Cavitation heat generator

Cavitation heat generator - a heat pump, the hydrodynamic converter fluid movement of energy in the heating of the heaters.


At first glance, the theme of cavitation heat generators seems fantastic and removed from Wikipedia, but a detailed study was curious. The more interesting question becomes, the farther the authors deepened in the study. Book Fominsky of gratuitous energy sources begins with a description of the global environmental catastrophe end of the XX century. Among the well-known facts about the dangers of internal combustion engines, incredible details about the value of cavitation teplogeneratorov hypothesized to change the breathing mode of the world's forests and... to stop the flow of warm Gulf Stream. In 2003, the book was read as a collection of fiction. Recall now Europe is concerned about stopping the Gulf Stream, it becomes clear that the author was able to predict the future 10 years from now.

This suggests that the idea of ​​cavitation heat generators are not as utopian as trying to present the media. It is known that the efficiency of thermoelectric sources was of a percent at the beginning of the XX century, today it is considered as a promising direction. Efficacy first thermocouple reached 3%, which is comparable to the achievements of steam engines beginning XIX century. Already, engineers (see. screen) saying that the efficiency of the cavitation heat generator say greater than one.

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Cavitation heat generator - pump. The liquid stream just transfer energy from place to place. Any air conditioning and refrigerator show efficiency above 100%, operate on the principle of the heat pump, pumping energy from one spatial region to another. Comparable with the watering of the trees: electrical energy can not nourish the roots, but it is necessary to attach the engine to the propeller as streams of water rushing to bring life-giving water. The operating principle of cavitation heat generator is exactly analogous.

The heat pump is an expensive type of equipment. Typically, heat pumps subsurface stream or river. The temperature in these sources is low, and decreasing the pressure of freon is possible to achieve heat intake and delivery to the desired location. Refrigerator does not produce cold itself. It discharges freon, due to the laws of thermodynamics heat is transferred to the evaporator and from there delivered to the radiator on the back wall.

Similarly, cavitation bubbles are formed in locations where the water pressure is below the transition point to a different physical state (see. Fig.). As a result, a large amount of energy is absorbed. In substance transfer into another state of aggregation have expended heat. Which is taken from the surrounding water, and she - pumps with cavitation heat generator casing, and then out of the room. Heat body is formed by the pump discharge pressure. Efficiency above unity is explained by selection of heat from the environment. High utilization percentage own losses of the generator for heating the coils and friction.

Help cavitation heat generator

The climate varies greatly today because of the work of internal combustion engines. 40% carbon dioxide produced in the world transport, a significant part is ejected private owner, burning the fuel for heating. Released into the atmosphere a host of harmful substances, violated the conditions of life on the planet. Consequently, the energy of TPP is not offered as an alternative that benefits. For obvious reasons.

Cavitation heat generators make it possible to solve the complexities of the obvious way: pumping energy from the part of the space to another, will solve the urgent needs of the human life. For example, the generator can give and take heat. Heaters key advantage is that energy does not disappear without a trace. It remains warm on the ohmic resistance of wires, overcomes the friction force. Everything happens in the area of ​​the power plant, eventually lost by parasitic effects, unused due to fragmentation of factors. Cavitation generator will allow to collect the lost crumbs simple method would start to pump heat from the source of its formation:

  1. motor winding.
  2. Surface friction.

Already due to the increase factor setting efficiency: heat losses warm place where the heat is transferred. This is a definite plus. Other vozmyotsja from air. It is worth to ponder:

  • summer kitchen refrigerator warms, the efficiency falls.
  • Air conditioner takes the heat from the cold or cold pumps with sunflower side of the building.

A cavitation heat generator capable own losses usefully disposed. It has to be recognized as promising. Complexity - how to get more bubbles of the mechanical motion. This is already devoted to dozens, if not hundreds of patents, for example, RU 2313036. It is not difficult to guess that you need to pump heat from somewhere to take. This is a correct statement of the problem, because of the omission of the meaning of what is happening people do not want to believe that the cavitation generator - the reality: "As heating engineer, I would say - this is nonsense. Energy out of nowhere does not arise. Expend less energy and gain more heat allows the heat pump. »( forum)

If the professional is not clear what we are talking about a kind of heat pump is that the general public knows about the cavitation heat-generator... Let us establish who would be useful cavitation heat generator. Brought to perfection the design is acceptable to apply:

  1. For the selection of wastewater energy.
  2. Cooling plants with simultaneous heating jobs.
  3. Space heating without the use of oil, gas, fuel oil, coal, wood and so forth.

cavitation mechanism

Bubbles possible in a moving stream. Where sharply reduced pressure. For such sites include paddle blades vessels, piping adapters with different diameter (see. Fig.). Actually, the design of cavitation generators are divided into rotary and tubular. Both are driven by electricity, but the principle of action is different. Screw tube and displays on screen for said illustration.

