Reverse osmosis: harm or benefit? Myths and facts

The situation when the tap is running cloudy liquid dubious composition, which is also not very pleasant smell, you are familiar with? The problem of quality cleaning of tap water is becoming increasingly important at the moment. Agree to risk their health, using tap water unnecessarily expensive. And every day to buy a bottle of drinking water - it is an expensive exercise, consuming a lot of productive time.

To resolve this issue has developed many different filters. High demand for reverse osmosis installation. But, at the same time, such systems are shrouded in a number of myths and prejudices. Surely you, as many potential buyers worried about the question of how the reverse osmosis: harm or benefit to the body is by the use of "perfectly purified" fluid?

We will help you to deal with the intricacies of membrane treatment and find out whether or not so clean water is harmful as it is referred to. This article contains the most popular arguments in favor of the reverse osmosis and against it are given descriptive photos and videos to help assess the real benefits of purified water to the tap.

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The content of the article:

  • The operating principle of reverse osmosis
  • The design and characteristics of the filter
  • Harm and cons of the system installation
  • The real advantages of membrane purification
  • Subtleties of the reverse osmosis installation
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The operating principle of reverse osmosis

The ability to filter by performing water purification reverse osmosisCompletely rid of impurities from water that is treated by experts not only as an advantage, but as a drawback.

Reverse osmosis water treatment as an industrial method used since the 70s of the last century. First, using it to desalinate seawater.

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Installation for reverse osmosis

Reverse Osmosis - Method multistage water filter that provides the highest level of purification

Preparation of potable water

Regardless of the original salt content of the water, a reverse osmosis inclusions reduces the mineral content to 1-9% of the organic component of up to 5% of the normative amount

Home reverse osmosis system

Reverse osmosis technology is used for domestic purposes, which produces a compact filter system

Industrial water filtration station

Reverse osmosis technology is used on an industrial scale: in the food industry, in medicine, in the pharmacological business

Standard components of the cleaning system

The standard set of filters for performing purification by reverse osmosis filters have coarse and fine filters, water softener, a membrane filter, carbon filter and mineralizer

Reduced set of filters in the system

In obratnoosmaticheskoy install modules may be smaller, if the water supply is carried out softening and filtering the primary water

Modules and filters reverse osmosis installation

reverse osmosis filters become clogged and require periodic cleaning or replacement. To do this, simply roll out the flask and install a new cartridge or refilled with a new backfill

coarse filters for water treatment

can be washed with running water with little contamination coarse filters. If heavily soiled, the cartridge should be changed

Installation for reverse osmosis

Installation for reverse osmosis

Preparation of potable water

Preparation of potable water

Home reverse osmosis system

Home reverse osmosis system

Industrial water filtration station

Industrial water filtration station

Standard components of the cleaning system

Standard components of the cleaning system

Reduced set of filters in the system

Reduced set of filters in the system

Modules and filters reverse osmosis installation

Modules and filters reverse osmosis installation

coarse filters for water treatment

coarse filters for water treatment

Thanks to improvements in technology made possible the use of reverse osmosis filters at home.

The resulting water has a unique degree of purification, in many respects similar to the properties of its melt. And it was the meltwater of glaciers is considered to be the most useful and environmentally friendly.

Advantages of reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is by far the most effective method of water purification. It is widely used throughout the world in various fields

The process of reverse osmosis water is separated from the dissolved substances at the molecular level.

The semi-permeable membrane through which the fluid passes under pressure, it allows only a molecule water (and other particles of equal or smaller size), and the majority of impurities delay.

Thus, on the one side of the membrane it collects almost "crystal" water.

Reverse osmosis provides a much higher degree of liquid decontamination than most popular common filtration techniques.

Special membranes used in reverse osmosis filters retain mineral and organic matter, viruses, bacteria, iron, heavy metals, salts, etc. stiffness.

As a "molecular sieve", they protect the consumer from all sorts of unpleasant surprises associated with the deterioration of the chemical and organoleptic properties of water.

Efficiency Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis plants positively proven both in industry and in household use. They are highly reliable and durable

The design and characteristics of the filter

Home reverse osmosis installation usually it includes the following key components:

  • prefilters (Single- or multi-stage pre-treatment);
  • membrane reverse osmosis;
  • Postfilters (Finish cleaning);
  • storage tank.

Preliminary purification step allows to remove from water dirt, chlorine, a number of organic compounds. This allows you to maximize the life of the "system of the heart" - the membrane that performs the basic fine water.

