To ensure a comfortable lifestyle in modern homes are increasingly used high-tech devices and devices with a vast range of options. For such devices include smart switches, operating in automatic mode. With the features of their work is worth reading, right?
In our proposed article described in detail the actions and features of application of the principle of intelligent switches, whose work is regulated remotely - via tablet, smartphone, computer. Gives tips on choosing, to understand the specificity of labeling. Is a ranking of leading manufacturers in the segment.
The content of the article:
- The principle of intelligent instrument
- The use of smart devices
- Intelligent devices: pros and cons
Types of smart units
- Devices with dimming
- with remote adjustment device
- Interaction with other devices
- How to choose the right product?
- Marking smart devices
- Features switches connection
- Top 7 producers of smart devices
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
The principle of intelligent instrument
In a set of Wi-Fi switch has two devices: the transmitter and receiver. The first device is a miniature relay, which can operate with a smartphone or the remote-control. Fixing filed signal, the relay closes the electrical circuit.
The device, having a compact size, usually set near the lighting device, e.g., a stretch ceiling. The relay can also be mounted in a junction box or inside the luminaire.

Scheme action predictive device operating on a signal smartphone. Sent to the control unit command is sent directly into the light, so that the lamp is lit
transmitter functions are performed by the switch, the design of which is equipped with a small electric generator. When you press a key or sending a specific command from a smartphone device is produced by the electric current, which is transformed into a radio signal.
In addition to the return command, the device also records information indicating that the implementation of the order. Data can be transmitted to the controller responsible for the operation of the system, or directly on the smartphone.

Wiring transmitter, which is an important part of intelligent devices managed using a smartphone or a remote control with radio
The intelligent switch can replace traditional circuit breaker device or its complement. This allows the device to maintain normal function, namely, on / off light by pressing any key. At the same time he becomes 'smart' options, which will be discussed further.
The use of smart devices
Smart switches provide owners of apartments a host of new features. With their help, you can adjust the light settings in the room using a smartphone. A very handy feature - programming devices to automatically turn on / off at a specific time.
In addition, landlord can remotely check whether the lights in a particular room, and if necessary remotely to repay any of the lamps.
Another option: switch-on of lighting in the room, as soon as it includes people and turning out the lights when the host or guest leaves.

There are switches designed to provide control of one or more light sources in groups, placed in different rooms. The cost of multichannel models are significantly higher than single-channel
Significantly reduce costs for electricity allows the option, which provides automatic ignition lights when it gets dark and off when sufficient sunlight. Some models also provide the function of control over the use of electricity.
Another great features is an intelligent device dimmers. They are designed not only for the on / off lighting, but also changes in the level of light intensity.
Such smart devices allow to change the degree of brightness of lamps according to a predetermined program, or taking into account data received from light and motion sensors.
Intelligent devices: pros and cons
For devices that can be controlled via smartphones, characterized indisputable advantages:
- their installation does not need to lay special dedicated branch wiring;
- they allow you to adjust the operation of the light sources, as well as other devices centrally from one place;
- as a control point is possible to use smartphones, tablets, computers, and remotes;
- intelligent devices contribute to a significant reduction in electricity costs - according to calculations of American scientists, the savings can reach 42%;
- devices have a wide range (up to 100 meters), the signal passes freely through various obstacles, such as walls;
- for their functioning quite weak current which will not cause harm to the person, even in the case of system failure.
The main disadvantage is the need for intelligent switches Internet source.

For user convenience, a number of models are equipped with an additional function of the radio. This allows you to use them even in case of difficulties with access to the World Wide Web
Types of smart units
Manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of intelligent solutions that can run on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave.
Devices also vary in design features. Some of them are specially designed for connection to the network in which the neutral wire is present. At the same time, for the installation of many products, including most of the smart dimmers, the phase of "0" is not required.
Devices with dimming
A significant part of models of smart devices to enable / disable the light successfully perform the role of the dimmer - the device that regulates the brightness of the lighting. All options are stored in this case: clever device controlled by a smartphone, capable of operating in an automatic mode.

