Energy class - an incorrect and distorted phrase derived from the term “energy efficiency class”.In fact, the phrases seem synonymous.
The history of the development of terminology
Justification of the need to introduce the concept of energy efficiency class
Consumption and energy efficiency class are two different things. The first means the expenditure of a resource, and the second indicates how much of the money has benefited and in what amount. The issue of energy efficiency class began to interest Europe, when it became clear that it was probably the nature of such a gifted part of the world that could plunge into a glacier.
- The problem of the weakening of the magnetic field already occupies the minds of scientists. According to their conclusions, in a short time there can be a change in the poles of the planet, accompanied by colossal cataclysms.
- The idea of the disappearance of the warm current of the Gulf Stream carrying the lion's share of heat from the equatorial part of the globe to the mainland came into scientific use.
- Military intelligence of the countries of Europe has managed to predict in advance the inconstancy of the conditions of existence of the Old World. Which naturally jeopardizes national security.
The European Parliament has been thinking about developing standards for energy efficiency class accounting. The link is direct. The saved resources will be put into the fight against the source of troubles, general climate change and the conditions of existence of mankind as a whole. It should be recalled that Spain lives in the export of olives, natural linoleum is made exclusively from linseed oil. Europe is considered the birthplace of machines for processing vegetable raw materials into fabric. If you remove these sources of income, the shaky material well-being of the Old World is able to fade away.
Back to the Gulf Stream. There are a lot of legends from which the conclusion about his disappearance is made. The root cause of scientists believe the explosion at the Deepwater Horizon. This is an oil well of British Petroleum, located in the Gulf of Mexico.
The accident occurred on April 20, 2010, with billions of dollars required to eliminate the consequences. According to the results of the economic calculation, the guilty company’s management asked the US President for permission to flood part of the spot, which they did. Scientists, examining the situation, said that the measure would lead to the closure of part of the Gulf of Mexico for fishing and climate change in the United States, Russia and Europe. At the time of 2014:
- recorded a decrease in temperature along the former flow path by 10 degrees Celsius;
- detected thawing of the North Pole glaciers;
- proved climate change in vulnerable areas.
You can not ignore the change of magnetic poles. The question was globally interested in the late 70s, when the Magsat satellite went into orbit. The technology of that time did not allow for a complete picture. Launched in 2013, the Swarm grouping gave clear results that were analyzed. The weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field and the displacement of the poles( the north is moving towards Asia) is now considered a proven fact.
According to ancient historians, human civilization has experienced four such shifts. For this reason, the current generation of people is called the fifth. There is no scientific evidence, but global catastrophes have occurred on Earth. Studies of the Egyptian Sphinx showed that it was flooded 10 thousand years ago, which is consistent with the biblical tenets of Noah and the ark. Consequently, it is not disputed the truth and other legends, saying that man on earth did not become the first intelligent race. The conclusions are obvious:
- Global natural disasters can be overcome.
- To combat the weather will need strength. And energy savings will be the first step.
The concept of the energy efficiency class
The energy efficiency class in the general sense means the preference of the minimum energy expenditure to achieve any goal. For example, in the case of a building, measures to reduce heat loss are primarily meant. By consuming less energy for heating, a resident gives the state some free capacity. For this purpose, apply:
- LED lighting.
- Discharge lamps.
- Infrared heaters.
- Semiconductor( solid-state, solid-state) electronics.
- Polymeric building materials.
This is a series of measures taken to improve the energy efficiency class of facilities and equipment. This includes the cost of manufacturing, maintenance, operation. In the US, the first steps to conserve energy were taken in the 70s. As a result - the state of California at a later time, consumption has remained at the same level, and national requests have doubled. Why did the US need energy efficiency?
During the assessment, it turned out that 70 - 90% of resources are being saved on the needs of lighting, ventilation, heating;for the operation of engines - half;climate systems - three quarters. This leaves the true cause of the events in the shadows. Brief summary: rising energy prices required a complete switch to electricity. What turned out to be difficult in the case of the mentioned systems without upgrading them. In various states, institutions are organized to study the improvement of energy efficiency class, among other things - the Green Banks.
It is obvious that the Americans were worried not so much about climate cataclysms as about the 1973 oil crisis, which showed that fuel prices could jump 4 times in a short time, with ensuing consequences. Of course, this is a reason for introducing electrical systems for maintaining a microclimate in rooms that were actively developed in the States in relation to frame houses.
Heated floors appeared in the United States. This step was able to save fuel oil obtained from expensive oil. In turn, electricity is lost during transmission. The wires are trying to make copper - so reduced specific losses. It can be said that the metal, with economic feasibility, has a good energy efficiency class, minimizing costs in general.
Energy Efficiency Class of Household Appliances
Energy efficiency is calculated by economists. It is obvious that each device has its own purpose, therefore, the criteria are different. For example, copper wire has energy efficiency, since it allows to transmit power over long distances with the lowest cost. It is better to use silver - but expensive and economically impractical. For reasons of economy, materials with superconductivity at normal temperatures are sought.
Similarly, home appliances are said. For example, non-stick coating of palladium is effective, it saves the time of the hostess and shortens the ironing period. Naturally saved electrical energy. But palladium is expensive, it is not always advisable to use an iron with a non-stick coating.

