Optimum temperature in the refrigerator

Freshness zone exists for a reason. It is ridiculous to recall the first three-chamber Nord refrigerators( with condensate in the freon current path), where one compartment made it possible to set the temperature close to zero. In the post-Soviet space, nonsense, since the milk was kept in plastic containers, cans, meat - freezers, vegetables - pallets, fruit - on the door, everyone was happy. Today, when the West came, we learned why zero is sometimes the optimal temperature. Soviet designers adhered to GOST: there are two modes - +2 - +5;-18 - -24 degrees Celsius. This is what regulations require to store food products. Laws are silent about the existence of a freshness zone. What is the optimum temperature in the refrigerator withstand?

Freshness Zones, Temperature Regimes

Today the term is quite popular, let us work to uncover the concept of freshness zone. Usually purchased products purchased for the holiday, an event scheduled a couple of days later. Use the food immediately will bother, the cooking process will begin later. The time will come X - defrosting the meat will not be done by hand, uncomfortable, it may take a lot of time. The zone of freshness is excellent for chefs, with zero degrees Celsius bacterial growth slowed down.

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Products retain their original appearance, the freshness is quite a long time. There is no fact of freezing of drinks, or the phenomenon of short-term. Low-temperature refrigerator - great! Meat keeps juiciness, easy to work. Why not keep products in such conditions? We think the answer is known only to technologists of the food industry( GOST indicates the storage time, determined by conditions, temperature).Cottage cheese, being frostbitten, becomes crumbly, tasteless. Whether useful properties are lost, I don’t bother to say, the pleasure of the meal disappears completely. Black caviar is not recommended to freeze, the ideal temperature is 2-4 degrees Celsius. Therefore, place in a zone of freshness, avoid.

Bacteria, sensing the approach of zero, cease to multiply. Lowering the temperature inhibits metabolic processes. Some products are stored in conditions of 5 degrees Celsius, but some varieties require increased attention. This was the reason for the emergence of zones of freshness.

We refer to the standard, we see: the shelf life of beef at a temperature of -1 degree is 8 days. In the freezer the product is 8 months at a temperature of -18. .. -24 degrees. Feel the difference? The product is frozen to lay longer. If you look closely, the freezer and the refrigerating chamber correspond to the recommendations of GOST.Made to unify the rules of storage. The manufacturer, knowing the possibilities of home refrigerators, provides the package with instructions on how much the product lies in a fitable form.

The temperature of the refrigerating chamber is equal to the requirements of the standards, otherwise the seller will not be able to tell how long the safe storage period will be( when to write off the goods).The phenomenon will entail discrepancies at the judicial level. A poisoned plaintiff is powerless to prove a violation of storage conditions if there is a refrigerator at home, the temperature inside of which is very different from that prescribed by the manufacturer. In order not to swim against the tide, brands, despite the endless civil strife, on the maintenance of regimes show an enviable unanimity.

It remains to add that the freshness zones are equipped with sealed containers for storing products, ensuring the preservation of products twice as long. Why do I avoid building a refrigerator, guided by a unified scheme. Some foods are afraid of freezing. The temperature will cross the freezing point of water, consumer quality will deteriorate. You will find an open pack of cheese, a cut off sausage stick - it is recommended to place it in a freshness zone.

Suitable products Freshness zone:

  • Meat, fish.
  • Fruits, vegetables.
  • Bread.
  • Cheese, sausage.
  • Tomato sauces, pastes.

Beer put there beware, especially living. Capricious to storage conditions. It is also allowed to keep soda, similar drinks, and vodka in the Freshness Zone.

