Let's talk about which gas instantaneous water heater to buy, we recommend to look at the forums. There, unlucky models are scolded far and wide. In secret, flowing gas water heaters are similar to each other, like twin brothers. Consequently, it should be chosen on the basis of trifles. You will see both expensive and budget solutions, we will show you how to search.
How to search for a gas instantaneous water heater
It is useful to start with an estimate of the All-Russian range of proposals. Let's look at the parameters, the Yandex-Market online resource is convenient.
In the query box, enter the key "water heaters".Transfer the required subsection http: //market.yandex.ru/ catalogmodels.xml? CAT_ID = 119582 & hid = 90575 & text =% D0% B2% D0% BE% D0% B4% D0% BE% D0% BD% D0% B0% D0% B3%D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B2% D0% B0% D1% 82% D0% B5% D0% BB% D0% B8 & srnum = 28234.Notice the two drop-down menus below.
- In the type of water heater put the flow.
- In the Heating method field, select Gas.
Gas instantaneous water heaters are often called columns. It happened from Soviet times, when the form of the device resembled columns - from floor to ceiling.
Let us clarify that the price strongly depends on the control method. In electronic models, precise temperature control. The rest of the differences are minimal, for example, electronic ignition. Whether you want to find a high voltage potential in the bathroom, think for yourself, prepare batteries for the most intelligent models. Cheap built on mechanical automation, equipped with three degrees of protection, no one complains. How the safety is controlled by the device:
- First, the removal from the dome of the combustion chamber to the pilot group is made to indicate the presence of reverse thrust. When carbon dioxide enters the burner through the burner due to the inability to escape into the atmosphere, the pilot fire goes out, destroying the potential of the thermocouple. This causes the gas valve to shut off.
- The second stage of protection is burning control. Told in the previous paragraph. Once the pilot light goes out, the thermocouple of the pilot burner loses its potential. The gas supply valve is shutting down.
- The third protection is more subtle. If there is no running water, the gas heater is idling, a special valve cuts off the supply of blue fuel to the main burner. Pilot fire continues to burn.
You see that every conceivable trouble is foreseen, there is protection. These are not additional options, but the necessary minimum for the normal functioning of a fire hazardous device. In electronic water heaters, the protection stages are the same, but implemented differently. Of course, the device will not turn on if the battery is low, warning in advance. Read more about the display in the description, for each device the technique is unique. Let's talk about the parameters. For a complete list, click the All Settings link in the lower right corner of the page.
Parameters of gas instantaneous water heaters
Fuel Type
The pipes supply natural gas or propane-butane from underground storage facilities in the area. Blue fuel is supplied in volatile form. Maybe at home do not use local. Modern composite cylinders are safe from an explosion point of view. Gas inside in liquid form - to fit more. Pay attention to the 10% air supply inside. Needed to prevent an explosion. As the temperature rises, the gas expands, and the airbag dampens the effect. This is important when finding cylinders in the sun.
Liquid gas is inexpensive. Already estimated the cost and mentioned that using a balloon instead of electricity is profitable. The only difficulty in installing a gas instantaneous water heater in the removal of combustion products. Do not use ventilation.
From what has been said, it turns out that in order to give you need models with the ability to work on liquefied gas. Separate gas instantaneous water heaters, like stoves, are transferred from one type of supply to another. For details, see the description of the product and ask the consultants.
Maximum water heating temperature
The characteristics of gas instantaneous water heaters allow you to limit the maximum temperature of water heating. It is clear that it is sometimes convenient to wash without mixing the streams. In this case, indoor wiring is simplified. We add that the minimum flow rate is determined by the structure of the protective valve, the temperature will be maximum. A significant role is played by the power of the burner. The final result depends on two parameters. Do not think that there is a special sensor inside the column that measures the temperature. The design is calculated on the speed of the fluid. Of course, the method does not differ in accuracy, but it is simple and convenient. In winter, the water is slightly colder.
Smart models regulate the flow rate and power of the burner. It turns out the desired temperature( including the maximum).Do not look for a similar device for a small price. By the way, the lower the water temperature, the less scale, which means that maintenance will not have to be carried out often. Consider if you live in a region with hard water.
Rated power
The advantages of gas instantaneous water heaters are more powerful than electric ones. This is tens of kW.To properly wash, enough 8 kW( even if the water is not diluted).Preferring the choice of a gas instantaneous water heater as opposed to an electric one, we obtain an excellent device for carrying out shower procedures.
Performance is directly related to power. The moderate consumption in the shower is 5 liters per minute.
. Type of combustion chamber.
The flowing gas water heater uses room or street air. In the first case, the combustion chamber is called open. The only plus is that there is no need to lay a duct through the walls and floors. Manufacturers of gas instantaneous water heaters are aware of this, selected models offer the advantages of using in two versions. Put the device as required, do not worry. To search for such a hybrid, when you tick the Yandex Market, a pop-up window appears on the side of the mouse pointer with a hint. Select the closed type of the firebox, then see if there is a model in the open. Matching means you can change the installation option.
In a group with a closed firebox, you can carefully read the description.
Minimum and maximum water pressure
When deciding which gas instantaneous water heater to buy, we do not recommend paying attention to the minimum pressure. If the research light is burning inside, be aware that in the water supply there is usually 3 atm. Equalize to the specified value. As for the maximum, in new buildings the parameters differ from the standard ones. Ask servicing pumps where pressure gauges are. If the working pressure is exceeded, the gas instantaneous water heater will simply burst.
Gas control
We talked about the degree of protection. Telling what kind of gas instantaneous water heaters are, they mentioned that control is everywhere. But the Yandex Market claims the opposite( judging by the option).Check on your own, in our opinion, the equipment in this case should not be allowed even to the counter Rospotrebnadzor. Disadvantages of gas instantaneous water heaters are obvious: no one wants to take off into the air.
Do not modify the gas instantaneous water heater. It is illegal and dangerous.