What to buy a washing machine

Talk about the characteristics of washing machines to make a choice - they know how the mechanisms, what to buy a washing machine.

Washing machines Atlant

Even without thinking technique looks good. Three pillars in order:

  1. Energy Class A.
  2. Washing class A.
  3. -Class C
Washing machine Atlant

Washing machine Atlant

This is the typical class figures. Spin is not bad, quite typical.

One citizen washing machine heaving and dancing. Videos on YouTube turned funny, appliances Atlant really talented! Pushed a number of assumptions such behavior art:

  1. As might be expected, immediately thought to transport bolts. As you know, fixing the tank firmly hold, the case goes to shake along with the laundry, if left in place accessories. However, the lady turned out to be a tech-savvy, smart guy wrote that the transport bolts are removed. Really say, it looked really, seemed to have forgotten to unscrew.
  2. Alerted by the error code. Washing machine during the spin cycle started to gallop, but almost immediately stopped, pointing to the display F9. A master said that this set of mnemonics indicate a malfunction tachosensor. As a result, the engine is not accelerated, does not understand his own speed. with an increase in speed, the system enters into resonance, as a result starts to gallop. Clearly, for such a technique is not intended speed.
    instagram viewer
Atlas - a manufacturer of washing machines

Atlas - a manufacturer of washing machines

To honor the dealer, washing machine Atlant changed, error codes, we believe, correctly specified cause of the problem. Conclusion: The technique of Atlanta, at least, it looks like a true washing machine, as opposed to Fey and other parodies.

Washing machine Atlant detects three compartments for detergent (pre-wash, rinse, main wash) main modes inherent in the Korean technology, adjustable spin speed, etc., as provided in the art class machine. To repeat: washing machine Atlant today looks like an example of smart technology.

Belarusian machines are made by Korean technology. There are nuances, but videos on YouTube in a poor quality machines authors are not convinced. The only noise is necessary, similar to running drills. We do not know where the assembly is carried out if the territory of Belarus, it is logical to think that the engines use their own, rather than Chinese. For example, Samsung in writing on the electric motor made characters.

Take a look inside washing machine

Take a look inside washing machine

You ask what to buy a washing machine? A: If the price is beneficial or action, take Atlanta.

Washing machine LG and Samsung take

Categorical opponent of Atlanta do not recommend a long time to think. Take the LG or Samsung. However, these manufacturers of washing machines have reduced sales for the year. We believe this is due to the fact that companies are trying to take a segment of expensive equipment. Such washing machines can cost over 100,000 rubles, not everyone can afford. Perhaps the situation is due to transport. On expensive equipment costs less, wrapping up in price. It turns profitable. LG and Samsung are in the course of export.

These Korean washing machines presented in the budget line. Let's see, that it is possible to take and at what price to Yandex Market. Surprisingly, in the category of up to 10,000 rubles missed predominantly Indesit. And found only Hotpoint-Ariston (analogue Indesit, but more expensive).

Let's see what consumers have prepared for 9500 rubles. The main thing is present. Judge for yourself:

  1. energy class, washing, spin: A +, A, S. Excellent.
  2. There is an imbalance control. Without a specified option the laundry is not leveled on the drum, causing the washing machine starts to dance.
  3. the spin speed to 1000 rpm. Acceptable further reduced if necessary.
  4. We were pleased with protection against leaks of the housing. The Samsung instead of the bottom of the carton is often inserted. And underneath the floor ...
  5. Extras (little useful) there is a timer delay washing. It is designed for areas where we have introduced energy quota payment by time of day. Including washing machine at the right time, be able to save money.
    Detergent compartment

    Detergent compartment

  6. Pleased with 4 compartments for detergent. We do not know why so many.

So, before the users typical narrow washing machine without dosing algorithms detergents and Movements LG care. This is a good device (almost complete analog of Atlanta). The difference is almost zero. In the reviews they write that Indesit often burns the electronic board. Repair of roads, be sure to avoid the trouble to do two steps:

  1. Run a properly grounded outlet. If you can not, get zero. Annihilate the lobe ground.
  2. Connect the machine into a power strip, a rat, is sold in any store.

Making the right choice of the washing machine is not for these problems? Explained! Inside the housing of the washing machine is planted at least four terminals. One - on the electronic board. If the internal power filter of the washing machine is grounded, any voltage drop takes place on the body. Guess what happens to the electronic board from such actions. Jump possible when the drill, vacuum cleaner and so on.

Wanting to buy a washing machine under the sink, built-in appliances for Russia is not the best option. Pobespokoytes establish good dampers. Permissible improvised. The furniture is not jumped during the spin cycle with a washing machine. See that the built-in appliances more expensive, the reason - maintenance of silence during operation. Types of washing machines with built-in type performed great care. If there is a desire and ability to try to build a free-standing.

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