Heating Private wooden house without gas: the best ways of organizing

Natural gas is the most economical way of heating the wooden cottage. Fuel is among all other alternatives differs cheapness, and boilers on it - the utmost ease of use.

But how to arrange a private house without heating gas, because not everywhere is the main gas pipelines? What are the alternatives to this fuel? Which option is most advantageous? Answers will find us in the presented article.

The content of the article:

  • Methods for heating company in the cottage
  • Alternative gas: the choice of water heating boiler
    • Option # 1: Solid fuel
    • Option # 2: liquid fuel
    • Option # 3: Electricity
  • How else can heat a wooden house?
    • Variants of infrared heating
    • Heat pumps as a useful complement
    • Solar energy and wind turbines
  • The most economical option heating
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Methods for heating company in the cottage

The most common in domestic country houses autonomous home heating system is water. As used therein the coolant water heated in the boiler or furnace. After heating it by means of panels and pipes gives a warm room, creating in them a comfortable environment.

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Heating systems according to the heaters circuits are divided into:

  • monotube - a series connection of radiators, according to which the coolant is supplied and output from the apparatus via a pipe;
  • Two-pipe - with flow and return and the series circuit connection of devices to the pipes, according to which the coolant is supplied to the instrument one tube and the other is given.

Both types of heating systems are the upper and lower wiring type. A first embodiment provides for feeding pipe laying location above the coolant host device, the second, respectively, below.

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Heating with forced movement

According to the type of movement of the coolant in the heating circuit, all systems are divided into gravity (with the natural movement of the coolant) and pump (positive) varieties

Fragment heating with natural type movement

In Schemes natural (gravitational) type coolant spontaneously moves through tubes to the instrument. The circulation (pump) systems stimulates the movement of the heated water pump

Blind embodiment heating assembly

In the direction according to which moves the heated coolant and return pipes, the heating circuits are divided into the stub, as shown in the photo, and passing. The first flow in different directions, the second - in one

One-pipe heating system species

According to the number of pipes connected to radiators, systems are divided into one- and two-pipe. In one-pipe heat transfer fluid moves through a single pipe

Species-pipe heating systems

The two-pipe heating systems for the delivery pipe (feed), the heated coolant moves on the return pipe (return pipe) moves ostyvshaya water to the boiler

Heating circuit wiring with upper feed pipe

For location of the pipe supplying coolant to the heated apparatus, the heating circuits are divided into the types of the upper and lower bussing

Radiation heating circuit structures

Following the procedure of construction of heating systems, they are divided on the collector and the tee. The collector types to each of the devices supplied own supply and return pipes

Tee circuit construction of the heating system

In embodiments of tee constructions assembly is made sequentially heating systems, i.e. radiators are connected one after the other

Heating with forced movement

Heating with forced movement

Fragment heating with natural type movement

Fragment heating with natural type movement

Blind embodiment heating assembly

Blind embodiment heating assembly

One-pipe heating system species

One-pipe heating system species

Species-pipe heating systems

Species-pipe heating systems

Heating circuit wiring with upper feed pipe

Heating circuit wiring with upper feed pipe

Radiation heating circuit structures

Radiation heating circuit structures

Tee circuit construction of the heating system

Tee circuit construction of the heating system

Location pipes relative heating devices may be vertical and horizontal, whereby the heating system receives a technical term of the same name.

The first kind is preferably used in multi-storeyed buildings or in cottages loft, within which Installation of expansion tank and pipe laying for the delivery of a separate branch of the coolant in each instrument.

Horizontal heating circuit under construction in small areas of private buildings. The reason for the lack of performance and the limitations on the length - the network can not be more than the length of 30 linear meters.

Joining struts to radiators performed by unilateral or bilateral scheme, i.e. connecting pipes from one or two sides. If the vertical one-pipe system, the battery connection is made on the one hand, it is called a loop inverted loop. The latter species is not recommended for systems with steel or cast iron fixtures.

Heating homes without gas pipeline

The main elements of a typical heating system in the particular country house are: a heating boiler, radiators and heat medium supply lines (+)

pipes in heating systems are of two types according to the type of water circulation:

  1. natural - mean drift coolant through the laws of physics.
  2. compulsory - assume a circulation pump for creating circulation of the carrier of thermal energy from the boiler to the instrument, and after cooling in the reverse direction.

A first embodiment of the second simpler in design and installation. But the supply of heat in the natural system, is not amenable to automatic control, the coolant in it moves through the pipes by gravity, and the density difference cold and hot water. But in contrast to the forced option is non-volatile.

At power failure the heating system with natural circulation of water will continue to function properly if its basic unit is a non-volatile boiler. Pumps that require power from the wall outlet, it either.

