The principle of operation of the microwave oven

Not thinking about electromagnetic compatibility. Wi-Fi interferes with the radio telephone, cellular communication often stops working near a microwave oven. The vast majority of household appliances emit electromagnetic waves, and at similar frequencies. To illustrate, take a television channel. Takes a certain bandwidth. The interference gets, distortions of the image of casual character turn out. Sometimes it is not clear what is happening on the screen. All devices that receive and transmit information work in a similar way. Now consider the principle of operation of a microwave oven, why it is important to observe electromagnetic compatibility with Wi-Fi. Surely, in order to fry a chicken, you will have to send or receive information.

Basics of the microwave oven

The fundamental principle of a microwave oven does not imply the transmission or reception of information, it involves the emission of a 2.4 GHz frequency, which gave the device its name. The wavelength is a fraction of a centimeter. Small, and the oven was called a microwave. Many instruments use a 2.4 GHz band. Why, why create compatibility issues?

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Something like a state radio frequency inspection has been created in the country. The enthusiast is not recommended to assemble the microwave oven independently from the “stray” magnetron of a medieval circular review station. The military will be happy, an extra star on the epaulets( for the capture).In the west, perhaps, they will intelligibly explain why it is quietly put in peacetime at combat frequencies in peacetime. Turned out as if caught supersuppion, wanted to disrupt the combat power of a great power. Especially if a self-taught person lives in a backwater where saboteurs have never been known. Much easier than cutting off drug traffic, there is no chance of stepping on a sore corn lump( local tubercle).The number of stars can not only increase. ..

This is interesting! Before the catastrophe, the radio operators of the Titanic had a lively conversation with the passing vessels. Since the air was filled with jokes, the neighbors refused to believe the distress signals( transferred 3-5 times).The German nearest vessel, offended by attacks on Germany, did not change its direction. Others came to the frosty crash site in the morning, late.

Why rigidly divide the ranges. Let the military take electromagnetic oscillations. Second-rate frequencies are distributed to the communications of aviation, railways, courts, police, where it is vital to hear each other from a distance. Third-rate frequencies, be calm, sold to satellite broadcasting, radio, television. The fourth grade is available for free. A pair of frequencies in the region of 450 MHz, lower line. Read more in the VHF antenna with your own hands. Transmitter power is limited. As for the microwave ovens, the units, like most representatives of household appliances, are included in the third grade, will remain, while fighting on the ground, they want to go somewhere.

A reader has a question mark in his head more than the Eiffel Tower. Why there is austerity in separation. Everyone wants to live well, do a minimum of work. Part of the third-rate frequencies sold, there are radio stations of large enterprises, railways. Transmitter power is still limited, the state maintains strict control. The desire to live due to the peculiarities of the organization of the universe.

Radio waves of different length extend over different distances( not due to the transmitter's power), some are absorbed by the atmosphere, fog, the ozone layer. The frequency is 2.4 GHz, which allows microwave ovens to work. The wave, having passed the cloud, loses the lion's share of power. Neighboring ranges of white-maned horses are not noticed. Features of the organization of the universe. Let physicists tackle the question of wave resonance.

People, the manufacturers of microwave ovens turned out to be a gift: the 2.4 GHz radio wave gives off some of the energy to water. Food is largely formed by life-giving fluid, it is rained, it fills the oceans. Having placed food in a shielded box, launching an electromagnetic wave of 2.4 GHz frequency, we activate the magic mechanism for heating food. The effect backs the operating principle of the microwave.

Microwave and Human Health

Heard about the induction method of melting metals in vacuum. The microwave oven works in a similar way, the principle of operation is based on the transfer of energy to the wave food. In the thickness of the product are induced processes, lively warming snacks - the fastest way today to get hot. Workers servicing the equipment undergo periodic medical examinations by the hazard factor Ionizing radiation. Avoid unnecessarily encouraging readers. Rumor has it, scientists put a glass of water in the microwave for a while, and tried to get frost later. Instead of beautiful, even snowflakes it turned out to be rubbish: the growth of crystals is disturbed. The conclusion is made: microwave ovens will not serve health promotion, since processes in the body are similar to the formation of ugly ice crystals.

Scientifically proven fact by Swiss scientists. Still, billions of people continue to use microwaves, do not complain. A rare chef uses the appliance for cooking, many are eager to warm up. While there are disputes whether the microwave is harmful, the principle of operation is used in everyday life.

American Percy Spencer noticed the ability of microwave radiation to heat objects, not thinking about the dangers, health benefits. They say that a chocolate bar was melted in a scientist’s pocket( he carried a snack).So broadcast commercials. But according to some reports, the West after World War II gained access to the technical discoveries of fascist Germany. Microwave - another brainchild. For what purposes the fascists used, it remains a mystery - the harm is unconditional, we give two weighty arguments:

  1. Experts of the domestic laboratory divided ordinary water into two parts. One was boiled with an electric kettle, the other with a microwave. For the experiment were selected two identical violets. Each plant was watered with its water. After a week, the violet that received the moisture that had passed through the microwave began to show signs of fading. The amount of fluid was the same. Conclusions do.
  2. Chicken meat cooked in a microwave is similar in composition to a human body. It is useful to think about the following fact. To prevent the radiation from leaving the device, a metal mesh is applied on the glass door. Check reliability is simple. Put the cellular phone in the switched off microwave oven( with the plug inserted into the socket), call. The signal has passed - the effectiveness of protection is low. Cell phones use a frequency of 2 GHz, the distribution features resembles 2.4 used by a microwave.

We advise you to try the protection in the store. Desperate to find a microwave oven with high-quality protection - avoid approaching when food is being cooked. Milk to babies to warm with microwave radiation is strictly prohibited. It is dangerous to bake pregnant women.

High-frequency radiation affects the functioning of a number of systems of the human body: nervous, immune. Not without consequences for hematopoietic, sexual. A microwave oven is a device whose principle of action involves dangerous mechanisms. Use caution when using the device.

Insides of the microwave oven

The military personnel of the air traffic units smiles sparingly when they hear the word magnetron. Such a thing causes the radar to emit bursts of pulses that scan the space. Some birds make their nests using a grid of antenna reflectors, while emitters die. Cooked chicken eggs in the microwave. ..

Ptahi fly away after a bad experience. The schematic diagram of the microwave oven contains the following elements:

  • magnetron( the heart of the device);
  • working chamber with a rotating podium;
  • waveguide connects the magnetron antenna with the food compartment;
  • metal case with a protective door;
  • formation voltage supply circuit, the heating current of the electrodes.

The rest is as simple as two and two. The magnetron generates high-frequency oscillations, the waveguide energy is delivered to the food compartment. Induced currents due to the oscillations of molecules( water) heat up some food. To prevent fat drops and other dirt from getting inside the waveguide, the exit is covered with mica. Dielectric material, does not prevent the passage of radio waves. We want to point out the need to cover food with a cap that comes in the kit. A lot of fat will fall on mica, there will be a breakdown. A terrible crash will be heard, you will see the electric arc flare when the waveguide goes into the compartment. The mechanism of energy transfer to water is considered unproven, plays the role of a hypothesis.

Gathered to do the repair of the microwave oven with their own hands, we will recommend to carry out our plans. Inside the high-frequency voltage up to 10 kV, cracks down on those who want to climb inside themselvesOnly an experienced electrician will cope with the task, it is not necessary to talk about a simple voltage pattern hiding in the depths of the device.

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