9 tips for interior wood walls


  1. №1.When can I start the interior trim of wooden walls?
  2. №2.Features cauldron walls wooden house
  3. №3.The nuances of the choice of finishing material for wooden walls
  4. №4.Painting or varnishing
  5. №5.Lining for finishing wooden walls
  6. №6.Wall panels
  7. №7.Drywall
  8. №8.Stone, tile and plaster
  9. №9.Features of interior finish of old wooden walls
  10. In conclusion,

Wooden houses are an example of environmental friendliness and naturalness, and when facing it is important not to nullify this main advantage, therefore it is important to involve only professionals in finishing works, to use only high-quality breathable materials. Let's try to deal with all the nuances of wall decoration in a wooden house and consider what materials are suitable for their facing, and when you can do without them.

№1.When can I start the interior trim of wooden walls?

Alas, immediately after the construction of a wooden house, you cannot proceed to the finishing works. The newly built house must be given

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time for shrinkage .The duration of this process depends on many factors .If the house is built of laminated veneer lumber, then can be used to finish the walls in for 3-4 weeks, while the owners of all other types of wooden houses will have to wait for at least 10 months , and for a guarantee - a year. The shrinkage time depends not only on the material used in the construction, but also on the climatic conditions in the region and the initial moisture content of the raw materials.

During the shrinkage, wood is actively dried, it is reduced in size, and the insulation used is pressed down by the weight of logs and cant. It is easy to imagine what will happen if you start to finish the walls in this period - the facing material will either fall off or distort it. In any case, after a few months everything will have to be redone, and this is again money and effort, so it’s better to wait until the basic shrinkage processes have passed. But you won't be bored without it, because it is at this time that it is necessary to ensure the tightness of all joints, which is achieved by carrying out competent caulks.

№2.Features of the cauldron of the walls of a wooden houseThe essence of the process is to fill the slots insulation, which is usually used as jute or tow .The quality of performance of these works depends on the insulation of the house and its tightness.

The caulking iron is carried out immediately inside and outside, bypassing the house around the perimeter and caulking upward each crown. Each time after this, the structure will be lifted by 5-7 cm, and then settle down, sealing the insulation, which will completely fill the gap. It is possible to move on to finishing works only when shrinkage occurs after the second caulker. In order for to know exactly when facing can already be done, will need to regularly measure the height of the walls: if within 2-3 months the values ​​obtained are practically unchanged, then the basic shrinking processes have passed and you can proceed to the finishing. The next time caulk spend 5 years, and then, if necessary. The

caulk is performed in one of the following ways:

  • "in set". At first, long thin strands are made of insulating material, and then they are wound into a ball. These strands fill the gap, and the greater the gap, the greater the number of strands needed;
  • "stretched" .This method involves the use of individual strands, which fill the slots. They form a roller, which is pushed into the gap.

To perform the caulking iron, you need the , a simple set of tools: a hammer, a chisel, a rubber mallet, and a caulking blade.

№3.The nuances of the choice of finishing material for wooden walls

The distinctive feature of wooden walls is the ability to maintain an optimum temperature and humidity level indoors. To preserve these unique properties, must use natural materials for cladding. is influenced by a number of factors:

  • , the climate of the region, , and whether the owners of the house live in it permanently or only in the summer period, .If the climate is mild or is supposed to rest in a wooden house only in the warm season, then you can do without additional finishing materials and admire the natural beauty of the log house, however, do not forget to cover it with protective agents. If the house will be used constantly, and the winters in the region are cold, then it is better to use the finish, and to install it on the batten, in order to use insulation between the wall and the cladding;
  • home condition .The walls of the new wooden house are notable for their attractive appearance, beautiful texture and color, so if possible they should not be hidden under the decoration. It is better in this case to perform the grinding of a log or bar and to scale the surface. water-based paints , which do not paint the color of wood, but only give it a certain shade, or tinting antiseptics are used for this. Antiseptics will still have to be used to permanently preserve the original appearance of the wood and provide it with reliable protection. Varnish can also be used, but more often it covers the floor. If the walls are old and already have an imperfect appearance, then they are best hidden under the trim. lining is excellent; , in particular, is the one that imitates a log house - a block house;
  • features an room. In some rooms, wooden walls can be covered with tiles, plaster, or even plasterboard and siding. Of course, this is justified only for kitchens and baths in order to provide maximum protection for the wood.

