- №1.Pros and cons of concrete fences
- №2.Types of structures for creating concrete fences
- №3.Decorative concrete slabs
- №4.Decorative concrete blocks for the fence
- №5.Decorative concrete blocks for fence posts
- №6.Manufacturers of concrete blocks
- №7.Installation of concrete blocks
- №8.Making concrete blocks with your own hands
Sooner or later, the issue of arranging the fence becomes before each owner of a private house or country property. There are many options: from classic brick and forged fences to wicker and even plastic, but among the leaders invariably remain concrete fences. Today these are not gray dull monolithic sections - these are decorative concrete blocks for a fence of various sizes, colors and textures, from which you can easily and quickly build a reliable, durable and, most importantly, nice fence. What are the blocks and sections, and how to install them by hand?

№1.Pros and cons of concrete fences
The great popularity of fences made of concrete blocks and sections is due to and their advantages:
- strength;
- durability, which reaches 100 years;
- resistance to fire, corrosion, negative temperatures and other negative external influences;
- installation of concrete blocks can be done by hand, but will require some skills;
- appearance. The aesthetics of the concrete fences always suffered, so the appearance was attributed to the minuses, but it's all about the monolithic sections. They were replaced by decorative concrete blocks and sections, sometimes called the eurofence. They rather accurately imitate the texture of natural stone and wood; they can be of any shades, solid or with decorative holes.
Among the main drawbacks of :
- the need to build a solid foundation;
- is relatively expensive, but if you consider the durability, the price can not be considered too high.

№2.Types of construction to create concrete fences
To avoid confusion, let's deal with the classification of concrete elements that are used to create fences:
- monolithic reinforced concrete sections of decent length and height, with a smooth, less often relief( robotic) surface. These sections weigh several tons, are mounted with special equipment, are used for fencing industrial enterprises - they are not used in private construction;
- decorative concrete slabs ( eurofence) are distinguished by a wide variety, are used to fence cottages, country and private houses;
- decorative concrete blocks are similar in size to gas blocks and foam blocks, allow you to build a fence as quickly and easily as possible, they are distinguished by the greatest variety of colors and textures.
Distribution in private construction found the last two options for concrete blocks, and they will be discussed further.

№3.Decorative concrete slabs
Decorative concrete slabs produce with a length of 2 m and a height of 55 cm, , thanks to which the height of the fence can be adjusted to its discretion. As a rule, fences erected from 2-4 sections stacked on top of each other. Such modules are produced by pouring concrete into molds, the variety of which is quite large. Sections can be deaf and openwork, imitate sandstone, slate, brick , tile, tree, have different patterns and ornaments. There are even samples where concrete is combined with forged elements and wood. Fences erected from such slabs are called as an eurofence .
Concrete can be painted after being molded, but it is better to choose mass-painted products - they retain their original appearance for much longer, do not scratch or fade. Different decorative concrete slabs can be combined with each other, getting exclusive combinations. In addition, plates with double-sided decorative coating are also produced - they are useful when it is important that the fence on both sides look attractive.
Higher slabs are also being produced, which themselves are already a complete fence section. They are not so diverse in terms of design and color, but still nicer than industrial monolithic sections, and they weigh less.

№4.Decorative concrete blocks for the fence
Decorative concrete blocks are made using the method of spinning or vibropressing the in forms. The blocks are small in size, due to which their installation is greatly simplified compared to large sections and even slabs and is somewhat similar to ordinary brickwork. The length of of such elements is about 30-50 cm , width - 15-25 cm, and height - 14-25 mm, not one unit weight about 10-25 kg , depending on the size and hollowness. Such elements are several times larger than the dimensions of a brick, which means that the installation of the fence will be carried out much faster.
Exterior can accurately repeat the structure of bricks, slate, natural stone, tiles and other noble materials, therefore, a fence made of such blocks is indistinguishable from what is built of brick or stone, but it is much cheaper, and in durability is not inferior to them. The surface can be smooth - such fences also look good. Blocks are painted in bulk or after installation.
Concrete blocks produce mostly hollow, which facilitates their transportation and installation, but this is not the main goal of the voids. When mounting holes in the blocks are filled with cement mortar and reinforced with reinforcement, allowing you to get a reliable and most durable design. In fact, the blocks become permanent formwork.
Crushed stone or gravel are used as fillers for decorative fence units, but expanded clay or granite screenings can be used.

№5.Decorative concrete blocks for fence posts
Theoretically, support posts for a concrete fence can be made of brick or other suitable materials, but it is much easier and faster to build fence posts for special fence , which are made in exactly the same way as the fence elements. Column blocks can also boast a variety of textures and colors, they are easy to pick up to the selected fence elements, especially since in the collections of manufacturers, as a rule, there are blocks of different purposes, but of a similar design. Concrete pillar blocks are used today in the construction of fences made of corrugated board, wood, forging, picket fence and other materials, therefore, they have become fully universal.
With concrete blocks for the fence to use concrete pillars are most reasonable. They may differ in size, most often represent a square with a side of 25-37 cm, but there are also rectangular blocks. Empty internal space is used to place reinforcement elements.
To protect the fence and its decor, also produces concrete covers for the pole and the fence , although they are sometimes replaced or supplemented with metal covers.