How to maintain the set temperature of the refrigerator

A modern refrigerator works by implementing freon cycles. The aggregate state of the refrigerant changes as follows:

  1. Compression;
  2. Condensation;
  3. Extension;
  4. Evaporation.

In order to provide four aggregative states, four types of devices in the composition of the refrigerator have been invented:

  1. Compressor;
  2. Condenser( condenser);
  3. Capillary Tube;
  4. Evaporator.

We think everyone heard about the compressor. The evaporator and condenser are represented by metal coils, inside of which freon circulates in different state of aggregation. Here is the absorption, the heat. Evaporators behind the rear walls of the freezer, refrigerator. The condenser is located behind the body of the refrigerator. Metal grille improves heat dissipation.

An interesting element - the capillary tube. The product is made of metal: aluminum, steel, copper. Inner diameter 0.5 mm. Provides a low speed of passage of freon.

The temperature is not measured inside the refrigerator, but on the evaporator. The designers have calculated the climatic conditions, modes. The temperature in the refrigerator corresponds to a fixed value of the parameter on the evaporator.

Temperature measurement schemes are different. Today, special thermal switches are used. Mechanical( formed by bellows), electronic( thermistors, thermotransistors, thyristors act as a sensor).Historically, the first appeared designs using bellows, representing externally hermetic metal corrugated containers of cylindrical shape. The working medium of the thermal relay is freon, turning into a gas by the evaporator, causing the device to trip.

Electronic circuits are much more durable, they require electricity to operate. Moreover, 230 volt sockets for these purposes will not work, so refrigerators will have to get transformers. However, for models with inverter compressors, this is not a problem. The name itself says: inside there are two stages( complex) of electric current conversion.

Thus, the electronic temperature sensor of the refrigerator today looks more appropriate than the antediluvized bellows device. Equipment deprived of electricity will not work.

Determine the temperature of the refrigerator

What is the temperature in the refrigerator? In the old models will have to trust the thermostat and compressor. We set the preset mode, the technician fulfills the set program. You can navigate by the presence of ice in the freezer, drops( tears) on the back of the refrigerator. Seen means: the process is less than planned. Excess water is collected, an overgrown pan is covered with ice - it is time to think about maintenance.

As for modern electronic refrigerators, many have a special LCD screen next to regulators, constantly displaying the necessary service information. It is even said that dim blue light helps the host in the dark to achieve the desired stick of sausage. At least until the internal lighting of the refrigerating chamber turns on.

In addition to the flexible regulation, there are pre-fixed modes. The temperature in the Atlas refrigerator during the transition to Storage is fixed. Advanced technology will offer something interesting to travel lovers. For example, Vacation mode. The temperature of the freezer and refrigerator compartment is higher than the nominal temperature, but lower than room temperature. Calculated to minimize bacterial growth. Unpleasant smell carries a microbial background. The special coating of the chamber, including silver ions that suppress the growth of bacteria, helps to eliminate the problem.

Who needs it? Evaluate the smell coming out of the refrigerator, which was turned off. Caused by bacteria that cannot be removed with any detergent. No matter how hard the hostess tried, the living colony will remain in the corner. Returning from vacation, the owners of the refrigerator will receive a warm welcome. Unpleasant smell. Bacteria spores contain kitchen air, flora will begin to multiply, exhilarated by the lack of light( the Sun kills wildlife, including helminth eggs).

Finishing the story, we hasten to publish the novelty of the market - the gas refrigerator. It works, powered by electricity in the usual manner, only the mains current is gone, it is powered by gas. An ordinary bottle is connected to the refrigerator through a hose, the equipment freezes until the lights are on. Convenient to give, where there is no electricity. Using gas, prepare food, the refrigerator freezes at the expense of blue fuel. Cylinders fill the certified points. Car use beware. It is forbidden to supervisors to fill gas cylinders.

The optimum temperature for refrigerators is maintained in this model. There is no compressor behind the rear wall, most likely the device works on the principle of adsorption. In such refrigerators, to make freon move, heating elements are used. Equipment spends more electricity, but it can receive heat from a burning gas. Very comfortably. In addition, there is a small device for generating current, so even in the absence of voltage in the network, the refrigerator not only freezes, but also illuminates the inside. You can even read a book while you get the products.

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