- №1.Figures from plasterboard to decorate the ceiling and walls
- №2.Arch drywall
- №2.Shelves and racks of drywall
- №3.Niches
- №4.Wardrobe from
- No. 5 gypsum cardboard. Decorative partitions made of drywall
- №6.Niche for a heating radiator
- №7.Slopes for windows and doors
- №8.Coffee table
- №9.Headboard
- №10.Fireplace from
- No. 11 gypsum cardboard.
- №12 gypsum plasterboard.
- No. 13 Drywall ColumnBar counter made of drywall
- №14.Chest, stand and kitchen set
- №15.
- No. 16 Drywall Bath ScreenSofa and bed made of drywall
- №17.Communication box
Among all modern building materials, gypsum board is considered to be the most versatile. It can be used not only for leveling walls and creating strict laconic partitions and ceilings, but also for organizing an exclusive interior. You can make anything from drywall, from shelves and niches to tables and wardrobes, as well as use it to create purely decorative elements. Let us dwell on the most interesting ideas of what you can make their drywall, without having specialized skills.
What are the reasons for the high popularity of drywall?
- First, this is safe material , consisting of gypsum and cardboard sheets.
- Secondly, the is easy to process with the , so it’s easy to create arches, podiums, niches and other elements.
- Thirdly, drywall is lightweight , and you can only use self-tapping screws to attach it to the frame, and immediately fix the finish after mounting. By the way, wooden bars and slats can be used to create the frame, but the galvanized profile will be much more convenient and reliable.
Even drywall wastes can be used to implement some of the ideas described below.

№1.Plasterboard figures for decorating the ceiling and walls
Drywall is often used to create a perfectly flat surface of the walls and ceilings, this is one of its main uses. The distinctive properties of this material and imagination will allow you to create a unique interior in the room, forming figures on the ceiling or walls from drywall. It is necessary to think over such decisions in advance, because the framework of the profile will be constructed taking into account the shape and size of the protruding decorative figures .
Using a similar solution, you can create voluminous clouds, flowers or stars on the ceiling in the children's room, a ship, a butterfly, etc. on the walls. In the living room and bedroom with drywall, you can create any, even the most bizarre, shapes, creating interesting design solutions. The options can be weight and they are limited only by your imagination and style of the room. The created multilevel solutions can additionally be used with to decorate with spotlights, focusing on them.

№2.Arch drywall
Arch - one of the most popular elements that can be created using drywall. Doorways are made in the form of an arch, often in small apartments, where there is a need to divide adjacent rooms, but there is no desire to use ordinary doors that will “cut” and reduce the already small space. Also, the arches are used as a purely decorative element.
It’s easy to create such a structure yourself. You need to build a frame, and to make the profile of the arcuate form of on its side faces, you can make cuts every 10-12 cm or more often if the arch bend is stronger.
Mounting a frame is not much different from a similar process when leveling walls, for example. In order for to give the gypsum board a curved shape, one of its sides, along with the gypsum, is slightly moistened with water( you can pre-puncture the surface with a needle roller), and then apply it to the desired shape. When the sheet dries, it will have the desired shape. Moreover, on sale you can find a special type of drywall, called arched. It has a minimum thickness( 6.5 mm), making it easy to bend.

# 2.Shelves and racks of plasterboard
Soviet walls and similar modern furniture are a thing of the past. Storage system today is increasingly organized with spacious wardrobes and shelves. Both those and others can be made of gypsum cardboard, but now we will stop on creation of shelves. They can be of different sizes, serve to store different things: books, decor items, equipment, and also be used in the storeroom.
Before embarking on the creation of shelves made of drywall, it is better to very clearly imagine the end result, and it is better to draw on paper. Shelves can have not only angular, but also curvilinear forms, repeat some geometrical figures, tree structure, etc. Implementation options can be mass, and some interesting examples are presented in the photo.

