- №1.What are the advantages of the company's products?
- №2.Plasters and putties Weber-Vetonit
- № 3.Mixtures for floors
- №4.Adhesives and grout
- №5.Dry mixes for facade work
- №6.What else does the company offer?
We all know, or at least guess, how important the repair process is. Even if a professional is taken for its implementation, the result will largely depend on the quality of the materials that were used in the process. Even a specialist with golden hands will not save a bad plaster mix or poor-quality glue. That is why it is better not to save on building materials, preferring products of well-known and reputable companies. A striking example is the production of Weber, a leading manufacturer of dry building mixes. You do not have to carefully examine the bags, look for hidden defects, require security certificates or arrange other checks - you can be sure that all products are of high quality. The main problem of choice is to find the most appropriate mixture of
, so we decided to create a small guide on the brand products on the domestic market. So, which mixture of Weber-Vetonit is better to choose in each case?

№1.What are the advantages of the company's products?
Weber is considered the largest producer of dry building mixes in Europe, as evidenced by the fact that for several years in a row the brand’s products have been in the lead in terms of sales. The company was founded in 1900 and initially produced facade plasters at a Paris factory. In subsequent years, the range grew, the markets expanded, but with the company's entry into the Saint-Gobain group in 1996, real international success came to it. Today, dry mixes Weber-Vetonit are sold in 49 countries and are produced in 180 factories.
In Russia, the brand has been officially introduced since 2006.The company opened 3 factories in the country, which ensured the availability of all products for the domestic buyer. What is the manufacturer so bribed customers around the world? The answer lies in several facts:
- is the widest assortment of building mixtures , therefore, it is easy to find a compound suitable for specific conditions;
- high quality of all products, innovation and the use of modern equipment;
- ; all products undergo the obligatory and voluntary safety check procedure ;
- product development based on customer needs.
The quality has already been tested by millions of customers around the world. The main thing is to find the most suitable product and not get lost in the existing offer.

№2.Plasters and Weber-Vetonit
plasters Plasters of the manufacturer are well suited for leveling the surfaces of walls and ceilings before subsequent putty or decorative finishing. Sold in the form of a dry mixture, which you just need to dilute with water - all instructions are given on the packaging. The following products are in the manufacturer's assortment:
- plaster white super-elastic plasters Easy Gyps( manual application only) and Profi Gyps( manual and mechanized application), which are universal in their application, but are not suitable for rooms with high levels of humidity;
- Mech Gyps gypsum white plaster for manual and mechanized application, suitable for rooms with relatively normal humidity levels;
- moisture-resistant plaster TT40 is excellent for basic leveling walls in bathrooms and other wet areas, as well as for outdoor work;
- cement moisture resistant plaster TT is best suited when you need to apply a thin layer of the composition;
- Facade Gray plaster is a new product of the company, cement elastic composition, which is characterized by versatility of application, can be used when working in dry and damp rooms, as well as in the repair of facades. Differs high strength and vapor permeability.
Putties are also available as dry mixes, followed by the need to dissolve them with water:
- polymeric putties WeberIt is possible to put ready structures on a surface without carrying out its preliminary primer. The base may be concrete, drywall, cement or gypsum plaster. LR + silk is a modified variety of a mixture of the LR + series. The product is superplastic, allowing to obtain ideally even layers. In diluted form, the mixture is able to remain suitable for application for a long time, is characterized by an increased level of whiteness and ease of use. You can read more about the differences in compositions and get acquainted with the entire range of dry mixes of the company on the manufacturer's website
- putty on organic binder KR is suitable for dry environments, can be applied manually and mechanized;
- polymer putty JS - a unique product, which includes microfiber. It has high adhesion to different materials, crack resistance and forms a perfectly smooth surface. They can embed the seams on the gypscopic board and , even the old painted surface leveling .The composition of JS Plus allows you to create a textured decorative surface, having the same properties;
- Compounds VH and VH Gray - gypsum fillers with moisture resistant properties ;
- Facade White is a super-white putty for interior and exterior use.
If you are in doubt, convenient instructions and diagrams on the above site will help you make the right decision. To be sure, confident in the choice, you can ask for advice from employees of the company.