Wall paneling, drywall, wall panels and many other finishing materials are fastened to wooden walls with the help of and battens, it is better to do it from a wooden bar. If necessary, insulation is laid in the sheathing, but if the house is not cold and a little money is spent on heating, it is better to do without additional insulation and vapor insulation, because the wood itself copes with these tasks, and the extra materials can only upset the natural balance. It is better to leave a space between the wall and cladding free, ensuring the normal circulation of air , which is very important to prevent wood rotting. The resulting gap for the finishing material can be used for communications organization. , incl.electrical wiring. When it comes to wooden walls, electrical cables must be laid in non-combustible pipes, so space will be required.

Despite what material will be selected for mounting on the batten, it is necessary to leave a gap to the ceiling of 2-4 cm .If the house was recently erected, it will become an insurance in case of shrinkage, and for an old wooden house - in case of a change in the geometry of the wood, because this material absorbs moisture and gives it away during the whole period of operation. The gap will allow the wood to breathe peacefully, without disturbing the lining. To prevent this replacement distance from being replaced, the baseboard is attached only to the ceiling surface, and is leaned against the wall.

№4.Painting or varnishing with

lacquer If there is a possibility, it’s better to leave the wooden walls without finishing at all, because they already have an excellent view - it’s better not to spoil it, but only to emphasize. For these purposes, paints, antiseptics and varnishes can be used. Only the not very aesthetic seams of caulks can spoil the result, but there is a way out as well - they can be taped with an twisted cord. It turns out very original and cute, and the cord will also serve as an additional protection against drafts.

It is important for to properly prepare walls before applying varnish or beauty. The initial stage - grinding .Many people are afraid of this process, being afraid to break the natural texture of wood, but if you do everything correctly, the appearance of the walls will only get better. Grinding helps to get rid of cracks that could result from shrinkage. After that, is treated with antiseptics that prevent mold and mildew, and with film-forming compounds( varnishes and oils), which create a reliable protective layer on the surface of the tree, protecting the material from dirt, darkening and mechanical effects. It is also advisable to use flame retardants - substances that increase the resistance of wood to fire.

Paint can be as lessing or coking .The first option is used when it is necessary to preserve the natural color of wood, but give it a certain shade. Paints with a dense color shade completely cover the color of the tree, but before painting the entire wall or its part, it is better to try to apply the material on an inconspicuous part of the wall. If it is necessary to hide the relief of a tree, then a primer is used for painting.

Most often, uses the following compositions for painting wooden walls:

  • water-based acrylic paints is ideal. These are safe and environmentally friendly materials that form an elastic, durable coating that allows wood to "breathe."The structure can be transparent and dense. The disadvantage is the high price;
  • alkyd paint allows wood to provide additional protection against fungus and moisture. The material is resistant to temperature and frost, is inexpensive, but such a coating dries for about a day, and then an unpleasant odor can persist for several days;
  • oil paints are less and less used for wooden walls. They are well absorbed into the tree, due to which it receives additional protection from moisture and dirt. The coating is safe, it differs in a mass of saturated colors, but it dries for about three days, and with time it may turn yellow.

The use of nitro and polyurethane paints is strictly not recommended - they violate the environmental friendliness of wood.

An alternative to paint - varnishes .They have a transparent structure and do not hide the natural beauty of wood, but now there are also toning varnishes on sale, which can alter the shade of wood a little. According to the type of surface obtained, the varnishes are divided into matte and glossy - here it is as you like. If necessary, clear varnish can be zakolerovat. Another good option is wax , it allows you to get a velvety finish with gloss.

. All the described coating options can also be used by for decorating wall paneling. Do not forget that it is necessary to process wood with protective agents even if it will use lathing and facing material.

№5.Lining for finishing wooden walls

Most often for the decoration of wooden walls use lining - a completely natural material, a kind of cladding boards, which are made of different wood species. Environmental friendliness is not the only advantage of lining. This is an inexpensive and easy-to-install material with excellent decorative qualities. Lining, in contrast, for example, from drywall, can withstand the load of - you can hang something on it.

For interior wall cladding, you can take lining with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm - it copes with its tasks, it is inexpensive and weighs little. Thicker material will require a powerful obreshetka, which takes a lot of free space. Reiki lining can be mounted horizontally, vertically, at an angle or at the same time use different directions, creating beautiful panels.

Lining can be made from different wood species , but the tree is well dried beforehand( moisture should not exceed 12%). Hardwood ( birch, ash, linden) can be used in any premises, includingand in the bath( linden, alder), and cheaper coniferous are suitable only for living rooms, as at elevated temperatures emit resin. Experts advise whenever possible to select lining from that breed from which the house is built. In this case, the walls and the finish will have approximately the same expansion coefficients.

