How to remove blood from the mattress and fix the spots

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During general cleaning, be sure to take time to clean the mattress, as it may contain contaminants that are difficult to remove. It is especially difficult to remove blood stains, because they are immediately absorbed into the material and dry out.

Choosing the means and method of cleaning

have appeared. If the contamination is still fresh, you can try to clean the mattress with ordinary water or wet wipes. If the stains appeared long ago, in order to clean them, more effective means will be needed.

  • Dry Cleaning. If you do not have the time or desire to clean the mattress yourself, you can use the paid dry cleaning service.
  • Home dry processing. If the mattress material cannot be wetted, use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. But this method will be ineffective with old pollution.
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  • Wet cleansing. If the spot has long been absorbed and dried, try to remove it with tools that are easy to prepare at home by yourself. If home remedies do not help, you will need to purchase a special cloth cleaner in the store.

It is best to immediately remove fresh stains, since absorbed blood is very difficult to remove. If a solution is used to clean the mattress, it is necessary to apply it in doses so that the material does not soak through.

The blood coagulates in hot or warm water and is absorbed even deeper into the tissue, so only cool solutions should be used to remove it.

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How to remove fresh blood stains

If the blood stain on the mattress appeared quite recently, try removing it with running cool water. Wet the cloth in water and blot the material, and then apply a dry cloth to the dirt to remove excess moisture. It is impossible to rub the pollution, otherwise it will spread and saturate the mattress even deeper. Blot the stain until it can be completely washed, or the rag no longer absorbs blood.

Salt solution

Add 2 teaspoons salt to a glass of cool water. Pour the prepared liquid into the spray bottle. Spray the product for contamination, starting at the edge and gradually moving to the center so that the stain does not spread over a large area. Remove excess saline with a dry cloth. Remove residual salt with a damp cloth. Dry the area to be treated with a dry sponge or towel.

Water and dishwashing liquid

In cold water( 2 cups) add dish liquid( a tablespoon).Apply the finished product on a dirty surface and gently clean the mattress with a toothbrush. Blot this place with a sponge so that the solution is absorbed. Reapply the area if necessary.

Ammonia Solution

Add ammonia( tablespoon) to 0.5 cups of water. Pour the liquid into the spray bottle, apply it to the stain and wait 5 minutes. Apply a clean rag to the contamination without rubbing, and then repeat the procedure until the material is clean or the rag stops absorbing blood. First, blot the residues with a sponge, and then dry the treated area with a napkin.

3% hydrogen peroxide

This tool will help clean the dirt on the mattress, but it is used as a last resort, as it can bleach the fabric. Moisten the peroxide contamination, leave for 30-40 seconds, and then blot the area to be treated with a dry sponge. Repeat the procedure until the problem disappears. With a cloth moistened with cool water, remove the remaining solution. Rinse and dry the treated area with a towel.

Citric acid and tartar

Combine both components in a 1: 2 ratio, apply to the contaminated area. In order to remove the dirt from the first time, the solution must act for at least 10 minutes, after which it can be removed with a damp sponge.

Soda Solution

Add baking soda( one part) to a large container with cool water( two parts).Use a clean sponge to apply the mixture on the dirt and leave for half an hour. For thorough cleaning, wipe the cloth with a cloth moistened with cool water. You can try to remove the stain from the mattress with a mixture of soda and lemon juice. The finished gruel is applied to a damp cloth. When the mixture dries, wash it off with water, after which the mattress is well dried.


Dissolve an aspirin tablet in water and treat the impurities with the resulting solution.

Salt and lemon juice

Mix these products to make a pasty mixture. Apply the paste to the dirt, wait about an hour, then wash the fabric with water.

A solution of borax( boric acid)

Moisten the stains with a solution of borax, leave for a while, and then get rid of excess moisture with a napkin or cloth.

Before use, all tools must be tested to ensure that they do not spoil the material of the mattress.

How to remove old blood stains

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Some housewives know that you can clean the mattress of blood with a meat softener. This compound perfectly dissolves blood protein. To remove contaminants you need to make a mush: add one-to-one warm water to the softener. After this mass is applied to dried blood and gently rubbed it. The remains of gruel are removed with a damp cloth, the treated place is washed with water and allowed to completely dry the mattress.

It is very difficult to clean the mattress from stained blood, but it is undesirable to saturate the product with a solution through. The best solution is not to use a solution for removing stains, but a paste or foam.

To make a paste, you need corn starch( 2 tablespoons), salt( tablespoon) and hydrogen peroxide( a quarter cup).Apply the finished product on the fabric, let it dry completely, and then scrape off the excess with a spoon and vacuum the mattress.

The use of special tools for cleaning

If you could not bring out the old ingrained blood with the help of folk methods, you should try special chemical compounds. Vanish( Vanish) - the most popular tool that helps remove dirt from any surface. Products are manufactured in the form of a liquid and in the form of a powder. The powder is pre-mixed with water in an equal ratio. The prepared tool is applied to the spot, pre-moistened with water, and lightly rubbed with his fingers.

To remove the old blood stains, you need to leave the stain remover on the fabric for at least half an hour, then wash it thoroughly with cool water and dry the mattress thoroughly. It is necessary to use Vanish only in gloves, since the substances that it contains are harmful to the human body.

Frau Schmidt Stain Remover is not as popular, but also very effective, and also safe. Using the tool, you can remove stains from any type of fabric, even with very bright colors.

If you use the above tools correctly, you will not have to go to dry cleaning and risk the quality of the mattress fabric.

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