Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator for 3 conditions to keep useful qualities


  • 1 What conditions are necessary for the storage of honey
    • 1.1 Condition 1. Temperature
    • 1.2 Condition 2. Shine
    • 1.3 Condition 3. Humidity
  • 2 Containers for storage
  • 3 Output
Refrigerator - a usual place of storage products. But is it worth to keep it honey?Refrigerator - a usual place of storage products. But is it worth to keep it honey?

Most recently, I was surprised to learn that all life is wrong store honey. I keep it in the kitchen cupboard, standing at the radiators. And I am glad that he did not so quickly crystallizes, longer remaining liquid. And on the question of whether to store honey in the refrigerator, I would confidently answer: Of course not!

And just the other day, talking to a beekeeper, I realized how wrong was. Surely among the readers there will be many people who are just as wrong. So I decided to share their new knowledge.

What conditions are necessary for the storage of honey

Conditions of storage of the product are determined by parameters such as temperature, humidity and exposure to light. Each of them deserves separate consideration.

Condition 1. Temperature

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We tend to think that the honey itself is an excellent preservative, and can not deteriorate. Indeed, it contains enzymes that do not give bacteria to multiply. And in the first year of the fermentation process continues. But! Only if it is provided by storage at optimal temperature.

So at what temperature to store honey is best?

  • The best is the range from minus 6 to plus 20 degrees;
  • If it will be higher, vitamins contained in the product will be destroyed. As a result of accelerated fermentation, it starts to form a toxic substance hydroxymethylfurfural;
  • If the store honey in the refrigerator, it will quickly lose viscosityWill change its color and taste. But useful properties are preserved;
Photos fresh honey, a few weeks in a cool placePhotos fresh honey, a few weeks in a cool place
  • At temperatures above 40 degrees plus most of the vitamins is destroyed immediately. And you get a delicious, but virtually useless product. Often their own hands make it so by heating the frozen treat on a water bath;
  • Selecting the storage temperature, it is best not to change. This will adversely affect the crystallization - it will be uneven.

Thus, we can conclude that the temperature is too high much worse than low. So the answer to the question whether it is possible to store honey in the cold to be positive.

Best place - the refrigerator door, where the temperature is kept in the vicinity of 5 degreesBest place - the refrigerator door, where the temperature is kept in the vicinity of 5 degrees

Moreover, the same will be in the affirmative and the answer to the question, whether honey can freeze. He will be solid, but their useful qualities while hardly lose. Another thing is that there is simply no need.

Condition 2. Shine

The sun's rays are very harmful to the product, as inhibin destroy - the enzyme responsible for its antimicrobial properties.

Honey should not be kept in the lightHoney should not be kept in the light

Moreover, they are heated container. And we have already talked about the impact of high temperatures. Therefore, the guide recommends keeping this delicacy in opaque containers or simply in a dark place.

Condition 3. Humidity

Humidity - one of the indicators of maturity.

  • In the mature product is less than 21%And it can be stored at a temperature of 10-20 degrees;
  • In immature honey moisture content is above 21%And store it in a cool place only at a temperature up to 10 degrees.

This parameter is measured by a special device - a refractometer. If you are a true connoisseur of honey and buying it in large quantities with a margin for the year, such a desirable purchase the device. It helps to choose a quality mature product that is guaranteed not ferment.

Price refractometers for measuring humidity - about 3000 rublesPrice refractometers for measuring humidity - about 3000 rubles

But honey can absorb moisture from the environment, which leads to a deterioration in its quality and shelf life. Therefore, it must be tightly closed. This is necessary for another reason: in addition to product moisture and perfectly absorbs odors.

Containers for storage

Another important question: what is the best to store honey. Ideally, this should be a honeycomb, wax-sealed by the "producers". They just kept optimal regardless of the ambient temperature, and the moisture does not penetrate.

If you put the cell in a closed container or wrap film, honey in them retain their favor and taste a very long time.

Natural container - honeycombNatural container - honeycomb

But filled cell and difficult to buy, and to extract from them a treat problematic. Therefore, we will easier - look at the traditional options:

Picture Containers for storage

The most convenient packaging - glass jarsThe most convenient packaging - glass jars

Method 1. glass jars.

It is the most convenient dishes, because a bank is easy to pick up a tight lid. A shelf life of honey in a glass container very long.

Wooden kegs is beautiful and eco-friendlyWooden kegs is beautiful and eco-friendly

Method 2. wooden utensils.

It should be made of hardwood - linden, birch, alder. This is the perfect gift wrapping, and in an apartment such casks to create a cozy mood.

Previously, ceramic dishes with honey sealed with waxPreviously, ceramic dishes with honey sealed with wax

Method 3. Clay pots and jars.

Interesting, but not the most convenient option, as the tightly-closing lids are hard to find for them.

An excellent alternative to glass - plastic foodAn excellent alternative to glass - plastic food

Method 4. plastic containers.

One important condition: they must be made of high quality food grade plastic and have lids.

It is also a sweet treat can be kept in an enamel pot or stainless steel pot. But how much is stored honey at room temperature in such a tank will depend on the lack of chips and scratches on its inner surface.

And hereordinary metal utensils, even galvanized, not suitable. Honey will react with the material to oxidize it and to absorb harmful substances.

Metal packaging is only suitable for short-term use. It traders often bring a product to market for saleMetal packaging is only suitable for short-term use. It traders often bring a product to market for sale


Given all the above, it is possible to determine where best to store honey, based on your circumstances. If you live in a private home, you can keep it in a dry cellar or subfield. There, and suitable temperature and dark.

If this is not possible, fit the lower shelves of kitchen cabinets, facing away from heating appliances. Or insulated balcony.

But in the hot season it is better to put in the fridge. Or, just start to store there. Let the honey changes its taste and appearance, but will retain the useful properties.

My words are confirmed by the excellent video in this article. I would like to hear other opinions. They can voice comments.

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