How to use Vanisham for carpet cleaning

Carpet is one of the most important pieces of interior, but at the same time it is one of the most rapidly contaminated, so you have to carry out general cleaning sooner or later to get rid of dust and household stains. In the leadership positions among cleaning products at home, Vanish has long been strengthened - a universal tool for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture from stains of various nature. At the same time, the hostess will not have to devote a whole day to cleaning, as you can clean the carpet with Vanisham very quickly and at the same time effectively.

What you need to do

The use of any cleaning agent at home begins with reading the instructions; in this case, Vanish is no exception. In the manual you can read how to properly use the carpet cleaner, are there any nuances regarding the material from which the interior is made, etc. In this case, it is better not to rush, because if you do everything right, you can handle the cleaning much faster, and there is less chance of damaging the coating.

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After the instruction has been studied, you can proceed to the cleaning itself. The first thing you need to rid the carpet of dust settled on it, it is best to knock it out in the fresh air, in extreme cases, you can use a vacuum cleaner. Only vacuuming the carpet is necessary on both sides to remove all dirt particles, otherwise new spots and stains may appear during wet cleaning.

After this, the necessary inventory should be prepared:

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  • liquid or Vanish powder for carpets;
  • a large sponge that you will only use for cleaning or a clean brush with bristles of medium hardness;
  • cleaning gloves;
  • pelvis or deep tank.

In the pelvis, dilute the Vanish for carpets with warm water in a ratio of 1: 9 and mix well until a thick foam is formed. You should try to get it as much as possible, because the cleaning is done with foam, not with an aqueous solution. After that you need to use a sponge or brush to evenly distribute the foam on the carpet, gently rubbing it into the pile. In the process, large debris can settle on the sponge, it must be cleaned in a timely manner so as not to impede the process. If the foam settles in the pelvis, it is enough to whip the water again and continue cleaning with a new foam.

Rubbed Vanish for carpet is better in circular motions, so it can capture all the dirt particles.

After that, you need to leave the foam soak for a while with the window open. It is difficult to say how long it will take, everything will depend on the material from which the coating is made. However, too zealous, too, is not worth it, excessive moisture only hurts the subject of the interior.

As a final step, the carpet must be vacuumed by removing the foam from it along with the dirt. To do this, it is better to perform smooth movements with a brush of a vacuum cleaner, without pressing it too hard, so as not to spread dust across the carpet. After that, you need to give the carpet to dry completely, as there may still be moisture residues in the pile.

Old stained stains can also be removed using Vanish for carpets at home, without dry cleaning. To do this, a few minutes before applying the foam, you need to pour the concentrated agent cap onto the stain.

Useful Recommendations

In order to always look like a carpet, and the cleaning process at home does not take much time and effort, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  1. Vacuum the coating 1 - 2 times a week, the more time you spend in the room, the more often you need to carry out such cleaning, even if you do not see obvious pollution. Preventive cleaning Vanisham for carpets can be carried out 1 time per month.
  2. To check how the material reacts to the cleaning agent, you need to put it on a small inconspicuous area of ​​the coating and wait a few minutes. If the color does not fade, and the pile remains unchanged, you can apply a cleaning gel on the entire carpet.
  3. It is best to use Vanish immediately after a stain has been planted on the carpet. Old stains are much harder to remove, sometimes it can only be done by specialized cleaning companies that use aggressive products.
  4. Use Vanish with caution if someone in the household is allergic to household chemicals. Residues in the pile of the carpet after cleaning can cause a negative reaction of the body.
  5. If you fail to remove the stains at home, you can take the carpet to dry cleaning, where professionals can effectively remove even old stains and return the coating to its original look.
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