№6.Manufacturers of concrete blocks
When buying concrete blocks for the fence, it is necessary to pay attention to the size and appearance - it all depends on the taste, dimensions of the fence and the style of the site, it is inappropriate to advise something. The blocks, which are almost the same in appearance, can vary greatly in quality, and much depends on the integrity of the manufacturer, whose name is a kind of guarantee of reliability.
One of the largest manufacturers of decorative concrete blocks for fences are:
- 4th Bastion LLC is a company from St. Petersburg, operating since 2001 and producing concrete blocks for fences and pillars, a wide cover of pillars. The company's products are sold outside the region;
- "Evrovazon" is another St. Petersburg company that manufactures blocks using the "washed concrete" technology, which involves adding granite, marble, quartz, and pebbles to the crumb. The result is blocks that are indistinguishable in appearance from the natural stone, the strongest and most durable. Thus, all the necessary elements for the fence. Delivery throughout the country;
- Smik XAUS LLC is a Moscow-based company providing a 3-year warranty on its products. Delivery is carried out in all regions, if necessary installation is carried out. The products are of high quality, as evidenced by the relevant test reports. The range is wide;
- company "KonstantaZabor", included in the group of companies "MidGard" has been operating since 2009, provides a guarantee for products for 5 years. Makes different types of fences, incl.and concrete blocks. The range is small, but includes all the most popular options;
- LLC Fortis relies on the quality of raw materials, therefore, concrete elements are strong and durable. If necessary, the company manufactures individual items for the fence according to customer sketches.
When buying, the does not interfere with the personal inspection of the blocks. They should have the most accurate geometry, a smooth surface without chips, foreign inclusions and cracks, uniform color.

№7.Installation of concrete blocks
In principle, it is possible to install a fence made of concrete blocks independently, but for this purpose it is better to have experience in arranging the foundation and laying walls. The main difficulty lies in the preparation of a solid foundation.
The sequence of work in preparing the foundation of the is as follows:
- marking the territory of with pegs and a rope. It is necessary to outline exactly where the fence will be located. It may be necessary to coordinate this issue with neighbors and relevant authorities. To simplify the work and get a perfectly smooth fence around the perimeter of the future fencing, they drive in pegs and stretch a rope over them;
- digging trench .It should be twice as wide as the width of the future laying plus another 40 cm. The depth depends on the type of soil: for non-fossil ones, you can dig a moat 70 cm deep, otherwise it is better to make a trench 20 cm deeper than the soil freezing level;
- the trench bottom is well rammed, 10 cm of are poured with sand and rubble, each layer is poured over with water and rammed. After that, you can equip waterproofing - suitable roofing material. They line the walls and bottom of the trench;
- preparation of concrete solution from cement, crushed stone and sand in the ratio 1: 5: 3 and water. Since a lot of concrete is needed, it is better to use a concrete mixer;
- on a drainage with a layer of waterproofing pour concrete with a layer of about 10 cm and after curing they install formwork from boards, it is advisable to provide spacers. The formwork is laid frame of reinforcement, which is knitted with the help of welding or knitting wire. Steel rods with a diameter of 12 mm are best suited for reinforcement. Longitudinal rods use about 4( depending on the width of the block), they are connected by transverse rods and make vertical rods, 10-20 cm pitch. Vertical rods let out 15 cm - they will enter the voids of the concrete blocks and will serve for the best bond of the foundation with the fence;
- at the locations of the pillars to the reinforcement cage pipes are strictly vertically attached. If the pillar location has not been clearly defined before, it can be done now. The first rack will be located at the very beginning of the frame. Now, parallel to the trench lay out the blocks of the pillar and fence, taking into account the thickness of the seam. The length of the span of the fence is, as a rule, 3-4 m. The middle of the next support column will indicate the location of the rack;
- pouring concrete mortar into formwork and thorough tamping. Periodically, the solution can be wetted with water, the formwork is removed after a week;
- parts of roofing material, emerging on the surface, are glued to the foundation with bitumen mastic;
- the distance between the walls of the trench and the concrete foundation is covered with earth.
At this, the preparation of the foundation ends and begins to erect a fence:
- begins with the installation of elements of the pillar, ordinary cement mortar is used for masonry, 1-1.5 cm seam thickness.which will enter the laying of the fence;
- pour concrete solution into the voids of the first blocks of the fence. Each new row is laid down by a third or a half with respect to the previous one - just like when laying brick. Verticality and horizontal position are constantly checked by level. Every two rows, it is desirable to stack mesh for greater structural strength .Masonry mortar is applied on the ends, avoiding voids, do not forget about vertical joints;
- when laying it is better to take blocks from different batches and pallets in order to get the same appearance of the fence along its entire perimeter;
- excess solution must be removed promptly, avoiding the appearance of stains and dirt on the blocks;
- if the fence has not yet been completed, it does not interfere with protecting it in case of rain with plastic wrap. If water gets into the still fresh masonry mortar, do not avoid efflorescence;
- after installation is completed, the masonry can be treated with protective hydrophobic agents;
- can only install cover for the pole and fences.
When it comes to the installation of concrete slabs, the sequence of work is the same except for the fact that they use special poles with grooves in which the plates are fixed. First, the first pillar is mounted, the lower section is inserted, and then the second pillar is mounted so that the plate fits tightly into the slots.

№8.Making concrete blocks with your own hands
This lesson is not for the faint of heart, as it will take a lot of blocks to build a fence. Independent production of concrete blocks for the fence will be appropriate in cases where you need to build a small fence, or when you want to feel like a real builder.
For the manufacture of blocks will need a form of appropriate size. It can be made of wood, but it will be better to work with the metal form - they are sold ready-made.
The sequence of work is as follows:
- preparation of a concrete solution in a concrete mixer;
- filling out forms with voids and constant tamping with a vibrating table;
- the form is lubricated with oil before each use so that the unit can be removed from it;
- well-tamped product is removed from the mold and dried for several days. The whole process is presented in detail in the video.
Concrete fence maintenance is minimal, it can stand for 80-100 years, and in case of damage it can be repaired. For this it is worth making efforts to create the foundation and laying blocks.