Soften new shoes at home, without the help of experts, really. There are many methods that are suitable for different materials and types of shoes. All the options listed below are suitable only to soften, and not to increase with their help the size of shoes or boots.
In order not to spoil just a purchased pair, you need to follow some recommendations before softening it:
- not all methods are suitable for any material;
- pay attention to the labels, which contain instructions for use;
- before softening the material, try to start on a small area.
Hot air and boiling water
Using the method of exposure to hot air and boiling water at home is very simple. If there is a hairdryer in the household of almost everyone in the house, then surely everyone has hot water. In extreme cases, you can boil it. The hair dryer and the water act in about the same way, so you can choose any method you like.
To soften the material with a hair dryer, turn on the hot air supply on the device. For several minutes, direct the dryer to the places where it is necessary to soften the fabric. When using water, apply it to the shoes from the inside. After the hot air and water treatments, put a hard pair on thick socks and walk around for 30 minutes.
For hot temperatures, new shoes, boots or boots made of genuine leather are suitable. It withstands high temperatures well, up to 300 degrees. It is better not to test artificial materials for strength, the leather substitute can burst from overheating.
A more gentle way, involving exposure to temperature and moisture, is to use a box. Place hard shoes in the box and close the lid. Wrap the entire cloth, soaking it in hot water beforehand. In a kind of bath shoes will also become softer.
Alcohol and vodka
Alcohol aggressively affects shoes, softening them. This method is also not suitable for all materials. Before proceeding with the treatment, check its reaction to alcohol.
To soften shoes at home with vodka or alcohol, pour a small amount of alcohol in a dispenser or cotton wool. Process the alcohol solution of the place that you tight. After the procedure, to enhance the effect, walk in the shoes around the house for a while or place newspapers in it.
Cologne can be used instead of alcohol, it will also help soften stiff shoes.Oil and Vaseline
Using oil or petroleum jelly will not only soften shoes, but also make the material more elastic. Do not use oils, processing light shoes, as well as suede. Oil tends to leave stains and darken the material. Castor oil has the strongest effect on the material; it can soften even the thickest skin.
As in previous cases, you need to handle shoes from the inside. After you have smeared the necessary parts of the shoe with oil or petroleum jelly, walk around in it to take the shape of your foot.
Paraffin candle and solid soap
This method is suitable for those who need to wear shoes right now. Imagine you bought new shoes specifically for the upcoming event, after which you successfully placed them on the shelf and temporarily forgot about them. When it's time to get them, you find out that the shoes are pretty hard, and you have to spend an entire night in them a torment, and you have to leave the house in a few minutes. This is where paraffin candle and solid soap come in handy.
They affect the material immediately, and because of their composition they will not only soften the shoes, but also protect the feet from the corns. You need to handle shoes from the inside, just rubbing it with paraffin. Immediately after that, you can safely wear shoes. This way you can soften and suede shoes.
Freezing shoes
The way in which you need to freeze, suitable for winter shoes, as it is immune to cold. Be careful with artificial materials, unlike natural leather, they can deteriorate.
Before putting your shoes in the freezer, take water in the bags. They must be put in hard shoes and put in the freezer overnight. Due to freezing, water expands and softens uncomfortable shoes. In the morning, remove the steam from the freezer and allow it to defrost, before taking out the bags of water.
Newspapers and fabric
This method can soften any shoes, including suede. The majority in the house have newspapers or unwanted cloth, which are not sorry for a good crush, so they will be useful for softening.
To soften certain parts of the shoe, as well as to increase its size, fill the shoes with plenty of paper or fabric. Try to make the form not deformed in the process. If distortion is present, correct the newspapers, otherwise it will not be convenient for you to walk. Leave your shoes in this condition for the night. This time should be enough for mitigation.
Using the pads
One of the most effective methods of softening shoes in the home is the use of pads. The device can be bought in specialized shoe stores. The block represents the screw design reminding a foot in the form.
Place your shoe or shoe on the shoe, then adjust the size so that they fit tightly on it. In a few hours the material will become softer and more pliable.
Using kerosene
Kerosene perfectly softens the material. The only disadvantage of this method is the smell. Not everyone will like it, but if you perform the process, for example, on the balcony or on the street, you will not feel discomfort, the main thing is to let the smell disappear.
Apply kerosene with cotton on the backdrop and leave the shoes for several hours. It is not recommended to wear shoes until the smell is weathered.
Using an
Hammer If the shoes are very stiff, you can increase their softness with a hammer. To choose a hammer you need not very heavy, so as not to damage the material. Also, for safety, lay a cloth on your shoes and start beating it through it.
. It is necessary to tap the hammer as gently as possible, the skin and other materials may be damaged by impacts. Periodically check the softness, so as not to overdo it.