- 1. Stands for hot
- 2. Scarecrow for the birds
- 3. Hanging organizer for seed
- 4. Disco ball
- 5. Decorate flower pots
- 6. Decorative curtains
- 7. Coffee table from
- drives 8. restoring oldchairs
- 9. Protection from the rain and the sun - the roof of the CDs
The era of digital technology is developing at a crazy pace! Once CDs were considered the best information carriers, and now they are gathering dust somewhere in the garage or in boxes on the mezzanine. But some unknown force still does not allow us to get rid of them. Probably all this because of their attractive, shiny surface. If you can’t say goodbye to this beauty, we will share 9 really worthwhile ideas from old CDs for gardening and gardening that you can do with your own hands.

1. Stands for the hot
We begin our master class with a description of the simplest crafts, namely, stands for hot cups or teapot. The thing in the household is necessary, especially when you consider how quickly a hot polyethylene tablecloth is melted. But for many in the country, it is she who protects the surface of the dining table.
There are several options for making stands . Depending on the amount of free time and availability of materials, everyone will find an option for everyone.- The simplest stands of the look just like colored discs. Someone wants to color the record on both sides, someone will leave the shiny side untouched - the choice is yours. Acrylic paints are most suitable for these purposes. You can put a thick layer of paint on the surface, and then using a toothpick to “scratch” any pattern. The excess paint can be easily removed, and before you remain beautiful shiny lines. You can immediately apply the ornament by hand paint or use a stencil. After complete drying on the stand you can safely put the hot dishes. Protect the paint layer can be two balls of acrylic lacquer.
- The stand will be more dense and heat-resistant if you stick a small sea pebble, glass beads or decorative pebbles on it. An interesting way to decorate is solid coffee beans. These cute and beautiful items will make tea drinking more enjoyable. You can mount the decor on the superglue or using a heat gun. Surface recommended to open varnish.
- A more laborious way - weave discs with multi-colored threads. For this, first weave a base. A thread is drawn through the central hole and a small number of turns is made, about 5-7.Thus, the surface is divided into equal sectors. Now select the desired color and thread the thread around. One step under the main thread, another one above it, and so on in turn. Reminds technology weaving baskets. Your web should fill up completely. You can change the colors of the threads by tying their ends. For a more uniform pattern, you need to tightly tighten the threads and straighten them so that they form even circles. The ends of the threads at the end of work are attached with glue and hiding. Do not want to weave in a circle - just thread the thread through the center until you close the entire surface.
- A way for real needlewomen - we sheathe old scratched discs with a beautiful cloth. For this, you will need not only pieces of interesting matter, but also thick cardboard or sintepon. From any of these materials, you need to cut two circles the size of a disk for each stand. After cutting, spread both sides of the disc with glue and fix the resulting circles. This will help the fabric not to slide in the subsequent work and make the stand thicker. Now you need to cut two larger pieces of material chosen for decoration with an allowance of about 0.5 cm per seam. Attach the fabric, carefully look, so that the edges protrude beyond the diameter of the disk evenly. Using a few pins, pin off the blank. Now you need to sew up the edges manually. If you know how to crochet, you can braid a circle around the perimeter with a thin thread and add a little lace. If not, not scary, the seam will help to hide the decorative edging. After work is finished, it is simply necessary to glue it gently onto the end of the stand with hot glue. You can make a small buttonhole. Use it to hang coasters on the wall near the kitchen table.
These useful and cute things can turn out if you show a little imagination and perseverance.

2. Scarecrow for birds
All gardeners and summer residents are aware of how annoying birds can be and they strive to spoil the harvest. Formerly, to frighten them in the middle of the garden, a large scarecrow was installed in flying clothes and a bucket or pumpkin instead of a head. Agree, such a character can seriously scare young children or neighbors. We suggest you make a more modern model of a scarecrow that will bewitch with its beauty and scare the birds with bright highlights. You can determine the shape, height and other parameters based on your own needs. The principle of operation of the is to impose about a dozen disks on the base, for example, on an old holder from a shovel or on an unusable rake.
- The basis of the should be the letter "T".
- It is advisable to make elements that will sway in the wind, and ring together. In the discs, make two holes almost at the outer edge opposite each other. Use a drill and a small drill or hot nail.
- Now slide the cord or other tight rope into the holes and fasten the discs over a short distance.3-5 discs can be mounted on one strip, depending on the height of the product.
- And the last step - fix the resulting strips closer to each other and install this miracle on the site.