However, gravitational pressure has its limits. Power heating with natural circulation is just not enough to supply the coolant in the branched paths.

Sometimes it is enough to supply heated water for heating to the required temperature with the distance between boiler and radiator 25 m if the pipe is made of a material having a high hydraulic resistance: steel or iron.

If the wooden house has a small area, then it is enough natural system. However, in a large two-three floor house requires a more powerful version of a pump which will pump hot water to all remote from the boiler rooms on each floor.

Besides using the coolant gas can be heated at the expense of electricity or burning other fuels. Also heating system in a private homeWhere there is no connection to mains gas, often organized with the help of convectors, radiant heaters and heat pumps.

The particular method of heating system device depends on many factors. It is important the climate region of residence, quality of home insulation, as well as the availability of a particular type of fuel.

Airy heating system

Air heating is a good substitute for water, but because of the complexity of the calculations and design it in our country are rarely used (+)

The contours of a circulating heating them with steam and heated air are arranged on identical principles.

A special case is worth mentioning "Heated floor" system, which is a network of pipes circulating coolant under the floor. The main advantage of this option - as a result of heat input from below the air in the room is warmed to the optimum level of human growth, rather than somewhere on the ceiling.

Alternative gas: the choice of water heating boiler

Natural gas is not the only type of fuel for autonomous heating systems. The fuel is burned in the boilers as a solid or liquid fuel.

And possible variant of use of electricity for heating water. Someone prefers traditional furnaces with wood or coal, but someone more to their liking clean electricity. But it is worth remembering that the disruptions to the confusing networks of electric boilers will be zero.

Option # 1: Solid fuel

Solid fuel stoves and their more modern counterparts boilers - the oldest and most popular way of heating private houses in areas without gas. It can be as traditional Russian stoveAnd modern boiler equipment industrial production with different automation.

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Solid fuel boiler in the autonomous scheme

Solid units processed terrific firewood, charcoal, peat briquettes, and not so long ago appeared pellets

Pros and cons units

This is the traditional type of heating does not require extra costs, but dictating the need for continuous replenishment of fuel and storage of its reserves

The operating principle of the pyrolysis boilers

Significantly reduce the number of downloads of fuel in the pyrolysis furnace of the boiler will, in the two chambers of which fuel burns itself and formed during processing gas

bunker fuel pellet boiler

The pellet boiler fuel loading is accomplished through a hopper where the via portions of the screw moving in the furnace. This scheme also allows less load

Solid fuel boiler in the autonomous scheme

Solid fuel boiler in the autonomous scheme

Pros and cons units

Pros and cons units

The operating principle of the pyrolysis boilers

The operating principle of the pyrolysis boilers

bunker fuel pellet boiler

bunker fuel pellet boiler

In use as a solid fuel:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • wood pellets.

Such equipment is cheap and easy to use. Fuel is also not very high cost. However, as a result of combustion formed sufficiently large amounts of ash, from which it is necessary to dispose constantly. Plus we have to visually monitor the operation of such equipment, that takes a lot of time.

Comparison of solid fuel boilers

Ordinary solid fuel furnace is not very effective, it is better to take a more productive and economical continuous burning boilers Pyrolysis

On the one hand cheap fuel, and on the other - regular cleaning furnace and chimneys. There is no single solution "for" or "against" is not here. But in a situation of living near the coal fields and near the forest opt ​​for solid fuel boilers or furnaces for many obvious and often the only possible.

Alternatively the solid unit we can safely consider a fireplace, although there is an strong opinion about his poor performance. However, the fireplace with the right device is not only a decorative element of the interior, but also a good alternative to gas boilers. And it is absolutely non-volatile, which excludes irregular heating with any problems on the electricity.

Fireplaces of different design

Traditional fire air heating means solely of the room where it is located, but nothing prevents sum thereto for heating the coolant pipe (+)

Most fireplaces arranged in such a way that is able to heat only one room. However, the standard chimney design can be supplemented coil around the chimney, which would heat the water to the radiators of the heating system. A warm air can immediately dissolve the rooms via air ducts with adjustable flaps.

Fireplace heating is highly inert. To warm them private house takes a lot of time. The most optimal option - it constantly stoke the fireplace. However, the wood in this case will need a lot. But all these minor inconveniences to more than cover the possibility of observing the process of burning logs and the aesthetics of their own home.

Fireplace as a heating unit without gas

Fireplace can be used as the boiler, for heating the coolant steam, air and water heating networks

Option # 2: liquid fuel

On the effectiveness of liquid fuel (diesel) boilers differ little from the gas counterparts. However, they are more overall and heavy. For their installation requires a separate non-residential premises. Install them in the cottage under the stairs or in the kitchen is strictly prohibited.

