TV for the kitchen - how to choose and place

  • Getting ready to buy
  • Specifications
  • Placing a TV in the kitchen correctly

TV today is an integral part of the living room, a convenient addition to the bedroom and familiar to many kitchen attribute, because on average we spend on it from 1 to 5 hours daily. In the morning, the kitchen TV helps us wake up, makes lunch and dinner more interesting, and housewives with it are much more fun to cook. But is it necessary in this place? It depends on the number of households, their habits and the area of ​​the apartment. If you are sure that you need a TV in the kitchen, you should decide how to place the TV in the kitchen so that it does not clutter up the space and watch it conveniently.

Getting ready to buy

Choosing a TV in the kitchen - a responsible matter. You should keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Select the equipment you need in accordance with the size of the room;
  • You need to hang up the TV so that it does not interfere with the preparation of food and its reception, therefore, determine a place for it in advance;
  • instagram viewer
  • In the kitchen appliances should be compact and stable.

Tip! If you are interested in non-standard design solutions, then look at the following photos. Among the high-tech models you can find unique ones - this is a built-in TV for the kitchen, and a flip-down or swivel panel.

Let's take a closer look at how the diagonal of the TV screen depends on the area of ​​the kitchen.

The basic recommendations here are:

  1. For standard kitchens, where the kitchen area does not exceed 9 square meters.meters, it is worth choosing a TV with a diagonal of 20 inches or less.
  2. In kitchens up to 15 square meters.meters is better to install models up to 25 inches.
  3. In spacious rooms you can hang a TV with a 36-inch diagonal.

  1. If the kitchen is combined with the living room or we are talking about a studio apartment, then in the dimensions of the equipment you can not limit yourself - the main thing is to choose the right place where you will hang on the wall or put a TV with a diagonal of more than 40 inches.

Tip! If you multiply the length of the room by 6, you will get the minimum size of the television diagonal in inches. And comfortable viewing of programs will be provided to you.

And some more facts - it is desirable to watch a large TV from a distance of at least 2.5 meters, and if the size of the equipment is about 15-20 inches, then the distance is reduced to 1.5-2 meters. You should clearly see everything that is happening on the screen, but in such a way that it does not need to move in / out of the TV.

An equally important nuance when choosing a TV for the kitchen is the viewing angle. Technique must be hung on the wall so that the screen is clearly visible and does not shine from all points of the kitchen. The viewing angle depends on the matrix of the model - the larger it is, the more expensive the model.


TV in the kitchen should provide high-quality image even when viewed from a short distance. Therefore, the technique must have a high level of contrast and resolution.

The following types are available:

  1. LED-TVs provide high-quality image due to high resolution. You can watch them from any point. In addition, they are economical in terms of energy consumption( 40% lower compared to standard models) and can be very thin( the latest models).The only caveat - the price of such pleasure is high.
  2. LCD-variants represent the optimal combination of quality and price. But the points of view here will be limited - not at every angle will provide a clear and high-quality image. However, this problem can be solved - for this you need to choose a special rotating mount on the wall - the bracket. Masters will be able to make such a device with their own hands - the main thing is to determine at what height it is better to place the equipment.
  3. Plasma models are an image produced by the luminescence of a phosphor under the action of ultraviolet rays. Such a screen does not need additional illumination, since each plasma cell is an independent light source. However, all plasma models are large, their minimum diagonal is 32 inches, so that they harmoniously fit into the kitchen of at least 16 square meters.meters

You can choose a large or small TV in the kitchen, give preference to the modern high-tech or more traditional design, find a flip or recessed panel, buy the same TV as for the living room. The main thing is to evaluate what functionality of the equipment you really need in the kitchen in order not to overpay for nothing.

Convenient when an on-air digital tuner is already built into the model. Thus, you can significantly reduce the number of wires in the kitchen. Want to enjoy your favorite video or home shoot? Then you need the equipment to be equipped with a USB port. Slideshow mode for viewing family photos, built-in radio and WiFi - all these nice high-tech add-ons are available for modern TV models. But the 3D function is more needed for the living room, and it is hardly needed in the kitchen - after all, turning this room into a full-fledged cinema hall will not work.

Placing the TV in the kitchen correctly

If the TV is placed in the living room opposite the sofa, then in the kitchen, especially compact, there may be difficulties. Almost always the best solution is to hang the TV on the wall using a special mount, but you should not refuse the built-in options.

The old kinescopic TV sets had to be installed on even surfaces - windowsill, tabletop, and refrigerator. They took up a lot of space, and even the attachments here did not save the situation, since they were cumbersome. With the advent of many models of LCD TVs, the problem was solved by itself, because they are small, neat and thin, so that they fit in even better in modest kitchen spaces.

There is only one general requirement - the TV should be located away from the stove and from the sink, at a height convenient for the eyes. There are many options for such an installation:

  • The standard solution is to hang the TV on the wall;
  • To build in equipment in furniture and to place in the same row with the exhaust hood, the built-in microwave and an oven, creating stylish unity of surfaces of equipment;
  • Place into a self-made niche;
  • Use a headset shelf, if there is one( it is best to order a headset with space for a TV in advance) or you can hang up a shelf suitable for a furniture headset as shown in the photo:

  • If you are on the kitchen for a long time, then it is better to placescreen at maximum height, directly under the ceiling. You can also use for this purpose the surface of the cabinet or refrigerator.

Tip! The photo below shows examples of how to hide a TV - for example, put it in a closet with locked doors and open it only when necessary.

If the kitchen for you is a place for friendly evenings and family dinners, then the screen is better placed at the height of the eyes of the seated. See examples of such placement in the photo:

A small monitor can not be hung on the wall at all, but put on the table.

And where to place the TV in the kitchen-living room? The best option for this type of layout is when one TV is only in the living room. If you need 2 TVs, then for the kitchen, select a TV with a smaller screen size.

And do not forget that the most high-tech model must comply with the interior concept of the room - to do this, you can complement the case with decorative elements made of leather, stone, wood.

In addition, you will need to comply with the standard safety requirements - to protect the case and the screen from dirt, grease and water.

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How to hang a TV on the bracket with your own hands watch on video:


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