Modes of the washing machine
In the case of washing machines and dishwashers, the quality of cleaning of the loaded things, the speed and completeness of drying and spinning are taken into account. Each parameter is assigned a class. Energy efficiency on the label is set separately. The photo shows a sticker in the form of the European standard, where you can see the information:

Energy efficiency of the old type
- The energy efficiency class is affixed with a black arrow, opposing the color scale. A - for this version of the standard highest score. Washing machine as efficient as possible. But the requirements are constantly becoming tougher, you should not be surprised at products where the class corresponds to A +, A ++, etc.
- Wash class is highest - A.
- Spin class leaves much to be desired - C.
The manufacturer went to reduce the price of tricks:
- Spin class is reduced, market analysis shows that demand depends little on the parameter. Most prefer to dry the laundry, but take it clean. It should be assumed that the purity of things will not be the highest. Above the class A, there was still no opportunity to rise according to this version of the protocol, the manufacturer did not engage in further improvement of the drum, software, or verify temperature conditions. The budget model does not compare with the top even for nominally the same values of the effectiveness of all indicators.
- The maximum energy efficiency class immediately attracts a buyer; in the West, they are used to constantly tightening requirements. Yesterday, the allowed goods will be banned tomorrow, as it happened with the incandescent bulbs.
On top of the label is the consumption for one wash cycle. Of course, the figure is taken from the series, there are a lot of programs in the washing machine. And at each expense is different. For example, the most thrifty Fast wash, but the result is average. Hence, the operation can not be called effective.
How is the energy efficiency of
evaluated?For each type of equipment there is a directive( from the Parliament of the disintegrating European Union).It takes into account the nuances of each type of instrument. Starting with light bulbs and ending with complex appliances. Marking and evaluation of washing machines are described in document number 1061/2010 of September 28, 2010 in support of the 2010 /30/ EU directive.
The document states that its postulates 20 days after the adoption of the current commission will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Date of final entry into force is December 20, 2011.Manufacturers are given a fair amount of time to rebuild the conveyor, if necessary, and print new labels. The differences with the presented photo are noticeable to the naked eye: the energy efficiency classes A +, A ++ and A +++ have appeared. D, E and F have disappeared as unpromising.

Modern energy efficiency classes
To estimate the energy efficiency class, calculate the EEI coefficient, then compare it with the table values. For newly introduced groups it is:
- A +++ - less than 46.
- A ++ - from 46 to 52.
- A + - from 52 to 59.
Class D now includes everything below 87. Formulas for calculation are presentedon the picture. In the formulas:
- with - full loading of the washing machine with cotton at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, or 60 degrees. The smaller of the quantities is chosen.
- SAEc is the annual consumption of a standard washing machine. It can be said that this is a reference value with which the capabilities of this product are compared.
- AEs is the desired value. It is known to be less than SAEc, more precisely - in the region of half, to fall into energy efficiency class A.

Energy efficiency formulas
All other parameters are decoded as follows:
- The figure in the index indicates the temperature. It is 40 or 60 degrees Celsius.
- Fractional digits - load value. For example, half –1/2.
Other means:
- Et - energy consumption for the specified type of cycle.
- Tt is the standard time of the specified cycle.
- Pl - consumption in the postmode of the washing machine.
- Po - consumption in standby mode.
Of course, everyone can calculate values. For example, if the engine of the washing machine is replaced with the “left”, the energy efficiency class has changed. Consumption can be calculated using a wattmeter, or clasping one core of the power cable with current tongs.