How to store nuts at home - 3 individual approaches


  • 1 Before the purchase
  • 2 Types of nuts and how to store them?
    • 2.1 Walnut
    • 2.2 Pine nut
    • 2.3 Hazelnut
  • 3 Summing up
Nuts - a storehouse of trace elements, in order to preserve them, you need to properly store the product.Nuts - a storehouse of trace elements, in order to preserve them, you need to properly store the product.

Cashew, almond, hazelnut, peanut, cedar, walnut, wood - they are all nutritious, tasty and healthy. Buying another handful, I decided to figure out how to store nuts. Sometimes you bring a fresh product home, and after 4–6 days, they already become prokorkshimi. Why? Let's figure it out together.

Before the purchase

Before you buy, be sure to check the appearance of the cores. The shell must be intact, free from mold. When shaking, there should not be loud sounds, and the nut should be heavy by weight.

You can buy an already purified product. But keep in mind, most often they are cleaned to hide external defects or try to extend the shelf life of the already spoiled product. Try a few kernels to taste.

You can not eat moldy nuts - it is dangerous for health.You can not eat moldy nuts - it is dangerous for health.
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Keeping nuts at home need to start with sorting them:

  1. Carefully enumerate the cores, check for cracks and chips. If the shell is whole - wash the future billet under running water and dry. Damaged shells should be removed and checked to see if the mold did not appear inside.

A simple way to check nuts: if a nut placed in water has surfaced, it is most likely empty or spoiled.

It is impossible to store whole kernels in plastic bags, they will start to choke and mold - only sealed packaging.It is impossible to store whole kernels in plastic bags, they will start to choke and mold - only sealed packaging.
  1. Now you need to remove excess moisture from the blanks.. To do this, lay them in a thin layer on the surface. Be sure to spread newspapers or paper towels and leave to dry in a dry place for a few days.

If you slightly dry the nuts in the oven, you can save some time. The main thing is not to overdo it - storage in fried form is not recommended.

After easy drying, nuts are easy to clean with your own hands.After easy drying, nuts are easy to clean with your own hands.
  1. Next, nuts must be placed in a container.. As a container you can use almost all containers made from natural materials. Suitable:
  • wicker baskets;
  • glass jars;
  • wooden and paper boxes;
  • canvas bags.

Choose a suitable container, put there already dried nuts and hide in a dark cool place. This method will keep the kernels at 612 months.

A plain glass jar for preservation or a bag is a great way to store walnuts in the shell.A plain glass jar for preservation or a bag is a great way to store walnuts in the shell.

Types of nuts and how to store them?

Since in nature there are a large number of varieties of nuts, it is not surprising that now you can buy even the most exotic species. Despite this, in our latitudes walnuts, pine nuts and hazelnuts are the most popular. I'll tell you about their storage in more detail.


Walnuts can be eaten raw, fried and even unripe. To keep a large number of cores in reserve, they need to be dried.

If you think about how to wash peeled nuts and whether it is necessary at all - leave this idea. After washing, you need to evaporate moisture, and this is a rather long process.

Therefore, I will explain how to dry walnuts in the ovenTo save time:

  1. Cover the baking tray with baking foil;
  2. Evenly distribute peeled nuts.on baking sheet - they should not touch each other;
  3. Bake a pan in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 ° C;
  4. Cool the cores and decompose in containers.

Kernels processed in the oven can be stored at 0... + 10 ° C. In a dry room, the shelf life will be one year, in the refrigerator - four years.

Pine nut

How to store pine nuts at home? Since the cedar kernels are 65% made of oils, it’s impossible to stock them up for the future. In order to use the most useful product, it is better to buy nuts in the late fall, immediately after harvest. Just in the middle of October they are actively collected.

Fresh pine nuts should be sweet to the taste.Fresh pine nuts should be sweet to the taste.

How to store and how to clean pine nuts at home:

  1. Fill the nucleus with water: cold - for a day, boiling water - for 15 minutes.
  2. At the expiration of time, remove the nuclei from the water and knock on the shell with a hammer. You can chop the shells with a splitter, garlic press or small pliers.
It looks like a nut cracker. This tool can be purchased at a hardware store.It looks like a nut cracker. This tool can be purchased at a hardware store.

Without shell, cedar kernels will remain for 12 years maximum. Unfortunately, this type of nuts gradually loses its beneficial qualities over time. To prevent the nuts from deteriorating and to remain as long as possible, pour them into a tin or glass jar and hide away from direct sunlight.

Pine nuts are better preserved in a glass container, sealed with a sealed lid.Pine nuts are better preserved in a glass container, sealed with a sealed lid.


The price of hazelnut is acceptable, and in stores it is usually sold raw. But how to dry unpeeled hazelnuts? To do this, place the kernels in the oven for 20 minutes at 120 ° C.

How to dry the nuts in the oven? Hazelnuts must lie in the oven for 20 minutes at 120 ° C.How to dry the nuts in the oven? Hazelnuts must lie in the oven for 20 minutes at 120 ° C.

The next question is how to peel a hazelnut? There are 3 ways. The instruction is presented in the table below:

Picture Ways
width = "300" Method 1. Hammer

Hazelnut kernels must be placed in a bag and tapped on top of a kitchen metal or wooden mallet.

width = "300" Method 2 Pliers

You need to grab the shell with the ends of the pliers and push it. The shell will crack quickly - this is the answer to the question of how to clean hazelnuts quickly.

width = "300" Method 3. Nut Cracker

Place the core in the notch of the tool and press down on the handles. The shell will break.

width = "300" Oven

If the nuts still give up poorly, put them in the oven for another 10 minutes. Then try to split one of the ways.

There are several options for storing hazelnuts:

  1. Unpeeled hazelnut can be stored for up to 1 year in the refrigerator and about 3 years in the freezer;
  2. Kernels without shell save harder. But if you observe the correct temperature conditions (+ 3... + 10 ° C) and humidity (10-14%), there will be no difficulties how to store peeled nuts at home.
Clay and glass containers in which peeled nuts are stored will not change their taste.Clay and glass containers in which peeled nuts are stored will not change their taste.

Summing up

You learned how to store and how to dry hazelnuts, walnuts and cedar, and you understood that each individual species needs an individual approach. The video in this article will show you the fastest and most effective methods for preserving nut kernels. For any questions, please contact the comments.

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