3. Suspended organizer for seeds
Where do you store seeds purchased for the planting season? Surely in some kind of box, connected by rubber. Not the most convenient option. And after the seeds are sown, where do you put the packaging? Many people put it on a stick and put it in the ground at the beginning of the garden, so that in case of a successful shoot and rich harvest, remember the variety of the plant and buy the same one next year. The option is not bad, but the scorching sun and rains quickly make the bright packaging unrecognizable. So that you can remember exactly what grows and where, we suggest you make an organizer. To do this, we need :
- A large section of fabric;
- Many small patches;
- Many disks;
- Hotmelt;
- Thick paper.
The idea of is to create a diagram of your garden with pockets, which will mean the planting zone of one or another vegetable, and they will be packed with seed packaging. This way you can remember not only the grade, but also record the date of planting. This basic technology can be supplemented or simplified as you please; the main thing is to understand the principle:
- The edge of a large cut must be bent and hemmed;
- A thin stick should be inserted into this seam from above and below. This will hang the organizer on the wall;
- For making pockets, cut out circles from paper to the size of a disk, then semicircles from a beautiful fabric of a larger diameter;
- Their flat edge is bent and stitched or glued onto double-sided tape;
- Now the semicircle is applied to the paper mug, on the protruding edges of the fabric they smear glue and fold it to the opposite side of the paper;
- The resulting paper circles with fabric pockets are glued to the disk and the disk onto the fabric.
Your organizer is ready. You can simplify the design and connect the pockets between each other with fabric tapes, and then hang them on a wooden plank.

4. Disco ball
Who said that the dacha was created only for exhausting planting and harvesting? Sometimes you need to relax and create yourself a perky mood. Evening gatherings can turn into a small party that will become brighter with a disco ball. Make it very easy. There are several options:
- The simplest one is to paste over an old rubber ball with fragments of a mirrored mosaic. To do this, the surface of the ball must be well washed and degreased. Disks with sharp scissors are cut into strips, and they into squares. Now glue the pieces on the ball with the mirror side out using superglue. Do not forget to provide a loop. For greater reliability, take a long, flat rope and tie it right on the ball. Sticking pieces of the disk on the rope, you fix it forever. In the end, it only remains to tie the ends.
- . More than . The is a complex way to build a solid disc design in stages. True, its shape will only remotely resemble a ball. In each disc, you must make 5 holes at an equal distance almost at the very edge. For a small ball will need about 12 discs. Place one disc on the table and place around it a butt of 5 discs. One of the holes on their edge should be located opposite the hole on the center disk. Now use plastic clips to connect the side discs with the disc in the center. Do not tighten until the very end, while the design should "move".Now fasten the side discs together. You will have a flower. Stack another 5 disks between the disks and join them. Close the structure with the last disc, tighten the clamps, giving the shape of the “ball” and cut off the edges.
Now it remains to take care only about the source of light and incendiary music.

5. Decorating flowerpots
Very many garden areas are decorated with large flower pots and hanging flowerpots. Why not make them more colorful and unusual. To do this, you will need :
- A large number of CDs;
- Sharp scissors;
- Superglue;
- Paint Gun;
The essence of the method is to glue the surface of the pot with pieces of discs. If you approach the issue more creatively, you can pre-paint the surface of the disc with multi-colored felt-tip pens, let them dry and get translucent colored material for creativity. After giving the discs the desired colors, you need to cut them into fragments. You can keep the proportions and choose the correct geometric shapes, and you can cut into arbitrary pieces. Both options will end up looking beautiful. Just selecting the appropriate "puzzles" for arbitrary cutting will take a little longer. The surface of the pot must be clean, dry and degreased.
- Spread a small area with glue and begin to place the parts. You can even compose them with a certain sequence and end up with a distinctive pattern.
- When work is finished, let the glue dry.
- You will have noticeable gaps that need to be covered with paint. The most convenient way to do this is with a gun.

