5 tips for interior finishing of the house from SIP panels


  1. №1. Pros and cons of houses made of sandwich panels
  2. №2. Features of interior finishing of houses from SIP panels
  3. No. 3. Wall decoration in houses made of self-supporting panels
  4. №4. Flooring in the house from the SIP panels
  5. №5. Finishing the ceilings in the house from SIP panels

The houses from SIP panels have long established themselves in many countries of the world, including Russia. In our country SIP-technology, - one of the types of panel construction, - is more known under the name of "Canadian". The main advantage of this technology is the ability to build a full-fledged house in a very short time, which will cost much less than brick or aerated concrete. Perhaps, here lies a trick, the interior decoration of the house from the SIP panels must be carried out from strictly defined materials? Not at all, but some features still worth considering.

№1. Pros and cons of houses made of sandwich panels

The process of building a house from SIP panels reminds the designer: from pre-prepared elements with spikes and grooves are easily assembled walls, ceilings and partitions. Technology is widely used in both industrial and private construction.

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The SIP panel consists of several layers:in the middle is a heater, which is covered with sheet material on both sides. These can be sheets of steel, plastic, plasterboard or OSB panels. For the construction of private houses are used mainly the latter. They are made from wood chips, and the pressing technology allows to produce sufficiently strong panels, which in the future will be able to withstand any fasteners.

As a heater usually use:

  • polystyrene, which is highly resistant to moisture, excellent thermal insulation and durability. Of the minuses ability to maintain combustion;
  • mineral wool burning does not support, but water is afraid, so great attention should be paid to the integrity of the entire structure;
  • polyurethane foam - the ideal option, the most common in Europe. It is warmer than mineral wool and polystyrene, is not afraid of water, is light in weight and does not burn well.

Between themselves, sandwich panels are connected with a special lock.

The houses built from SIP panels have several advantages:

  • high construction speed (2-3 months). Ideal for those families who want to quickly acquire their own housing;
  • You can move on to finishing works right after building a house- wait until something dries or shrinkage is needed;
  • for the construction of a reinforced foundation is not needed. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of the project;
  • low thermal conductivity. Panels with a thickness of 160-170 mm can replace a brick wall with a thickness of 2 m;
  • The panels are perfectly docked and have almost no gaps. Such an accurate fit was made possible by sophisticated equipment that is used in production;
  • the skin of the frame can be made in a matter of days, since the panels are connected by means of the "spike-groove" system. To eliminate the so-called "cold bridges mounting foam is used;
  • the building is suitable for permanent residence, and the plates easily withstand temperatures from -60 to +60 ° C;
  • You can build a house from OSB-boards at any time, be it July or January. For example, for the construction of walls it will take two to three weeks.
  • quality SIP panels from proven manufacturers serve for decades.

Without minuses it was not done:

  • flammability. According to the degree of combustibility, SIP panels belong to the same class as the tree, but they burn more heavily. The panels that use polyurethane foam, capable of self-extinguishing, are the best ones to show themselves;
  • price. Quality SIP panels are almost at the level of glued beams, but the construction of the house will still be cheaper than using a brick or gas block. Everything depends on the weight and ease of assembly.

Often the disadvantages are also considered high probabilitydamage to the material by rodentsand non-ecological. It's nothing more than myths. Many years of experience in the operation of houses from SIP panels proved that the rodents are not planted in them and the walls are not eaten. As for theenvironmental friendliness, then using a quality material risks are minimal: responsible manufacturers make panels that release formaldehyde several times less than the notorious chipboard. Scam houses built on this technology, can only be for not the highestsoundproofing, which, in principle, is typical for all panel houses. If this is critical, then additional soundproof materials can be used.

№2. Features of interior finishing of houses from SIP panels


The internal lining of walls, floors and ceilings in houses built from sandwich panels is practically not differs from finishing works in other houses - this is one of the advantages of this accelerated technology construction. The most important nuance, which should be taken into account before the beginning of all works, is the need for an open installation of all communications.Do stroibas in the panels can not.In practice, some people violate this prohibition, why the durability of the construction suffers, and numerous myths are born. If you do not want the wiring to remain visible, you'll have to trick it and hide it behind the sheets of drywall.

