Meatlider Fertilizer - What Is It and How to Apply?

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I have been using the technology of growing vegetables in narrow beds for the second year. I did not notice a special increase in yield, although the method is very convenient, especially for my small area. I heard that in addition to narrow beds it is necessary to apply fertilizers with a certain composition of trace elements. Tell me, what is fertilizer according to Mitlayder and how should it be applied?

The method of growing vegetables according to Mitlayder has long been actively used by gardeners. The key points of this method are the specific arrangement of the beds, at which the width of the aisles is twice as wide as the distance between the two beds. Narrow beds allow you to collect a decent crop from a small area, while for them it is very convenient to care for.

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However, the main secret of crop cultivation consists of two specific feedings:

  • at the pre-planting stage during preparation of the soil for planting;
  • during the growing season.

The question of what fertilizer is according to Mitlayder can be answered like this - these are two mixtures of trace elements of different composition that are used to feed the plants at a certain stage.

The first mixture is calcareous

It is intended for leveling the acidity level of the soil and enriching it with calcium. For acidic soil, the following composition is used: lime, chalk and dolomite flour in equal amounts( 5 kg) and 40 g of boric acid.

For alkaline soil, instead of lime, 5 kg of gypsum( or potassium sulfate) must be added to the mixture.

The second mixture is the mineral

. It is intended for fertilizing garden crops during the growing season. In a slightly modified version it is used for fertilizing seedlings of vegetables.

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To prepare a mixture for fertilizing adult plants, you should mix:

  1. Azofosku - 420 g.
  2. Kalimag - 280 g.
  3. Urea - 190 g.
  4. Superphosphate - 110 g.
  5. Boric acid - 2 g.

5 and 6 items should be added to the mixture intended for feeding seedlings, 3 and 4 g, respectively, instead of the proportions indicated. The main composition remains the same.

How to apply the mixture?

When preparing the beds for planting vegetables on the soil surface, it is necessary to sprinkle fertilizers consisting of both mixtures:

  • 450 g of lime mixture;
  • 225 g - mineral mixture.

The bed must be dug up after fertilizing.

In the future, only the second mineral mixture is used for plant nutrition. Once a week, it should be scattered on the surface of the earth between two rows inside a narrow bed. On average, 1 m length of the beds with vegetables need 60 g of the mixture.

A special feature of the use of fertilizers during the growing season is that they are used only for application to the soil, which is then plentifully and regularly watered. Preparation on their basis of solutions for root feeding is not provided.

Mitlayder plant fertilizing program -

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