6. Decorative curtain
This refers not to window tulle, but to a curtain that can perform the function of zoning both inside the country house and in the garden plot. Just imagine how cozier the area where the dacha bench is located will become, if you isolate it from several sides with an unusual curtain. To work, we need :
- A lot of CD drives;
- Packing stationery clips;
- Drill;
- Thin drill;
- Wooden plank.
First you need to decide on the size future curtains. After that, you should think about the pattern. This can be done most quickly by spreading the discs directly on the floor. It is possible to place them one under another usual stripes, a more beautiful way is to place them with displacement, in a checkerboard pattern. Based on the layout method, mark the space for mounting holes. It is enough to do on disks from the first and second lanes. Knowing their number you will be able to quickly navigate further actions.
- Now holes are made with a small drill.
- Fasten the discs to each other the fastest will get the usual paper clips.
- When all the canvas is ready, you need to insert one clip at the top edge of the last discs and attach the curtain to the wooden plank.
- With a marker or pencil put a dot in front of the clip.
- Now, drive in small carnations or stick a pushpin straight through the paper clip into the wood. By the way, the carnations will be safer, because if the tree has insufficient density, the seat formed by the tip of the button will eventually cease to hold it in place and it will start to fall out.
In this simple way, you can erect whole partitions, make them immobile, additionally fixing the bottom edge and equip whole recreation areas. And if weave thin New Year's garlands into the gaps between the discs, we get something unimaginable!

7. A coffee table made of
discs From which the craftsmen do not make tabletops for tables! And we propose not only to decorate the table, but also to try to make a full-fledged framework from old discs and residual chipboard or other wood materials. For the realization of the variant of the tabletop decor, we will need the same tools as for decorating the flowerpots. And the technology will be identical. Fragments of discs or blanks are glued to the prepared surface as a whole, as you like, and then the gaps are filled with grout and covered with varnish. More is a complex way take a closer look. To work, we will need :
- A large number of disks;
- Something that can serve as a tabletop - wooden boards, durable plastic, remnants of chipboard, etc.
- Round wooden rods - 4 pcs.
- Hacksaw.
The last item is necessary for the legs of the future table, so it is better that the pieces of wood are even and high, and their diameter does not exaggerate the diameter of the central hole of the discs. Let's start with the legs. Remember, there was a children's toy in the form of a pyramid of multicolored plastic bagels of different colors and diameters, which were put on a stick on a stand? Here is a stand and need to build.
- According to the size of the disks, 4 circles should be cut out and a wooden pin should be nailed to them, and it is better to fasten it with a self-tapping screw, after making a little sweat in the center of the circles. This is necessary so that the cap of the screw drowns flush with the surface and the table does not move.
- You need to put on so many discs on the resulting construction, so that they cover the entire length, without reaching the end on the thickness of the tabletop material.
- When the legs are assembled, check their stability, this should be all right.
- Now in the tabletop you need to drill four holes along the edges of a slightly smaller diameter than the stem of the legs.
- Applying some effort to drive the legs into the holes. The tensioner, which in this case will be provided with a smaller diameter of the seat, will serve as a fastener without the use of nails.
For greater functionality, you can to make an additional shelf at some distance under the table top. Then half of the discs are strung on the rod, then the shelf, then the remaining half. The diameter of the hole in the shelf should be as close as possible to the diameter of the rod, so that it does not "walk" and does not move. Such a design will also be more rigid and roomy. You can decorate the worktop in a variety of ways. You can lay out a mosaic as we suggested above, or you can cut a part in the middle, fix plywood or clear plexiglass from below, place a pair of beautiful disks in a niche and close all the plexiglass from above.