The control module, that is, the device without the key can be set in podrozetnik and use as a normal outlet. In this case, the device acquires all of the above options intelligent unit - remote control, programming, automatic operation
Additional features offered by dimmer switches, can significantly expand the scope of use of circuit breakers.
With their help easy to create a cozy atmosphere in the room, including bright light only when needed. In addition, the dimmers are also widely used by interior designers as an instrument for controlling the backlight.
with remote adjustment device
Another type of smart device is a remote switch. In appearance it resembles traditional, but is actually a remote control.

A number of domestic and foreign manufacturers produce models of keyboards smart devices, which are installed in the socket instead of traditional switches
Intelligent device like a normal switch consists of a frame and keys. Since it does not require connection to the electrical wiring, it can be installed virtually anywhere in the room.
Function remote control switch is the transfer commands using radio waves to other devices. It works in conjunction with other necessary devices, for example, together with the dimmable switchThat after receiving the signal will reduce the light intensity in the burning chandelier.
The same device can also be used to control the operation smart outlet.
Interaction with other devices
Autonomy is an intelligent device, depending on its design features. Wi-Fi devices can work directly from your smartphone without using any additional devices.

When connecting intelligent switch, it is desirable to use a fairly deep Enclosures. This will allow the conveniently put all the wires are connected and the device itself
At the same time, to adjust the operation of devices that operate on the ZigBee protocol or Z-Wave, It requires additional product - a controller that acts as an intermediary between the switch and smartphone.
The same control unit is also used to store user programs, such as information about the time of the automatic on / off lights. At the right moment, the controller transmits to the lighting signals necessary to guarantee fulfillment of predetermined algorithms.
With the help of modern technology, you can install an interactive network, consisting of a number of smart devices. The consumer has the opportunity to adjust the light switch on the ignition signal from a sensor that is activated when you open the doors.
In turn, the inclusion of lighting the room may affect the launch of other household appliances such as air conditioners.
How to choose the right product?
A number of factors should be evaluated when choosing a smart device. First of all, we should consider whether there is in the home Wi-Fi or other sources of Internet.
Many models come with an array of additional functions, for example, compatibility with lamp with motion sensor or lighting. These functions greatly extend the range of application of the device, however, increase the cost.

Model predictive Sonoff TH 10/16 switch is able to monitor the humidity and air temperature, showing data on a smartphone
Intelligent devices to be placed in damp rooms or outdoors, important level of protection against water suspended in air. There are also special models designed for work in difficult conditions.
If the acquisition is planned to place the switch in the wall socket, its design does not play a special role. Desirably however, the device size suited to the niche allocated to it.
When purchasing a circuit breaker, which is planned to be mounted on a wall, you should pay attention to its appearance: color, shape, presence of illumination.
Of great importance is the quality of products. It is desirable to give preference to devices from well-known brands. If the device is purchased in a store, it must be inspected carefully. Qualitative model should have a smooth surface, clear lines, neat, easy to disassemble components.
An important factor is the density of the polymer from which the device is made. Since the product of soft plastic quickly covered with scratches and dents, it is better to choose the switch is made of hard plastic, which is a long time does not lose the aesthetic appearance.

Producers emphasize appearance. intelligent devices differ in technical characteristics presented in the assortment and design
Reliable manufacturers usually offer their products complete with fixtures and snaps. It is desirable that to the product manual supplied with the assembly and installation. Management can be done in the form of brochures, leaflets or just the text printed on the box.
Marking smart devices
On the surface, intelligent switches often applied letters and numbers denoting its characteristics. It should be noted that various manufacturers often use their own label, so the signs may not be the same.
Nevertheless, we call some exemplary embodiments. First of all, in the name of the device may be mentioned a method of controlling, for example, Wi-Fi. In hybrid solutions, allowing regulation via a radio signal is applied designation Wi-Fi / R or Wi-Fi / RF.

To facilitate circuit wiring, guidance can be applied to the instrument box. Phase conductors are marked letters L and L1, zero - designated as N, and protective - combination of PE
Two-digit number, which is on the end of the model names - 01, 02, 03 - indicates the number of light groups, which can be controlled from this unit.
The labeling apparatus may also be present following letters:
- S - a flow switch function;
- D - allows drimmirovat lighting;
- T - the presence of a timer allows you to turn on / off the light at a given time.
Often the instrument is also applied to the pointer, indicating degree of protection against moisture and dust. It consists of a combination of the letters IP, followed by a two-digit number is applied.
His first number in the range of 0-6 indicates a level that prevents the penetration of dust inside the products and foreign objects. Second within 0-8 denotes a resistance to water vapor. The greater these numbers, the higher the degree of protection.
On any device and put the following signs: I, or In, is meant to include; O or Out - off device.
Features switches connection
Installation of smart devices depends on the variety of lighting fixtures, with whom they will work. If the product is intended for the system, which has a incandescent lampInstallation is carried out analogously to connect traditional analog.

