Garden garlands made in China

Light garlands are most often associated with the New Year holidays. Figures of deer, stars and shimmering rain, undoubtedly, are more suitable for the winter season. However, designers believe that a gazebo or an open veranda in the country can also be decorated with light elements.

On warm summer evenings, the whole family gathers at a large dinner table to discuss the latest news, plans for the coming days, or just play board games.

The ideal dacha gatherings lack only comfort, for the creation of which amusing “knitted” balls, multi-colored light bulbs, fluttering butterflies and delicate roses are perfect.

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On the Internet, you can easily find the appropriate lamps for the description. Often in the shops you can see festoons working on solar batteries. The cell with the battery is installed in the “sunniest” place on the site.

The cable length is usually from 12 to 22 meters, so with colorful butterflies or dragonflies you can decorate an arbor, porch or railing on the veranda.

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The main advantage of a garden garland is the absence of power consumption. Decorative lamps do not require special control or care from the owner. No weather conditions will affect the performance of summer lamps without wiring.

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The simplest festoon for a solar garden in a domestic online store will cost 1500-2000 rubles. Similar products on AliExpress win in price, but inferior in quality.

The main disadvantages of the garlands of the Middle Kingdom: a small length of wire and a modest modification. Summer lamps are working with ordinary batteries. For example, complete with colorful butterflies( 40 rubles for 1 piece) are supplied with LR1130 batteries, and for a bouquet of multi-colored roses or knitted balls it is recommended to purchase standard AA batteries in advance.

The above disadvantages are compensated by a low price - an average of 300 rubles per item. Customer reviews point out the full compliance of the goods with the description, decent workmanship, and even the availability of spare light elements, but without marriage, of course, is not enough. Sometimes, due to poor packaging, decorative elements are deformed, and individual light bulbs do not work.

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Garden garlands bought on AliExpress cannot be installed outdoors due to the danger of water contact damage. Buyers agree that decorative lamps from China with constant use are unlikely to last longer than one season.

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