8. Restoring old chairs
There is nothing surprising in the fact that the furniture to the country usually falls after it has lost its attractive appearance and it has no place in the apartment, and the hand does not rise. Bringing new life to old chairs will help our seemingly simple but effective restoration method. The obtained result will surprise not only you and your guests, but also help to complement the unusual table from the item above. So, we will need :
- Old scary chair - unlimited;
- Many CDs;
- Sharp scissors;
- Beautiful paper napkins with patterns or glossy magazine;
- PVA Adhesive;
- Grout for joints;
- Sandpaper;
- Varnish.
The restoration of a standard-sized chair will take about 50 discs. We will step back from the mirror surface and try to create something that looks like an old mural. For this we need to get rid of the mirror coating.
- Using fine-grained emery paper, you need to wipe off the foil and rinse it more transparently under plastic.
- Select your favorite picture from the pages of a magazine or other sources; you can use plain colored paper. Use what you like and fits the interior of the room.
- Spread a decent layer of PVA glue on the surface of the disc and stick it to the selected page. This needs to be done with all disks, so many images will also be required.
- When the glue dries, cut off the excess paper;
- Cut the disc into small squares 1.5 × 1.5 cm. Why do I need such a small size? Everything is very simple. The seats of old chairs are often deformed and have a dent in the middle. If you make the parts larger, they simply cannot fit snugly against the curved surface and precisely follow its contour. Thus, after some time, the squares will simply disappear, since there will be emptiness under them.
- For the convenience of further work, you can decompose the squares by color or image style into disposable cups. So it will be much easier to observe the sequence, and lay out the picture.
- The surface of the chair before pasting should be rubbed with sandpaper, remove dust and degrease.
- Start to stick the squares on the PVA or any other glue, moving from the outer contour in a circle.
- In order for the chair to look more harmonious, glue over the mosaic and the back;
- Leave the chair until the glue dries completely;
- It's time to fill the voids between the tiles. For this fit the usual construction putty. Color choose at its discretion.
- Apply putty to the mosaic and spread with a rubber trowel, carefully filling the seams;
- Without waiting for it to dry completely, remove the excess with a damp cloth. It is very important to do it right away, otherwise later difficulties may arise;
- After complete drying of the grout, hide the back and the seat with acrylic varnish. It is better to apply two layers. This will prolong the life of the decorative surface.
Our new unusual chair is ready. Do not forget that it is not necessary to be limited to these recommendations. In the same way, you can paint and chair legs, or just paint them with paint.

9. Protecting from rain and sun - the roof of the
compact discs And finally, the most practical method of using old compact discs - arranging the roof! Of course, no one has in mind the roof of the house, although. .. with due effort, anything is possible. Consider the less large-scale scope of - for example, the arrangement of the roof of a well, a garden swing, a small pergola, a carport or a farm building. According to our calculations, about 120 CDs will be required to cover 1 square meter of surface. Due to the special method of their installation, which resembles the technology of laying tiles, each subsequent disc will overlap the previous one by half. Thus, the surface that will be located under the disks will be fully protected from from rain or thawed water. Let's start to the preparatory and installation work:
- In each disk, it is necessary to drill a hole, the size of which will ensure free passage of nail or self-tapping feet into it. This should be done in the place indicated in the picture.
- You can try to drill several disks at once. This will significantly speed up the workflow, most importantly, do not forget to securely fix the entire stack;
- Now you need to decide which side of the you will be laying the disks. If you place the blanks with the shiny side up, they will reflect the sun's rays, which will extend the life of such a coating and help make the room under the roof cooler. But on the other hand, endless sunbeams can annoy not only you, but also your neighbors, which will cause trouble. Having the discs shiny side down, you can lay out different patterns of images on the front, which also looks very attractive;
- Have you decided? Then will begin to mount the wheels to the roof. Use what you prefer to work with. Of course, the use of a screwdriver will significantly speed up the work.
- Before installation, you should draw horizontal lines that will serve as a guide and will not allow you to deviate from straightness;
- Start working with the of the bottom edge, , because each subsequent one will go on top of the previous one.
- Be sure to ensure that the central holes of the discs also overlap, otherwise there is no point in equipping the roof, which has many holes.
- Thus, it is necessary to move upward to fully cover the entire surface.
We can confidently assert that such a roof can withstand the rays of the scorching sun and heavy rainfall.