For an explanation of what is happening we need to look at the graph of aggregate states. There are shown a rigid body (solid), liquid (liquid) and the vapor in the form of areas for a certain temperature (horizontal) and pressure (vertical). The broken lines indicate the line:

  1. Horizontally - normal atmospheric pressure.
  2. Vertical - ice point and boiling water.

It is seen that in normal conditions of steam is generated at a temperature of 100 degrees, at a pressure drop of half the boiling point is shifted to zero degrees Celsius. The effect is familiar to climbers who knows - at an altitude impossible to cook the meat. Water boils even at 70-80 degrees Celsius.

Propeller vessel forms bubbles at normal temperature water. Cavitation has a detrimental effect. The figure shows that after a couple of years of operation, the surface is covered vyscherbinami. Cavitation costly hydraulic systems.

The resulting bubble is not water bursts due to the tensile force and moves to a high pressure stream carried away. Gradually in front of the dent is formed, the shape changes from the spherical, becoming similar to an erythrocyte. Gradually wall closed, turns Torr (bagel). The resulting flow creates the torque figure is trying to turn inside out. As a result, the bulb bursts, it is still a bunch of turbulence (see. Fig.). In transition to pair different aggregate state releases energy absorbed before. In this transport of heat ends.

Talk about perpetual motion: science fiction

Viktor Schauberger

Austrian physicist Victor Schauberger developed when he was a forester curious logs alloy system. And it looks like natural bends of the rivers, rather than a straight line. Moving on such a kind of path the tree quickly reaches its destination. Schauberger explained this decrease in hydraulic friction.

Rumor has it that interested in Schauberger vortex motion of the liquid. Austrian beer lovers in the competition whirled bottle to give the rotational movement of the drink. Beer is faster to fly into the belly, cunning won. Schauberger independently repeated the trick and convinced of the effectiveness.

Not to be confused with the case described swirl wastewater screw always in one direction. Coriolis force due to the rotation of the Earth and is seen as a considered and Giovanni Battista Riccioli and Francesco Maria Grimaldi in 1651. The phenomenon is explained and described in 1835 by Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis. At the initial time due to random water flow occurs distancing from the center of the funnel, the trajectory spirals. For water pressure expense of process gains strength, cone-shaped recess formed on the surface.

Viktor Schauberger approximately May 10, 1930 received a patent in Austria under the number 117749 on the specific design of the turbine in the form of sharpened drill. According to the scientist, in 1921 based on it made a generator supplies power to the whole farm. Schauberger asserted that the efficiency of the device is close to 1000% (three zero).

  1. Water spirals inlet pipe.
  2. At the entrance stood the said turbine.
  3. Spiral guides coincide with the shape of the flow, resulting performed maximally effective energy transfer.

Everything else about Viktor Schauberger reduced to science fiction. He claimed that he invented the motor Repulsion, is driven by a flying saucer that protected Berlin during the Second World War. At the end of the fighting to the reserve and refused to share their own discoveries, able to bring great harm to world peace. His story, like two drops of water, reminiscent of what happened with Nikola Tesla.

It is believed that Schauberger collected the first cavitation heat generator. There is a photo in which he is standing next to the "oven". In one of his last letters she claimed to have discovered a new substance, making possible incredible things. For example, water treatment. At the same time claiming that his beliefs shake the foundations of religion and science, he predicted the victory of the "Russian". Today it is difficult to judge how much remained close to the realities of the scholar for six months before his death.