Standard reverse osmosis present photo gallery:

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Household apparatus for fine filtration of water

In the basic configuration of the system for fine filtration of potable water at least five work modules

A flask with precleaner

Of the aqueduct water flows first in a coarse filter made of foamed polypropylene. Here, water is released from the mineral and organic inclusions larger than 5 md

The second stage prefilter

After the first stage of rough water to be just one polypropylene filter, but with a porosity of 2 md

Module for installation of the membrane cartridge

After passing the coarse and fine filters purification, water enters into the flask with a membrane filter. Here is cleared at the molecular level, at the same time getting rid of viruses and bacteria

Bottom flask with a membrane filter

It passes through a membrane filter not all the water. The one that has not passed, diverted into the sewer through a hose connected to the bottom of this module only

Carbon filter to equalize water taste

Ultra-thin membrane cleaning water deprives the usual taste and a pleasant odor. In order to return these properties to the plant include the carbon filter

mineral-filled module

Then the water flows into the flask with a mineral filler. It is designed to saturate the purified water beneficial trace elements and minerals

Mineral content of the flask with a mineralizer

The minerals contained in the mineralizer, not only to restore the required water mineral composition, but also to align the acid-base balance

Household apparatus for fine filtration of water

Household apparatus for fine filtration of water

A flask with precleaner

A flask with precleaner

The second stage prefilter

The second stage prefilter

Module for installation of the membrane cartridge

Module for installation of the membrane cartridge

Bottom flask with a membrane filter

Bottom flask with a membrane filter

Carbon filter to equalize water taste

Carbon filter to equalize water taste

mineral-filled module

mineral-filled module

Mineral content of the flask with a mineralizer

Mineral content of the flask with a mineralizer

Postfilters set for additional deep cleansing liquid, ionization, improve its taste.

Fully "treated" water enters the storage tank, from which is fed through a special separate tap for pure water. Typically, the crane is also included in the equipment supplied.

To reverse osmosis filter to work long, productive and efficient, requires a certain pressure in the water. From 2.8 to 6 bar - optimally.

If the pressure is too low, the need a pump for increasing the pressureIn the reverse situation, you should take care of the installation of the pressure reducing valve.

Correctly installed high quality device is working properly for many years - without breakdowns, leaks, malfunctions. The user need only timely change cartridges.

Reverse osmosis membrane should be changed approximately every 2-4 years. pre-filters - once every six months, finishing - once a year. Produce work data can be yourself.

Reverse Osmosis Filter Housing

Timely replacement of filters and membranes - the key to efficient operation of the equipment and the health of all family members. This process does not usually cause complications

Harm and cons of the system installation

Together with the well-deserved praise, reverse osmosis filters and are often subjected to devastating criticism. This cleaning method, according to many, represents the saying "the best - the enemy of good."

One of the key disadvantages of plants is their low productivity. Filters very "scrupulous" to be cleaned - for 1 liter "good" water takes about 3 liters of "source liquid".

Reverse osmosis system

Reverse osmosis filters are very wasteful systems. In the sewers, they "descend" to 75% of the total water volume. It is their lack of a significant

Also among the minuses devices emit:

  • Overall;
  • high cost;
  • additional costs to the system for "incorrect" pressure in the water.

But the main "flaw" units - their potential harm to health. This fact disturbs the minds of consumers the most.

It is known that water subjected to reverse osmosis is practically distillate. Conclusions of experts in relation to the harm and benefits of such a liquid is always different and different still.

Soviet scientists have taken the position that the water must contain natural minerals - otherwise harm can not be avoided.

The usefulness of the distillate may speak only when short of its application. The fact that he is good at research and medical purposes does not make it so for the human body.

Regular consumption of water passed through the reverse osmosis membrane can lead to a violation of the salt balance, which is one of the most important metabolic processes in the body.

He is responsible for the correctness of the combination of the quality and quantity of salts in all the anatomical and physiological structures.

Violation of this balance greater side face deposition of salts, in a lower - thinning and misoperation tissues. Reverse osmosis membrane is a barrier to salt ions and other trace elements required by the body.

Lack of salts leads to a thinning of the bone, whereby bone becomes fragile. And cartilage thins, the cartilage becomes less elastic, there pain when walking and any movements. May develop arthritis.

Lack of magnesium can cause arrhythmia, muscular spasms, periodontal disease, hypertension. The low content or absence of water in the mineral substances have a negative impact on the state of tooth enamel.

Reverse osmosis water - not the ideal product; crystal being purified, it does not give any contribution to total nutrients required organism (nutrients). This is confirmed by many of today's research.

