How to get rid of mold in the bathroom and make sure that she did not return


  • 1 We are looking for the cause
  • 2 We estimate the scale of the disaster and the war begins
    • 2.1 Funds for local fights
    • 2.2 Full-scale hostilities
  • 3 conclusion
Black mold on the ceilingBlack mold on the ceiling

Fungus affected surface look terrible. But this is only half the problem: with them could be put up before the next scheduled maintenance, if not a health hazard. Fungal spores entering the body or on the skin can cause serious illness or exacerbate existing ones. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of mold in the bathroom is not only the aesthetics of the room.

But to do this, you need to understand why it is there, and eliminate the cause. Otherwise it will be useless war: the fungus after a while reappears. Therefore, let us approach the issue seriously and consider the most reliable ways to not only deal with the mold, but also preventing its return.

We are looking for the cause

Before you remove the mold in the bathroom, you need to understand why she's started up. May be several reasons:

  • lack of ventilation
    instagram viewer
    or bad her work. If the exhaust port is, check traction it is very simple: it is enough to bring to the grid lighted match or lighter. The flame should be drawn towards it.
Ventilation in the bathroom should always beVentilation in the bathroom should always be
  • constant leaks from the neighbors above. In such a situation I would not wish to be anyone. If people are not adequate, one way out - to move.
  • Leaks in private of plumbing items. They are a constant source of moisture.
Leaking faucets need repair or changeLeaking faucets need repair or change
  • Low temperatureAssociated with poorly insulated exterior walls or insufficient heating.
  • CondensateFormed on metal pipes.
Condensing water dripping onto the floor, creating a breeding ground for mold and mildewCondensing water dripping onto the floor, creating a breeding ground for mold and mildew
  • Drying clothes in the bathroom, etc.

In general, all of the factors due to which indoor air is stagnant and appears excessive moisture must be removed before the fight mold. Make it is not difficult:

  • The hood can be equipped with a fan, and the door to the bathroom to leave a small gap;
Photos exhaust fanPhotos exhaust fan
  • Cranes replaced;
  • The walls insulate;
  • Put electric towel dryer or heater;
  • Metal or plastic tubes replace warm wearing them "coat" of foamed polyethylene;
Eliminating the temperature difference, such holder prevents the formation of condensateEliminating the temperature difference, such holder prevents the formation of condensate
  • Wet clothes to dry elsewhere;
  • Neighbors kill, oh, sorry, convince monitor their fixtures.

But do not do it until you appreciate the depth of the problems in the truest sense of the word. Black mold in the bathroom can be not only on visible surfaces. Growing, it penetrates deep into the finish and can take root in building structures: walls and ceilings.

We estimate the scale of the disaster and the war begins

The easiest way to get rid of the mold, when it just appeared. But the problem is that at this stage it is difficult to see, but its presence can be issued only by a musty odor.

The lesion is usually located where ideal conditions for settlement and reproduction of the dispute: in damp locations. Finding them should sound the alarm immediately.

Funds for local fights

If contamination is detected in the seams of the tiles under the showerhead or faucet, at the junction of the wall and the bath or other similar places, are constantly in contact with water, it is hoped that will be able to handle small blood.

Delay can no longer beDelay can no longer be

What do I need to do? Firstly, thoroughly clean the mold of seams and joints. It is desirable to remove the filling of grout or sealant as possible.

Cleaning jointsCleaning joints

Secondly, process not only this region, but also all around the antiseptic. It can be as a special agent of the fungus, which are sold in stores, and homemade.

The first category may include the following drugs:

  • Antigribok - universal preservative for various surfaces such as wood, brick, concrete.
Apply on the affected place with a brush or swabApply on the affected place with a brush or swab
  • Element - a preparation similar to the previous in properties, field of application and methods of application.
Tool to remove mold, moss and lichenTool to remove mold, moss and lichen
  • Pufas - very effective and very convenient for use with spray means.
Contains chlorine, when applied, use protective meansContains chlorine, when applied, use protective means
  • Ceresit - a very popular brand of various mortars. Beneath it is produced and this is the remedy for mold.
Antiseptic Ceresit CT 99Antiseptic Ceresit CT 99
  • Dali - means a water-based, safe for humans and animals.
Often used for treating wood surfacesOften used for treating wood surfaces

Such drugs on the shelves in the stores, you can find dozens, if not hundreds. No problem with that. It is different: if you woke up in time, and the affected area is small, an amount of antiseptic completely useless. And given the fact that the price of such funds is quite high, does it make sense to buy them in this case?