Lining is made of edged boards - core boards are less durable and are not suitable for these wholes. By the quality of wood, lining is divided into the following classes:

  • extra - material without cracks, knots and other defects, with uniform color;
  • class A .It is allowed to have one knot or non-through crack for every 1.5 linear meters;
  • class B is a lining, for 1.5 running meters of which there can be 4 knots and 2 resin pockets. Contrast blemishes are also allowed;
  • class C is a lining with a large number of stains of strips, cracks, resin pockets and knots. For wall cladding is not suitable.

The surface of the wall paneling may be:

  • flat .Only such lining earlier and sold. It looks good, but may seem boring to many;
  • softline - almost the same flat lining, but with rounded edges;
  • block house - lining, which simulates a log house. This is ideal when you need to preserve the style and atmosphere of a wooden house as much as possible;
  • panel - imitation of a log cut from a log;
  • American - lining with a wedge-shaped profile, due to which the wall will look as if the panels were connected with overlap.

Before mounting on the batten, coniferous lining can be removed from the concrete using special means or 25% acetone solution. If necessary, you can lighten the contrasting bands and spots.

All modern lining has special fasteners , which facilitate its installation. Do not forget to leave gaps of 2-4 cm above and below to compensate for the expansion of wood. Previously, the wall paneling to the crate was fastened with nails, which were driven into the front surface. At best, finishing nails or nails without caps were used. Today, uses cleats for mounting, or , or drives nails at an angle into a tongue or groove.

№6.Wall panels

Through the use of wall panels, walls can be transformed beyond recognition and embody completely any design idea, with their help often make out only separate zones: above the bed, kitchen apron, near the bathroom. Wall panels make from different materials:

  • wood and bamboo;
  • veneered and laminated MDF;
  • glass( transparent, frosted, with print);
  • leather;
  • plastic.

Panels can be type and panel .Typesetters have a large length and a small width, are connected according to the thorn-groove principle. wood paneling, in fact, belongs to the panel wall panels, but its wide distribution and unique properties made it possible to distinguish it into a separate class of finishing materials. Panel boards have a more comparable length and width.

Wall panels are mounted on the batten, the pitch of which depends on the parameters of the finishing material. A variety of design can not be described in words, but not all such panels meet the requirement of environmental friendliness: leather and glass will not violate the microclimate, which is not the case with plastic panels. Nevertheless, even plastic panels , incl.and plastic lining, have the right to be used for finishing of a bathroom, toilet or kitchen.


Drywall for cladding wooden walls is used quite rarely for obvious reasons. Its use is justified when it is necessary for to build an partition, to hide communications, or when the surface of the tree has significant defects. The installation of plasterboard sheets is performed by on the framework of the , for the construction of which you can use a wooden beam or metal profile, you cannot do without gaps around the ceiling and floor.

can be finished with drywall only after complete shrinkage of the house and provided that the room is heated in winter. Gypsum is a sensitive fragile material, which can be severely deformed during shrinkage of walls or sudden temperature changes. To extend the life of such a finish, you can use floating frame , and all the joints of the sheets and corners glue reinforcing polymer mesh .To finish the walls in the kitchen and in the bathroom, you must use moisture resistant plasterboard.

№8.Stone, tile and plaster

Artificial and natural stone, as well as tile, are environmentally friendly materials that do not violate the microclimate of a room with wooden walls, but they are rarely used as the main independent lining. Stone, for example, is suitable for finishing zone near the fireplace , tile will be appropriate for bathrooms and kitchens .By the way, tile and artificial stone can imitate wood so accurately that the appearance of the house does not suffer at all.

The wooden walls of the plaster the also infrequently, but individual plaster compositions that tolerate moisture and heat very well can be used to decorate the working area of ​​the kitchen or in the toilet.

№9.Features of interior decoration of old wooden walls

Finishing work in the old house of timber or logs is preceded by the dismantling of cladding and assessment of the condition of the wood. . All light and dark spots that differ in texture and structure should be checked for durability with a chisel, screwdriver or knife. If there are no signs of destruction, then it remains only to cover the wood with protective compounds and proceed to finishing works.

When wood has lost strength, crumbled or cracked in places, it is better to consult with a specialist who will help determine the cause( insects, fungus, microorganisms) and select a set of measures. Most likely, the damaged parts will have to be replaced, paying special attention to the treatment of adjacent areas with antiseptics. After the restoration work, you can proceed to the finish, choosing one of the above options. The main advantage in this case is the absence of the need to take into account shrinkage.

In conclusion,

Despite the fact that you can use a lot of materials for cladding wooden walls, the choice is better to stop on wooden lining or to simply paint the wood with paint or varnish, keeping the original color and texture. Try to refrain from the temptation to start finishing before the log house gives the main shrinkage - this saves money and nerves.

Tags: Wall paneling, Wooden beam, Wall panels
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