Installation of the smart device, usually carried out in two stages: connection signal receiver and connection control buttons
When the intended use LEDs or energy-saving lamps required for safe operation of the device to connect the wiring with the existing zero and the phase conductor. Typically, in such cases it is placed next to or even inside the lamps.
Switches that provide acoustic control, mounted in place of standard devices, or near a light source.
All intelligent devices are easy to connect. Usually it comes with instruction, clearly following which it is possible to mount the unit yourself, spending a minimum amount of time.
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First of all it is necessary to prepare a nest for installation of intelligent switch. To do this, remove the old standard unit, and then check the wiring

Then you can install an intelligent device. The kit includes the unit itself and elements for connecting wires

Before starting the installation, remove the frame with a design that you wait until the installation is complete

To connect the needed tools that exist in every home, namely pliers, screwdriver, Tester

Before beginning installation, you need to turn off the electricity, and then deal with the wiring to determine the "zero" and "phase"

Suitable cables are connected using ready fasteners. You can also combine them using other methods

Connected wires are removed in the slot. There also set the device itself, after which the structure is fixed by bolts, twist the screwdriver which

The last step: putting a frame on the connected device. After that you can enable automatic, electric current is applied, and verify the mounted devices

Socket at switch

Smart device included

Removing the frame with the device

Tools required for installation

Check the wires in the nest

Connecting the device wires

Fixing the assembled device

Setting the switch frame
First, mount the signal receiver. To do this, break phase, and then connect the device to an existing power supply, properly aligning the wires.
When installing the device, the regulating work group fixtures procedure will be somewhat complicated. In this case, after the neutral wires on the lighting to fork phase, running on Wi-Fi device, sending each to a separate group of light sources.

To give commands using Wi-Fi you need to download the application from the Internet or install it from the disc, and then follow the instructions to register the device
Collecting device must also install the corresponding application through which will pass the regulatory process. This may require the registration of the device in the network or its inclusion in a system of "smart house".
After the completion of all operations at all the available options will be presented to the connected products, as well as its current status.
Top 7 producers of smart devices
Switches that can control the light using a smartphone, made by many domestic and foreign companies. Consider just a few of them, have been widely recognized users.
Legrand. Authoritative French company, founded in the first half of the XIX century. Specializing in the manufacture of electrical engineering, the company offers a line of wireless control devices Celian.
Delumo. Popular Russian manufacturer, in the range of which are well represented various types of switches, dimmers and thermostats. Products are in demand due to the optimal ratio of cost and quality.

Belkin. The American company, manufactures various kinds of wireless switches and other intelligent devices. All manufactured products are easy to install and comfortable to use
Sonoff. Our specialization is the production of wireless smart devices such as sockets, switches, relays. All equipment is offered with a Russian-language instructions, and with specially designed applications are also made in Russian.
Vitrum. The Italian manufacturer, which produces devices that work based on Z-Wave technology. Typically, these devices are used in the systems of "smart house" for automation of adjustment of light.
Xiaomi. A booming Chinese company founded in 2010. In addition to the popular models of smartphones and tablets, the production capacity and produce high-tech electrical appliances, including intelligent switches.
Noolite. The Belarusian company is actively engaged in the development and implementation of smart products, including dimmers, controllers, timers, switches, security modules. They are reliable, comfortable to use, low price.
Noteworthy is also the budget, but quality products of Chinese manufacturers Kopou, Broadlink, Livolo, as well as expensive products manufactured by the American company Lutron and German - Jung.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
In the presented video, you can hear a detailed overview of the popular models of Wi-Fi switch manufactured Soniff. Also provides visual instructions on connecting this device:
Intelligent devices can greatly increase the level of comfort of living quarters. Important, they also have to ensure that owners of apartments or houses. The device will automatically turn on the light, will be able to scare offenders from the empty apartment, simulating the presence of the owners.
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