I think no. You can do that there in every home. Choose:

White or any other chlorine bleachWhite or any other chlorine bleach
Vinegar or diluted vinegar essenceVinegar or diluted vinegar essence
Hydrogen peroxideHydrogen peroxide
Ammonia or ammoniaAmmonia or ammonia
Boric acidBoric acid

processing instruction prescribes drench solution contaminated sites, capturing the area in and around them, and leave to dry. Then the surface is cleaned with a brush and washed off with clean water.

The last stage - the remover antisepticThe last stage - the remover antiseptic

You must observe precautions:

  • Rubber gloves, and if the liquid with a pungent odor - in a mask;
  • Ventilate the area after treatment;
  • Take into account the aggressive properties of antiseptics. For example, hydrogen peroxide can be left on the surfaces of some white spots.

Full-scale hostilities

If mold is on the ceiling and walls of the large spots or a continuous layer, then the time since its introduction has passed very much. And pinpoint strikes can not do here, because it can penetrate everywhere. As they say surgeons - we cut it!

Eradicate the infection have radical methods, cleaning all surfaces on the trim to the ground, so how to get the fungus in the bathroom will not work otherwise.

Therefore, first of all remove all the coating:

Tiles, panels or paint on the wallsTiles, panels or paint on the walls
Whitewash from the ceiling, floorWhitewash from the ceiling, floor

Then carefully sweeping up all the trash and proceed to treatment. First clean the skin surface with a stiff brush and then sweep away the resulting waste.

Do not try to use a vacuum cleaner, Unless it is his last battle, after which he planned to go to landfill. By the way, broom and brush after renovation will also have to throw.

Mechanical cleaning of the walls of black moldMechanical cleaning of the walls of black mold

Since mold spores probably penetrated deep into the building structures, mechanical removal of them from the surface will not be enough. Requires chemical treatment by special means, which were discussed above.

It is desirable to apply antiseptic literally continuous layer on all surfacesIt is desirable to apply antiseptic literally continuous layer on all surfaces

Besides them at this stage can be used and tested drugs such as copper sulfate or bleach.

Powder blue vitriolPowder blue vitriol

Before putting the mold in a bath, the powder being prepared working solution by dissolution in water of 20-30 grams per liter substance. The same applies to the bleach in powder or tablet form. The solution of which is prepared according to package directions.

Chlorine tabletsChlorine tablets

It is very affordable and cheap, but at the same time a very toxic substance. Therefore, when working with them at all stages of the need to use a respirator or a wet gauze mask, gloves.

After such an attack probably mold back down, and you can start to repair. And so she did not come back again, try to consider the following practical tips:

  • Execute actions on venting and sufficient room heating described above, if necessary;
  • Before finishing the floor, walls and ceiling treat them special antifungal primer;
Primer Mil KillPrimer Mil Kill
  • Antiseptic can be added in tile adhesive or wallpaper, latex paint and whitewash;
  • Carefully powertrowel tile joints using only waterproof grout and seal the joint between the tub and walls with sealant.

If you do not repair their own hands, make sure that the hired workers observe these rules.


The war on mold - a complicated and expensive, especially if it does not start on time. But the victory is sure to be yours, if you do not hope for the best, and use all the means and methods available in the modern arsenal.

I tried to describe them as detailed as possible, and the video in this article will be an additional benefit. I paid attention to only those that can be harmful not only fungi, but also humans.

For example, I do not advise to use in your fight creosote. It is extremely effective, but also very toxic, and they treated the surface of harmful substances evaporate over time.

If you have anything to add, please comment.

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