Rules for storing raisins at home

Dried grapes, called raisins, are sweet in taste and very healthy. It seems that storing raisins is not difficult, but there are some secrets here as well. Let us understand the rules for storing raisins at home in order to prevent the formation of mold in it and prevent the occurrence of harmful insects.

Types of raisins

Depending on the grape variety of which the raisins are made, it is divided into four types:

  • Kishmish, or Sabza, is small, light and seedless.
  • Light raisin medium size with one bone.
  • Large raisins with a few bones.
  • Shigani, bidana or kinnika - dark color, can be different in taste.

As the moisture evaporates during drying, the concentration of sugar in the dried fruit increases. In dried grapes, sugar is 8 times more than fresh, so it is stored for a long time.

Buy raisins in a transparent package, or better by weight. So you will see what condition it is in, feel the smell, be able to hold it in your fingers and even taste it. Light varieties are usually treated with sulfur, so they must be soaked before eating.
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Dry crumbly raisins without the smell of mold, without harmful larvae are considered as high-quality, and it will be well kept at home. Be sure to attend the stem, indicating the highest grade.

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Storage containers

Raisins should be stored, like other dried fruits, in a dark, dry, non-hot place. At your home, he will be able to maintain useful properties for 6 months. We offer several storage options:

  • glass jar;
  • tin box;
  • plastic bag;
  • paper bag;
  • cloth bag;
  • plastic storage container in the refrigerator.

The container must be tightly closed so that the food moth or other pest could not get inside. If you want to sew a bag for storing dried fruits out of fabric, you will have to periodically check that omnivorous larvae do not start there.


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The longest amount of dried fruit in a tightly tied pouch at home at about 0 ° C and low humidity is the longest at home.

If you use a glass jar, then close it with a paper rather than a plastic lid, tightly tie the neck with a thread or an elastic band. This will allow the berries to breathe, prevent mold.

When storing at home, stir the raisins once a week so that the moisture is evenly distributed. In general, it is not worth stocking up with a large number of dried fruits. Buy as much as you can in the next 2-3 months.

Preparing to use

Before you have a raisin, you should at least wash it. Light-amber-looking varieties acquire such a color due to the treatment with a sulfur compound — a preservative; therefore, they are recommended to be soaked.

If the dried fruits were treated with paraffin or oils that prevent the berries from sticking together, then a resistant glossy film is formed on the peel. It should be rinsed with hot water at a temperature of about +70 ° C, pouring the berries in a sieve or colander. Then the berries are washed with warm water and only then eaten.

Raisins can be soaked in a weak solution of alcohol, in rum and wine. From this he gets a pleasant aroma. Berries are added to cheese casseroles, desserts, muffins and other pastries.

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