Children's electric toothbrush Oral-B Kids Vitality

  • Model Oral-B Kids Vitality
  • Equipment Oral-B Kids Vitality
  • Features Oral-B Kids Vitality
  • Pros and Cons Oral-B Kids Vitality

Many parents know how difficult it is to teach your child to need daily morning and evening brushingto keep them healthy.

It is especially difficult to control the process of such cleaning itself, if a child has an ordinary manual toothbrush, because it is not enough to simply move it in the teeth with toothpaste - you need to brush your teeth correctly, only in this case the expected result will be achieved.

The leading manufacturer of the best Oral-B electric toothbrushes on the market has found a solution to this global problem for most parents, creating a unique children's version of the Kids Vitality brush. Her cartoon design will not leave a child indifferent and will allow to teach her from childhood to the understanding that proper oral hygiene is the key to the health of the whole organism.

Oral-B Kids Vitality Model

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The Oral-B Kids Vitality Electric Toothbrush has become the children's version of the Oral-B Vitality product, which managed to win the love of customers thanks to its excellent cleaning properties.

Children's Model Oral-B Kids Vitality has a whole series of different cartoon drawings that allow you to choose an option for both girls and boys.

It is worth noting that this electric toothbrush is designed for children older than 3 years.

Parents can be calm for the safety of their offspring, since the body of the brush has protection against moisture ingress.

The mode of rotation of the brush head is selected taking into account the fact that the gums and enamel in young children are more sensitive, therefore, they should be cleaned carefully and delicately.

The built-in timer will help the kid and his parents ensure that the cleaning is done in the right amount of time.

The charging indicator on the body of the Oral-B Kids Vitality electric brush allows you to charge it.

Components Oral-B Kids Vitality

  • electric toothbrush
  • nozzle
  • charger
  • Guide

Properties Oral-B Kids Vitality

  • special soft cleaning mode that avoids producing damage to delicate baby dental enamel and gums
  • rubberized handle is firmly held in the handchild
  • Bright cartoon design and the ability to choose among several cartoon characters
  • Unique blue bristles blend as they wear out, letting parents know that it's time to seeCharge the
  • . Battery life is up to 30 minutes. This is enough for 5 days of brushing 2 times a day.
  • The light weight of the device at 250 grams allows the child to hold the brush in his hand without much effort while brushing the teeth.

Pros and cons Oral-B Kids Vitality


  • A bright and cheerful design that is undeniablechildren like
  • Light weight of the device
  • Cleans the teeth and the space between them from plaque and food debris
  • Delicately cleans delicate baby teeth
  • Built-in
  • timer Rubberized handle


  • The only mode of operation and correspondingenno,
  • speed CHECK

teeth pressure sensor Children Electric Toothbrush Oral-B Kids Vitality helps instill in children the habit from childhood to take care of the oral teeth to keep it beautiful, and most importantly healthy.

Oral-B Kids Vitality is truly one of the best children's electric toothbrushes, and it will give your child the level of oral care that he needs.

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