harm to health.

Do not use chlorine-based odor control agent, they can harm your pet's health.


To pupils went to relieve himself in the right place, it must be clean
To pupils went to relieve himself in the right place, it must be clean

Timely and proper care - everything you need to cats. Do not blame the pet that he missed, understand first, why it happened.

Videos in this article clearly shows how to remove the smell of cat urine.

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