No. 3. Wall decoration in houses made of self-supporting panels

The developers say that after all the facing works it will be difficult to guess what the house really was built of. This is confirmed by experts who are engaged in finishing. You can wall the walls with almost any material, but you still need to know the nuances of using each of them.

For wall decoration, you can use such materials:

  • drywall. This is the most popular option. There are several ways to mount it on the walls, everything depends on the set goals. The first method -installation of drywall directly on the wallwith the help of self-tapping screws and without a frame. This increases the sound insulation and fire resistance, and also reduces the fragility of drywall. Minus - wiring will have to be laid open way, and many believe that this is unaesthetic. The second option -mount drywall in two layers: in the first, the shrouds for the wiring are made and the cables are laid, and the second layer serves for alignment. In this case, it is possible to achieve the most aesthetic result, and the fire resistance of the construction increases at times - the walls will be able to resist the fire for hours. Another option -Mount the plasterboard on a metal or wooden frame.All the wires, as well as air ducts and some pipes can be hidden behind the plasterboard. However, for the sake of it it is necessary to sacrifice a useful area. After assembling the drywall all the seams and the places of the self-tapping are shpaklyuyutsya, after which you can proceed to the finish finish;
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  • painting. The cheapest option of finishing the walls is coating them with acrylic paintstraight on the surfaceOSB-plates. At the same time, it is possible to preserve the relief of the walls and the whole area. You can also paint gypsum cardboard. In this case, almost all types of paints will do. The best option -water-based paint, excellently show themselveslatex and acrylic paints. Color is chosen depending on your own preferences, as well as considering the style of the interior, the size of the room and the orientation of the room with respect to the sides of the world. One of the walls in the room can be highlighted with a contrasting color to accentuate it;
  • wallpaper. Textured wallpaper can be glued onright on the panel. In this case, you can save both time and money. This, by the way, is a common technique, but you will have to accept the open wiring installation. Wallpaper can be glued andon drywall.Its smooth smooth surface allows using any type of wallpaper with equal success. The cheapest option - paper wallpaper, but they are suitable only for bedrooms and living rooms. Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are slightly more expensive, but more enduring in terms of operation. You can also use textile wallpaper, wall paper, bulk lincrusta wallpaper, cork and liquid wallpaper. Diverse interior luminous wallpaper and wallpaper;
  • Decorative plaster can be applied only on a carefully prepared surface. The joints of the plates are preliminarily covered with a paint tape to avoid the appearance of cracks. Then a grid is attached to the wall, after which it is possible to start applying the first layer of ordinary (non-decorative) plaster. The smoothness of the application of the solution is necessarily controlled by the level. The starting layer is sanded with a sandpaper and a second layer is applied from above. After it dries, you can start applying decorative plaster. This is an eco-friendly and beautiful coating, and the variety of compositions allows you to achieve the desired visual effect. The universal is calledsilicone plaster, showed herself quite wellmineral. Depending on the filler, the type of the final surface can be smooth or embossed;
  • lining. Wooden paneling can be used for finishing walls and ceilings, it is mounted simply, it is desirable to use a frame. The material is different in type of surface. If you want to simulate a wooden frame, then you can takeclapboard type block house. In any case, a wooden paneling is beautiful and environmentally friendly. The plastic lining will be cheaper, but it is better not to use it because of increased flammability, fragility and full air tightness, which is critical for a house made of SIP panels;
  • ceramic tiles are needed in kitchens and bathrooms. There are several approaches to installing tiles in houses from SIP panels. One of them suggests to seal joints of panels, lay a layer of waterproofing, then mount a moisture-resistant gypsum board, on top of which tiles are already fastened. The second method involves the installation of tiles immediately on the panel. They are pre-primed. The glue is applied to both the tile and the surface. This method is less reliable.

