9 tips on choosing a children's castle on the windows


  1. №1.Types of locks on the windows
  2. №2.Handle with lock
  3. № 3.Surface lock
  4. №4.Mortise lock
  5. №5.Lock-lock
  6. № 6.Cap, or lock socket
  7. №7.Lock with cable
  8. №8.Additional protection of the room
  9. №9.Manufacturers of children's locks on the windows
  10. At the end of

At the sight of their child on the windowsill, any parent has a panic, and the higher the floor, the stronger this panic. Even a 2-year-old kid can open the casement of a modern glass unit; therefore, windows should be managed to be modernized with the help of special locks and blockers. Most of them allow you to freely open the doors for ventilation, but do not allow kids to open them. It is not necessary to change the windows, and the duration of the lock installation procedure varies from a few minutes to half an hour depending on the design. We understand how to choose the right child lock on the windows and which type will be preferable in a particular situation.

№1.Types of locks for windows

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Locks for windows are sufficiently simple and inexpensive constructions that can be installed by on all types of windows, even on plastic ones, even on wooden ones. They allow you to make the window safe for the baby, bring peace of mind to the parents, and at the same time increase the burglar resistance of the window - the thieves outside will not be able to open the lock. Often, pet owners, , also install locking structures.

According to the principle of operation and the place of installation, locks are divided into several types:

  • handles with a lock or button;
  • patch locks;
  • mortise locks;
  • bollards;
  • locks with a cable.

There is also an lock-socket or plug, in which there is no lock mechanism, but the design has the same function - to prevent the child from opening the window by himself. Also, some attribute to the locking mechanisms and an comb-type window restrictor, but its usefulness is doubtful - almost any kid will be able to tilt such a limiter and open the flap.

№2.Handle with lock

Some parents use the most budget and at the same time the most inconvenient way to protect windows - they simply unscrew the handle. No handle - no way to open the window. Cheap and angry. After a couple of weeks of using such a method, all its disadvantages and inconveniences, which can already be guessed, will come out. It is better to spend a little money, but to get a really convenient construction management.

A handle with a lock is one of the most popular and effective ways to secure a window construction. An ordinary handle is changed to a special one with a built-in lock, and it can only be activated if there is a key. The sash can be locked in the open, closed and inclined position - the window's functionality does not disappear anywhere, the sash can only be opened and closed after the key has been inserted into the lock. The only negative is that you have to carry the keys with you and use them even when you need to open the window for airing.

Some manufacturers make the keys bright enough, since the first time, according to the statistics collected, many parents forget the keys in the window handle.

A variation of the handle with a lock - handle with a button .The principle of operation is the same: to turn the knob, press the button. It is pushed hard enough, so the child, even the strongest, will not be able to do it. Plus for adults - no need to look for the keys and carry them with you.

Installing an new handle instead of the old one is easy - almost everyone can handle it. It will be necessary to turn the cap, unscrew the bolts hidden under it, remove the old handle, insert a new one, tighten the bolts and close it all with a plug. A new handle is inserted in the same position as the old one was taken out. Nothing complicated. With minimal experience, this is 10 minutes.


padlock The children's padlock on the windows, built into the handle, complicates the process of airing, and if this is critical for you, then it is better to install a padlock. Its main advantage is that even an without a key, the sash can be pushed aside by , letting fresh air into the apartment.

The padlock consists of two elements: the main part with a locking mechanism is mounted in the lower part of the sash, the second block with a tongue is mounted on the frame. The key is needed only to fully open the window.

Installing an of this design should not cause any problems for those who know how to handle a drill. First, on the sash and frame are marked the places where the elements of the lock will be fixed, and then holes are made for them, after which they are fixed with the help of bolts. All necessary elements and parts are usually supplied complete with a lock.

For more information about the principle of children's lock for windows, please visit http: //oknafdo.ru/accessories/ kids_lock /.

№4.Mortise lock

As the name of the construction suggests, the mortise lock differs from the invoice only in that its elements are hidden in the sash and frame of the .It is impossible to guess about its presence, the aesthetics of the window does not deteriorate, and the functionality completely coincides with the functionality of the padlock, i.e.tilt the sash can be without a key. However, for this you will need to install the structure in the lower part of the window.

