Effective ways to stretch leather gloves

If you encounter such a problem as the small size of gloves, then do not rush to throw them away. They can be given a second life. In the review we will disassemble how to stretch leather gloves.

Alcohol and Water

Leather - an expensive material and throwing out products from it can be pitiful. If the gloves become too small, then water or alcohol will help to change their size. The easiest recipe:

  • wet towel with water;
  • wrap gloves;
  • leave for several hours.

During this time, the skin is saturated with moisture. After putting them on your hands and wear them to dry.

It is not recommended to wet the gloves completely under the tap. So they can sit down even more.

If you have alcohol or ordinary cologne, you can try the following:

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  • spray the inner lining;Put the
  • on your hands and wear until the liquid evaporates.
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This recipe can be used for suede.

Children's cream

To stretch the material, first you need to make it soft and more elastic. For this ideal baby cream. If this is not possible, you can use regular, but with a large fat content.

You need to do the following:

  • spread the whole inside with a cream;Put them on
  • .

Already in the first seconds you will feel how the material begins to stretch a little.

You can use glycerin instead of cream. But the effect is achieved much worse, as it is poorly absorbed into the skin.

This method has a contraindication. If the inside is made of fur, then after processing with cream or oil, the presentation will disappear and the whole decoration will be spoiled.


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Such a tool can be purchased at any shoe store. Such a stretcher is a regular spray. They need to handle the inside of the gloves and immediately put on for 15-20 minutes. To achieve the result, only two sprays are sufficient.

The main thing, when using a special tool, do not overdo it. Spray allows you to stretch the skin. And of course, use it with care so that the products do not lose their appearance.

Note the

We offer you to familiarize yourself with some of the recommendations:

  1. You can stretch the material without losing quality only by one size.
  2. If you start to stretch products on a big hand, they can lose shape and go apart at the seams.
  3. Remember, you can only stretch the skin in width. In length, this is useless.
  4. Before you begin to stretch products at home, try to just put them on your arm and wear a few evenings just like that. The skin tends to stretch on its own.
  5. Measure products before purchase and then you will not have to stretch them.

Using these methods, you will definitely be able to stretch the gloves to the required size. Still, it is better to pick them right in the store.

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