floor mixes Walls and ceilings are not the only surfaces that need perfect leveling, so Weber-Vetonit has a ton of solutions for preparing floor surfaces:
- leveling tiles for floors are cement-based mixes that are suitable for quickly leveling the basesubsequent decorative trim. It is possible to use leveling mixtures in premises with any humidity level, as well as with “warm floor” systems. Products provide minimum consumption and excellent performance. You can choose from several different types of blends, which are different thickness of the leveling layer .With a composition of 4400, for example, you cannot make a layer more than 30 mm, and with a composition of 6000 you can make a layer up to 250 mm;
- self-leveling floors for residential and commercial premises. All formulations are suitable for use with “warm floors”, are distinguished by good spreadability, high speed of curing and low consumption. The range of the manufacturer has a mixture for self-leveling floors that can satisfy any need. For example, quick-hardening self-leveling floor Fast Level provides maximum speed and a wide range of thicknesses( 3-60 mm).Mixture 4100 is distinguished by high strength, water resistance and resistance to cracks. There are also universal blends, and compounds, reinforced with ( Strong) fiber-reinforced fiber, which are best suited for wooden floors and other complex foundations. The company also produces a mixture for sound-proof floors and a number of thin finishing leveling compounds;
- dry mixes for arranging basic and finishing coatings in industrial and industrial premises .The compositions perfectly tolerate constant high loads, are distinguished by wear resistance. Among other things, the range has decorative colored self-leveling floors .
Also note that the company manufactures auxiliary components for arranging self-leveling floors.

№4.Adhesives and groutings
Ceramic tile, one of the most popular finishing materials, has a lot of excellent performance, but without a good glue, they will all be reduced to nothing. Weber-Vetonit produces high-quality adhesives for tiles, mosaics, stone and porcelain. Dry glue mix simply shut the specified amount of water.
From the manufacturer's range, you can choose the glue for any purpose:
- standard adhesives for indoor and outdoor use, have good adhesion to various bases;
- universal adhesives are represented by compositions for the installation of tiles, porcelain and stone on any bases, suitable for use with "warm floors".We should also note white glue for mosaic , which provides not only excellent performance, but also high aesthetics;
- improved and special formulations are adhesives that have special properties and are suitable for use in difficult conditions. The manufacturer offers adhesives with improved frost resistance , as well as compounds that can be used in arrangement of pools .There is also a composition that can be used with glass tiles.
The manufacturer also has suitable solutions for grouting .These are colored cement grout, which are suitable for joints of different thickness, as well as two-component epoxy-based grouting, which are perfect for further use in difficult conditions( high humidity, temperature changes).

№5.Dry mixes for facade works
Not for nothing, Weber-Vetonit is considered the largest manufacturer of dry building mixes - the company's product range covers all possible repair and construction works. For the arrangement of facades, the manufacturer has prepared a number of products:
- adhesive compositions for facade insulation systems , incl.for mounting polystyrene foam, mineral wool. There are compounds that allow working at negative temperatures, as well as mixtures, which simultaneously allow you to create a basic plaster reinforced layer. Separate compositions are suitable for thin-layer repair of already plastered surfaces;
- facade plasters and putties allow you to create a perfectly flat and smooth surface, can be used in facade and interior work, allow you to create in one pass a layer up to 50 mm thick, has good adhesion to different types of surface;
- decorative plasters and putties - high-quality and easy-to-apply compounds that can transform the facade of the house, and can also be used in interior works. The range is presented as ready-made compositions, and dry mixes. The latter are made on the basis of cement, are frost and vapor permeable, can be painted. There are compounds that can be applied at low temperatures.

№6.What else does the company offer?
The manufacturer’s product range can be described for a long time and cannot be fully described, as it is constantly updated. The company also manufactures waterproofing cement mixtures , as well as cement mixtures for concrete repair, dry concrete for making molds, mixtures for making non-shrinkable composition, mixtures for sealing interpanel joints. In addition, the manufacturer produces several types of repair compounds, as well as compositions for the preparation of masonry mortars( including color compositions and compositions for work in the winter).Another activity is the refractory solutions , which will be needed in the construction of stoves and fireplaces.
Finally, we note that the manufacturer’s products are of really high quality, otherwise they would not become so popular, and the guarantee of an excellent result is what is needed when it is necessary to perform construction or repair work conscientiously. Small savings on building materials can bring disproportionately large disappointment in the near future and force them to redo all the work, again spending money on the purchase of materials.