These are the main finishing materials that are used today for walls. However, as an alternative to a wooden board, MDF panels and laminate are suitable, which can have any design. Some places can be finished with artificial stone or soft wall panels.

№4. Flooring in the house from the SIP panels

Note immediately - any modern materials will do. On the first floors, some install an additional system of warm floors.

The most popular variants of flooring are:

  • natural wood, which is represented by a massive board and a piece of parquet. This is an eco-friendly and safe covering, which will be a pair of wooden lining placed on the walls. Among the advantages of a warm surface and durability, of the minuses - the price and the need for special care;
  • Parquet board - a cheaper analogue, consists of several layers of wood, but in terms of environmental friendliness almost not inferior to the array. Appearance, assortment, installation - these are obvious pluses. Of the minuses, fear of moisture and slightly less durability than wood;
  • laminate - even cheaper option, can simulate the pattern of any wood or stone, easy to install, durable, but has a cold surface and gives loud noises when something falls to the floor;
  • cork floor - a natural warm and slightly springy coating that is not afraid of fire, does not attract dust, is distinguished by high durability and wear resistance. Out of the minuses is the price and fear of sharp objects;
  • ceramic tileIt is used where it is important that the coating withstand the effects of moisture, temperature changes and mechanical effects. This is a durable and aesthetic finish, but it differs from the cold surface and complex installation;
  • linoleum is a hit among all flooring finishing materials. Cheap, easy to install, warm, durable, and at the same time can decently enough simulate both wood and stone. Of the minuses only a high probability that after heavy items of furniture on the surface there will be dents;
  • stone floor and porcelain floor. This is quite expensive options for finishing, although granite will cost, of course, cheaper. Among the advantages of high strength, durability and resistance to any impact, of the minuses - the price and cold surface;
  • Liquid floors are expensive, they are difficult to install and even more difficult to dismantle, but allow you to do monolithic coating, which can be completely any color and texture, decorated with shells or pebbles. You can use any image or even your own photo.

Under the tile, porcelain stoneware and the bulk floor it is better to make a concrete screed. Alternative option - to lay mineral board materials in one or several layers, previously making a waterproofing.

№5. Finishing the ceilings in the house from SIP panels

Smooth ceilings, obtained through the use of SIP panels, allow you to apply in the finish the full range of possible materials.Among the most popular options:

  • painting. The ceiling can be simply painted, without sewing drywall. Here, as in the case of the walls, the original texture remains. You can generally cover all the surfaces with a protective varnish and do not bother, but the interior will come out original;
  • drywall. On the ceiling, it is better to mount gypsum cardboard on the frame. In this case, you can hide all the cables leading to the lighting fixtures, and organize a complex lighting scheme with a chandelier and spotlights. You can also hide ventilation pipes behind the plasterboard. It remains only to fill the joints and fixing points with screws, and apply any vending material: paint, wallpaper, plaster, etc. It turns out a classic false ceiling;
  • wallpaperyou can glue directly to the plates, but it's better - on the drywall. For the ceiling is the same range of wallpaper as for walls;
  • stretch ceiling - a universal option. This is the fastest way to equip the ceiling, dirty processes at a minimum, and the options for textures and colors - for every taste: from glossy white to imitation of the starry sky;
  • plasterAlso allows you to decorate the ceiling as you like: the color and texture vary widely, like the price;
  • rack metal ceiling refers to suspended structures, mounted on a frame, not afraid of moisture, allows you to create an effective backlight and hide communications, but will not fit in every style interior;
  • wood paneling canboast of all the advantages that are typical for suspension systems, besides, it is eco-friendly and beautiful, it will require regular maintenance.

Use EPS polystyrene tiles in SIP homes is not recommended. It's not even that it does not let in air - in a building built on this technology, and so the ventilation system is provided. Such a tile is very easily ignited, even despite the production treatment with fire retardants.

No wonder the whole civilized world is actively building houses from CIP panels. It is really fast, cheap and convenient, and materials for their finishing can be used any.

More details on the construction of houses from SIP panels you will find on http://technosip.ru/.

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