During the combustion of vegetable oils and oil products produce large volumes of harmful emissions. Boiler room for these units should be equipped with high-quality ventilation and smoke extraction system. Plus, due to incorrect installation and operation may begin to smoke.

Boiler on liquid fuel

Two major disadvantages of liquid-fuel boilers - the high cost of fuel and the need to comply with strict safety requirements

For heating of private wooden houses, the following types of liquid fuel:

  1. Kerosene.
  2. Diesel oil.
  3. Testing of petroleum products.
  4. Fuel oil.
  5. Biofuels from vegetable oils.

Because of the specific odor and a high probability of ignition fuel is recommended to keep the like outside the cottage. But in the winter on the street liquid freezes, so you'll have to do such a fuel a separate heated room or organize its preheating. This additional and significant spending.

Among the advantages of using oil-fired equipment Heating is worth noting the high efficiency, there is no need in the design of permits for installation and battery life.

However, the high price of fuel is interrupted all of these advantages. Organize a wooden house without heating gas by a diesel boiler is only in cases where there is no alternative, and it is not even in sight in the long term.

Option # 3: Electricity

Electric boiler does not require a chimney. They are safe and have a compact size. coolant heating inside them is due to the heating element. Use electrocoppers possible as both main and auxiliary heat source. They are easy to use and efficient, but heating with them out quite expensive.

Electric boiler in the interior of the house

At a cost of heating boilers for electricity compared with gas models, but require less maintenance and are more secure

If the power supply in the village is not pleased with a constant stress, then choose electric boiler for heating own wooden house is risky. At some point, you can stay at the same time, without lighting and heating system. The only option on this case - it is a backup diesel generator.

It is not always allocated capacity power companies is enough for a full-fledged cottage heating. A drawing additional power line will result in a significant waste of money.

Performing installation and electrical heating are relatively cheap, but the latter consumes a lot of electricity. If you are planning a private home without gas heating equip with an electric boiler, it is necessary to advance to prepare for hardball increase accounts for the light.

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Easy installation and maintenance

The easiest way to install an electric boiler that needs no organization boiler or flue in the device or in the fuel storage

Connection Requirements

All that is needed to make the owner of the heating system with electric boiler is get a permit in the local distribution and sales for connection to power lines sufficient

Electric boiler in a country house

Electrical equipment for heating - great for decorating a country house in which no permanent residence

Induction electric boiler in the country

The only negative - a considerable cost of electricity, but will help reduce the cost of the use of new ways to convert electricity into heat, for example, the energy of induction

Easy installation and maintenance

Easy installation and maintenance

Connection Requirements

Connection Requirements

Electric boiler in a country house

Electric boiler in a country house

Induction electric boiler in the country

Induction electric boiler in the country

About how much electricity costs will be electric boiler during heating, written here. We recommend you review the proposed information.

How else can heat a wooden house?

To create comfortable conditions in the rooms of the cottage you can also use other heating methods. New products on the market today are many autonomous heating engineers. Some of them are expensive, but are highly effective. Others involve the use of alternative energy sources.

Variants of infrared heating

The main feature of the infrared heat source - it does not heat the air, and objects and surfaces in a heated room. Already from the heated furniture, wall and floor heat is transferred to the air mass in the room. As a result, at the lowest cost of electricity is possible to create the most comfortable conditions in the home.

Electric infrared sold in the form of:

  • panels suspended in housings of various shapes;
  • film devices to be mounted on the ceiling or the floor;
  • floor models (a la a conventional radiator).

function IR heaters automatically. It is enough to turn them into an electrical outlet and set the desired temperature.

Installation of wall and ceiling models is very simple, in the body or on the film contains all the necessary attachment. The complexity of the installation can cause only "warm infrared floor." But strict adherence to all is elementary instruction.

Film IR heater

Film heaters under the ceiling - an excellent alternative to gas boilers: cost, do not burn oxygen in the room and is completely safe in terms of fire (+)

Infrared heaters allow you to quickly create a reliable and efficient heating system in any private house, where there is no gas. When compared with the heating electric boiler, they offer savings of 30-40%. And the room heating is much faster, almost instantly.

Infrared heaters can be used as the primary heat source or supplement other cabin heating system. The diversity of the model range allows to fit them into any interior, and, if necessary, and quickly ramp up output.

Among the negative aspects of infrared electric heaters - static electricity, contributing to the attraction of dust, and a lot of the initial capital investment. Especially with statics do anything not succeed, and the cost of equipment always pay for themselves through lower energy consumption.