Cons of reverse osmosis

Water, purified reverse osmosis units often referred to as "dead", not carrying the body any good. Despite the fact that the water is desalinated, such statements are too loud

Authority data collected enough to say that the lack of calcium and magnesium trace does not pass. Increased risk of not only heart disease, but also sudden death.

Some scholars argue that the constant use of the so-called soft water with low content of Ca, leads to fractures in children, complications of pregnancy (pre-eclampsia), neurodegenerative changes.

The design of the reverse osmosis unit may include mineralizer, which makes up for "major losses".

But the fact that the mineralization already treated water will not ensure a harmonious combination of mikroelemetov that originally present in the liquid.

Probably none of the world's existing methods of water concentration is not optimal, saturating it really all the important substances.

A number of experts believe more rational use of the water treatment systems, which do not require any additional measures to improve the quality and taste of the liquid.

The principle of reverse osmosis action

Volatile organic substances that are smaller than the molecule of water, reverse osmosis membrane does not catch. It also misses herbicides and insecticides

The real advantages of membrane purification

Despite a number of disadvantages of reverse osmosis, can not detract from its advantages. This is a really effective system of water treatment, coping with even the most hazardous contaminants.

Water, where we did not take it - city water, open water, wells or well - contains large amounts of harmful and dangerous elements.

Inconsistency fluid intake sanitary-chemical-biological and sanitary norms negatively affects state of health and human health.

The main sources of water pollution are:

  • municipal wastes;
  • municipal waste;
  • industrial wastewater;
  • industrial waste.

They are saturated with it in various chemical and microbiological contaminants.

Bacteria and viruses that reproduce in municipal waste water, capable of causing a plurality of various serious diseases, including:

  • cholera;
  • bacterial rubella;
  • typhoid and paratyphoid;
  • salmonellosis.

Contaminated drinking water may contain a toxic substance, helminth eggs, nitrites, nitrates.

Industrial effluents "full of" almost the entire periodic table. Formaldehyde, phenol, heavy metals, organic solvents contained in them can cause genetic mutations and cancerous growths, have teratogenic effects on the fetus.

Mercury, copper and lead affects the kidneys. Nickel, zinc and cobalt negative effect on the liver. A huge negative impact they have on the cardiovascular system.

Needless to say that the constant use of water with the "rich composition" is extremely detrimental to the human body? Therefore, the use of household water treatment plants is not a whim but a necessity.

The degree of water purification by reverse osmosis

Laboratory studies show that most of the drinking water is contaminated with iron, calcium salts, organic contaminants, manganese, fluorides, and sulfides

Conventional flow-type filters, nozzles, jugs reduce the amount of harmful impurities in the water, reduce their concentration. Taste the liquid becomes a pleasant smell and color disappear.

But to the right 100% of all pollution with them, unfortunately, will not succeed. To help in this can only home reverse osmosis filter.

Devices of the reverse osmosis system is one of the best systems to purify water in the home. These "handle" is more than 98% contaminants. No other filter for home use It is not able to.

Really high efficiency makes the equipment more popular. People resist freezing and boiling water in his favor.

Despite the impressive size, reverse osmosis installation is completely invisible in the kitchen, as set under the sink filter.

The only detail, indicating its presence - separate chrome spout for feeding purified liquid. This crane is mounted or countertop, or directly into the sink.

The use of reverse osmosis more harm

The device does not produce absolutely no hassle, it works quietly and almost nothing about himself reminds

Reverse osmosis filters - equipment operating for the benefit of the whole family. Adults, children and the elderly can not hesitate to drink water that has passed through a purification system. It can be easy to cook, raise it to a mixture of newborns.

Water from the reverse osmosis well as wash, bathe in her baby. It does not cause irritation and allergies, is great for sensitive skin prone to rashes.

The purified liquid prolongs the life of household appliances (irons, coffee makers and so on.).

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The main filter reverse osmosis installation

Main filter obratnoosmaticheskoy system - arranged in several layers of the membrane. The filter cartridge is placed in a horizontally fixed flask, the connected on one side to the previous filters, on the other - to the sewer

Cartridge to be installed in a horizontal module

To replace the contaminated membrane cartridge is recommended to buy the same, since the products of different companies can vary in size

The structure of the membrane filter

The membrane filter is a multilayer system of dense polymeric fabric with microscopic pores

Tool for fitting the filter

Replaceable cartridge designed so that it is sufficient to immerse the flask, close it and run fine purification

The main filter reverse osmosis installation

The main filter reverse osmosis installation

Cartridge to be installed in a horizontal module

Cartridge to be installed in a horizontal module

The structure of the membrane filter

The structure of the membrane filter

Tool for fitting the filter

Tool for fitting the filter

Reverse osmosis systems are removed from the liquid components that prevent disclosure of the true flavor of food. A particularly beverages. On purified water gives a very aromatic coffee, excellent cocktails.