Installation of mortise window locks is somewhat more complicated than all the others. From the artist will require training and the availability of professional toolsUnder one part of the lock is milling in the sash. To do this, use a special milling machine, which must be very accurately and accurately cut a niche of the same size as the locking mechanism. The frame is perforated with the subsequent installation of a keyhole. In order not to spoil the appearance of the window and provide the required functionality of the lock, it is better to seek help from a professional.


Usually, lock-locks( or locks) are called the usual mortise, overhead or lock-mounted locks or buttons. Some manufacturers imply completely different constructions as blockers. It is not even a lock, but rather a latch, and they are recommended to be placed at once on the sides and on top of the window. The design is attached to the sash, and when the tongue is lowered, it does not interfere with opening the window and opening it. If you rotate the movable elements of the latch, then the window can be tightly closed. The child cannot open all the elements - they are fixed very tightly and high. There are also blockers, where fixation occurs at the expense of a button or key.

In terms of convenience and functionality, such clamps are inferior to other children's locks on the windows, but they are very cheap and easy to install. Another nuance is the appearance of the window with blockers: not everyone will like the visibility of these elements.

№6.Plug, or lock-socket

The name of the lock-socket is not very safe. The design was called in a similar way, because they saw similarities with the functioning of any electrical device. It is enough to insert a special removable handle into the positioned hole to make the window “work”.This hole on the frame is aesthetically covered with a special cap. The child will have no chance of opening the window, as the pen will be hidden from the parents. Fix the sash in any position. The main disadvantage is that the pen should be carried with itself or hidden in the most unpredictable place, so that the baby could not find it. Such a solution will cost minimal waste, but is mainly suitable for plastic windows.

Installation is easy to do by yourself. Instead of the old handle and plug, a new decorative plug is mounted, with one bolt on it so that it can be turned and inserted a removable arm.

# 7.

cable lock A cable lock is very similar to typical bicycle locks. One part of the construction with a locking mechanism is mounted on the sash, the second - on the frame, between them is a cable. The length of the cable is chosen so that you can open the window for airing, but it would be impossible to open it. It is better to choose removable locks, which allow you to get rid of the cable and open the window completely if you have the key.

Cable locks - the most popular installation option on the sliding window designs .It simply does not allow opening the sash wider than it is provided for.

№8.Additional room protection

The lock not only eliminates the risk of falling out of the window, but also provides additional protection against illegal access to the premises. Even if there are no children at home, it is better to install the castle to the owners of apartments located on the first and last floors, as well as near trees, shared balconies and roofs of other buildings, from where it is easy to get to the window.

№9.Manufacturers of children's locks on the windows

When it comes to the safety of children and apartments, it is better not to save, as the saved small amount does not compensate for the unfortunate consequences of installing poor-quality locking accessories. Locks on the windows produce many companies, but preference is better to give the largest and most reputable:

  • MACO is a large Austrian company that produces handles with a lock and buttons. All metal elements are anticorrosive processing, so the manufacturer gives a long warranty on the mechanism;
  • Baby Safe Lock mainly produces patch locks, which are simply mounted and provide window opening in the airing mode. The block may have a white or brown color, and the key is different holder of the red color - forget it in the lock will not work. The lock can be installed on any type of profile;
  • ROTO is a German company that develops window locks of various designs, but most of all in an assortment of special handles with locks. It is possible to manufacture the elements of the lock on an individual order
  • JACKLOC produces cable locks and locking knobs, all of which have a high margin of safety;
  • PENKID - Turkish locks for sliding windows, have an excellent price / quality ratio.

In conclusion,

The desire to save leads craftsmen to the invention of self-made window locks. Usually these are metal chains. Sometimes mosquito nets and combs are used for protection: these elements have completely different tasks, so they cannot ensure the safety of the baby to the necessary extent. Special locks with a well-thought-out design are not so expensive to risk the life and health of the baby.

Tags: Windows
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