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Infrared Heated floor

IR system built into the floor heating distributes heat wave spectrum pleasant, not "chasing" the dust together with the room air

Infrared film ceiling

Infrared film laid on the floor or the ceiling of the attic rays heats objects disposed in a room, which, after transfer heat to the air mass

Panel Heater IR-picture

Similarly, the work panel infrared heaters, the outside of which is framed photoprint

Electric ceiling unit

Electric infrared heater can be operated outdoors. It handles a certain zone, and does not heat the air around

Infrared Heated floor

Infrared Heated floor

Infrared film ceiling

Infrared film ceiling

Panel Heater IR-picture

Panel Heater IR-picture

Electric ceiling unit

Electric ceiling unit

Heat pumps as a useful complement

Among the alternatives to gas for heating, wooden house stand out heat pumps, removing it from the surrounding environment subjects. Structurally and technically it is air-conditioned vice versa.

Only the heat pump does not cool the air, and heats it. And with all the necessary for this heat it generates through the wise use of natural resources and free events.

The scheme of heat pump

Heating by heat pump for private homes without gas - is the maximum savings on energy resources. But in our latitudes, this type of heating only a supplement to the main heating network can serve as a (+)

shortcoming heat pumps is their dependence on the presence of power at the outlet. Without a constant supply of electricity, they will not work. Plus, when severe frosts their effectiveness is sharply reduced. In warmer regions with winter temperatures around zero from them excellent returns, but in the conditions of Siberia, they are of little use.

Heat low capacity heat pumps can be collected from:

  • outdoor air;
  • ground through holes or pipe systems in the ground;
  • Water (or any nearby reservoir wells).

Heat pumps are all well. However, in the "free" energy has to pay a lot, buying expensive equipment. For a large home costs can exceed one million rubles.

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air-to-air heat pump type

Heat pumps use the so-called "green" energy, which has the property to recover spontaneously. The simplest embodiment of the device involves the energy of the air intake and transfer it by air or water heating networks

Heat pumps earth-water

Heat pumps, which use the energy of soil, transfer it to devices that prepare all types of coolant. On labor costs is a rather complicated method, besides requiring large areas

Variant water-air heat pump

System absorbs heat part submerged in pond water uses energy. The device is also simple and inexpensive scheme, but needs the presence of the pond near the homestead

Fence rocks or water energy

In case of insufficient area portion and the absence of nearby bodies of water or ground water energy can be produced from boreholes. This is one of the most expensive ways, besides hampering monitoring of system status

air-to-air heat pump type

air-to-air heat pump type

Heat pumps earth-water

Heat pumps earth-water

Variant water-air heat pump

Variant water-air heat pump

Fence rocks or water energy

Fence rocks or water energy

Solar energy and wind turbines

Another version of the "green" energy - solar panels and collectors. First generating electricity, and the latter via the sun's rays heat the coolant supply in-house heating system. No gas for their operation is not required, only the constant wind and cloudless weather.

In the future, electricity and hot coolant can be used to heat private homes by the device in it heating system with radiators and various electrical heaters.

Solar systems - is a generator of electricity and heat. rooms heating itself is done through a variety of heating devices that are connected to these cash-generating units.

Solar energy and wind turbines

Alternative energy requires significant investment at the stage of the purchase of equipment, but then - no spending on fossil fuels

In turn, the wind generators convert into electricity has wind energy. And then the power supply to the connected heaters.

The main disadvantage of these clean energy sources is that they are dependent on external factors. Cloudy weather and calm negate their effectiveness. As an additional source they are the best one for this heating private homes without gas, but to build the entire heating system is only to them is not necessary.

The most economical option heating

From the viewpoint of the cost of fuel after the most economical main gas is an option with the wood. Cheaper fuel for boilers, stoves and fireplaces are hard to find.

Then comes the coal, and then electricity and diesel. In the case of alternative energy on this article at all costs zero or minimal. But we should not forget here about the cost of thermal units for heat generation.

initial costs

The cheapest is the initial cost of heating with electricity, equipment for a heating system the most affordable (+)

On the totality of the costs to heat the house without gas is cheapest electricity. But this applies only to houses with good insulation, as well as situations where the capacity of the existing network allows you to connect electrical heating. In other situations it is better to opt for the more traditional solid furnaces or boilers.

Arguments to choose the most economical option for heating private houses presented the following article, With the content of which we recommend reviewing.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Heating wooden cottage combined boiler (solid fuel + electricity):

The cheapest way to heat the house in the country:

The sink suburban housing more convenient:

For heating private homes without gas, you can use both the classic wood-burning stove, as well as units that convert liquid fuel or electricity into heat energy.

Universal Council for the selection of equipment and the type of fuel does not exist. It is necessary to carefully evaluate the characteristics of the cottage and the availability of resources for heating the coolant. However, without consulting a competent engineer in this matter can be greatly miscalculate.

Tell us what kind of heating you choose everything for the country house. Leave, please, comment, ask questions, post pictures in the block located below. We are interested in your opinion of the article contained in the information.

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