Water subjected to reverse osmosis ensures perfect quality of alcoholic beverages, packaged juices and so on.

Absolute safety of purified liquid - a key advantage of reverse osmosis units. This is an important acquisition for a healthy life.

reverse osmosis system under the sink

Quantity and quality of the purified water will depend upon such factors as the pressure in the water, temperature and degree of contamination of the liquid, the membrane performance

Many reputable sources claim that it is not necessary to worry about low fluid mineralization at the right rich and varied diet. For the "lion's share" of nutrients enters the body is from food, not water.

Subtleties of the reverse osmosis installation

The liquid filtration was really high-quality, to the selection of the system should be approached very seriously.

With standard assembly steps obratnoosmaticheskoy system will introduce a selection of photos:

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Step 1: Introduction to the traditional set of devices for the assembly system

Assembly and installation of water purification systems reverse osmosis plant will start with familiarization with the assembly and study the manufacturer's instructions

Step 2: Set the membrane filter module

From the bulb, designed to position the membrane filter screw cap. We install this system module suitable membrane cartridge

Step 3: Connecting to the flask with hose membrane

The flask with the membrane, attach the hose to which the modules are connected in series were coarse and fine water treatment. On the reverse side, attach the hose to the sewer cleaning outputting waste

Step 4: faucet assembly for a water line

To connect to the water supply valve is available in the system configuration. He needed to disable and dismantle reverse osmosis in the event of repair or replacement cartridges

Step 5: Connecting to the water tap hose

Measured off the required length of hose, cut it off, set the valve and fix his clutch

Step 6: Connecting the water supply to the water supply line

Connect a hose from the valve to the water supply. Along this line, the water will come to clean the reverse osmosis system

Step 7: The output apparatus in sewers

To reset the water is not passed through the membrane filter output is needed in a sewer. To do this, drill a hole for a siphon hose, and I put the gasket

Step 8: Install the clamp with mounting hose

Set on the prepared place a collar consisting of two half-rings. In order to have available at the opening coincided with a drilled, we start the hose in it. Combine, spin hardware

Step 1: Introduction to the traditional set of devices for the assembly system

Step 1: Introduction to the traditional set of devices for the assembly system

Step 2: Set the membrane filter module

Step 2: Set the membrane filter module

Step 3: Connecting to the flask with hose membrane

Step 3: Connecting to the flask with hose membrane

Step 4: faucet assembly for a water line

Step 4: faucet assembly for a water line

Step 5: Connecting to the water tap hose

Step 5: Connecting to the water tap hose

Step 6: Connecting the water supply to the water supply line

Step 6: Connecting the water supply to the water supply line

Step 7: The output apparatus in sewers

Step 7: The output apparatus in sewers

Step 8: Install the clamp with mounting hose

Step 8: Install the clamp with mounting hose

Another important factor is the raw material used to manufacture the plastic body of the product. Exterior The design should "inspire confidence" from it in any case should not be an unpleasant chemical smell.

The filter of a second-rate raw materials - a micro cracks, splits, acidification inside the housing and no health benefits.

Be sure to look at the quality of connections and fittings - from them depends largely on the reliability and durability of the equipment. The best manufacturers of these components are JohnGuest and Organic.

Membrane - a key component of the installation - must necessarily be very good. What is better, the higher the degree of cleaning fluid and its composition is safer.

The best market proposals are membrane Filmtec (Expensive but a great resource) and TFC (Best value for money and reliability). Service life can reach 5 years.

Products Chinese manufacturers are usually not "hold out" even before the average level of quality, being extremely short-lived.

Filters typically 4-15 thousand liters, the average daily output - 170-250 liters. Devices with a resource of 5000 liters a family of 3-4 people is enough for about 2 years.

Few people know that the reverse osmosis system can be done independently. Step by step instructions can be found in this material.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Comparative analysis of the efficiency of the flow of filters and reverse osmosis systems:

There is no consensus on the reverse osmosis harms and benefits is not. Even competent experts disagree. Still afraid, "like fire" reverse osmosis filter is not necessary, because the pollution contained in tap water are more dangerous imbalance of its mineral composition.

And with the removal device handle hazardous substances is really excellent. And this is a weighty argument in favor of the purchase.

Ponder over the acquisition of the reverse osmosis filter? Or already have experience of using reverse osmosis plants and you would like to share it? Please leave comments below the article. Here you can also ask a question on the subject of the article.

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