Richard Clem and vortex engine

Richard Clem (Richard Clem) in his own words at the end of 1972 had asphalt pump. He was concerned about the strange behavior of the machine after shutdown. Began experimenting with hot oil, Richard quickly came to the conclusion that there is a sort of perpetual motion. A specific form of the rotor cone, spiral cut through channels equipped with diverging nozzles. Promoted to a certain speed, maintained movement managing actuate the oil pump.

A native of Dallas planned to test run of 600 miles (1000 km) to El Paso, then I decided to publish the invention, but reached only to Abilene, knocking out on a weak shaft. The articles on this subject said that the cone was required to promote a certain speed, and oil heated to 150 degrees Celsius, to make it work. The apparatus demonstrated a mean power of 350 horsepower at a weight of 200 pounds (90 kg).

The pump working pressure of 300 - 500 pounds per square inch (20 -. 30 atm), and the oil provided above density, the faster spinning cone. Richard died shortly afterwards, and achievements seized. Patent US3697190 a number on the asphalt pump is easy to find on the Internet, but Clem did not refer to it. There is no guarantee that the "workable" version is not removed from the earlier Office documents. Enthusiasts and build the engines today Clem and demonstrate the principle of the action on YouTube.

Of course, this is only a semblance of design, the product is unable to create for themselves the free energy. Clem said first engine for anything not fit, we had to get around 15 companies in search of financing. Engine running on the cooking oil, the temperature of 300 degrees not withstand automobile. According to statements made by reporters, the battery 12 is assumed to be only visible from the source of the device.

Engine brought in cavitation for a simple reason: periodically already hot oil required to cool the heat exchanger. Therefore, in something does work. Thinking, the researchers attributed this to the cavitation effect at the entrance of the pump and inside the distribution tubing. We emphasize: "Neither the engine of Richard Clem made today, could not work."

Despite this, the Russian Energy Agency in a database published information ( with the proviso that the design of the engine (it) reminds Nikola Tesla turbine.

Design cavitation heat generators

References to the fact that the development of cavitation engines are classified, do not hold water. Many devices operate with an efficiency greater than 1, in the case of heat pumping. Therefore, a top-secret in this. Designers made samples are completely serviceable cavitation heat generators. We can not say that the efficiency is high, but a certain potential in the design is present.


Centrifuge Griggs is considered a good example of rotor cavitation heat generator. The water is pumped device, the axis starts to rotate, driven by a motor. Unconditional plus design - single drive serves as the pump in the system and the heater heating the liquid phase. On the working surface of the cylinder bores penetrated by a plurality of shallow circular shape, wherein the liquid forms of turbulence. Heating occurs due to frictional forces in the surface layer and cavitation.


On the screen of a video showing the assembly of cavitation heater with longitudinal tubes. The design described in the patent RU 2313036. Pressure pump is injected into the inlet chamber, fluid rushes through the design of the tubes. At the entrance (see. Fig.), bubbles formed due to cavitation by the above procedure. Going on that side, fall into the second chamber with high pressure, burst and give heat.

At the entrance to the narrow tubing fluid pressure pump increases, at this point the temperature increased. This energy is drawn and formed bubbles with steam for space heating. As stated above, such a heat pump is capable of more than 100% efficiency, as the author stated structure. Each convinced yourself watching the video on YouTube (channel name - on the screenshot).


In 2013, published patent WO2013102247 A1. After a six-month review of the Commission's Bureau has given the exclusive rights to ultrasonic cavitation heat generator Ioelyu Dottie Ehartu Rubemu. Sense ideas in converting electric current quartz plate. Fluctuations audio frequency is input, and the device begins to create vibrations. vacuum formed portions where due to cavitation bubbles are generated in the reverse phase wave.

For maximum effect, the working chamber of the cavitation heat generator formed as a cavity at ultrasonic frequency. The resulting bubbles immediately entrained flow through the narrow tube. It is necessary to obtain a vacuum, so that the bubbles in the cavitation heat generator is not closed immediately, immediately giving energy back.

It is not difficult to guess that the losses are minimal and there is no friction at all, so the efficiency of the ultrasonic cavitation heat generator chic. Scientist said that heat transfer is possible with a gain factor of 2.5. This is still less than the resulting Victor Schauberger, but make you wonder. The device is supposed to possibly be used for cooling.

In the course of the text the author explains in detail the mechanism of multipath waves in the cavitation heat generator, the essence of which is negligible in the context of the review.

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