Depending on what role will play shelves or shelves, especially their installation will be different. If you plan to create a shelf for photos or souvenirs, then the lightweight frame , sheathed with one layer of drywall, will suffice.
If the shelf or rack will be used by to locate ’s heavy things ( plants, machinery, books, aquarium), it is better to reinforce the frame with additional profiles and sheathe two layers of drywall, and even better, use a welded bracket instead of the usual profile.
For the corners of the shelves to be ideally even, it would be nice to reinforce them with a thin steel profile, and glue the plaster grid on top.
The internal cavity of the shelves can be filled with mineral wool or other heat and sound insulating material to avoid the hollow sound of hollow structures during their operation.
Shelves and racks often complement with LED lighting , which decorates the interior, creates a pleasant atmosphere and performs its direct function - it illuminates the room. Shelves and racks can be organized anywhere: a study, a living room, a bedroom and even a kitchen, but in this case it is better to use moisture-resistant drywall. Shelves made of drywall are functional and practical, and maintenance will require less than similar structures made of wood.

Niches, dredging of any depth and form, are quite functional and highly decorative elements of the interior, and they can be easily organized with the help of drywall. To create such a design, even at the stage of mounting the frame from metal profiles, an additional level is provided, with the help of which a niche will be created. It can have any dimensions, it is often decorated with built-in backlight. Niche walls are recommended to be trimmed in the same color as the main surface or a lighter tone to avoid the feeling of a hole in the wall.
Niches are used for placement in them of televisions, paintings, mirrors, aquariums and other things. In the niche, you can organize the system of shelves , using all the same drywall.
Another interesting solution for organizing a niche is to finish the opening with colored glass and to install the backlight.

№4.Wardrobe from gypsum plasterboard
Drywall allows you to build even some pieces of furniture, incl.cabinets, bar counters, tables, and even sofas and beds. Such furniture is relatively easy to manufacture, allows to implement any of their own requirements , it can be trimmed in any way you like, summon hidden communications, and the cost of such decisions is low. The only drawback is the stationarity of such furniture, but in the case of a cabinet, this drawback is insignificant, because ordinary built-in wardrobes are also impossible to move from place to place.
It’s easy to create a drywall cabinet on your own. Everything begins, as always, with the creation of the frame, and at this stage it is already necessary for to know how the interior of the future cabinet should be arranged: how many shelves and how high should it be, where will the hangers be, etc. If the length of the shelves above 1 m, the frame is better to strengthen. In this case, a wardrobe made of plasterboard will not be inferior in strength to its counterparts from chipboard. Fittings and facade can be used such as for ordinary wardrobes - outwardly it will not be clear what the cabinet was built from, but it will cost you less than usual, and it will be much easier to equip the interior lighting.

№5.Decorative plasterboard partitions
Drywall is very often used to create interior partitions, it allows you to perfectly isolate mixed spaces, but now it's not about that. This material can be used for zoning, but not for the separation of space. These are openwork partitions , which can be of any desired shape and equipped with a mass of compartments in the form of windows and shelves , allowing light to freely penetrate from one part of the space to another. Completely different functions can be assigned to such a partition: besides the zoning itself, it can serve as as an decoration for or as a showcase for , displaying items from a personal collection, awards, etc.
To create such a partition, you need to be very clear about what you should end up with and take a very responsible approach to the construction of the framework and the installation of drywall. As in all other cases, the design can be decorated with built-in lighting.

№6.Niche for a radiator
To install a radiator in the wall, you must create a niche. Niches cut into brick walls, as a rule, are obtained with very uneven edges, therefore, in order to achieve an optimal decorative effect, further lengthy and laborious plastering works are required. Where it is easier to use drywall. It is necessary to cut out the plasterboard elements corresponding to the size of the back wall, sidewalls, lower and upper sides. The obtained parts can be mounted to the wall with a plaster mix. After that, it remains only to do the simple procedures for puttying and further finishing.

№7.Slopes for windows and doors
The organization of door and window slopes also requires plastering , but to avoid this lengthy and dirty procedure , drywall is also useful. The process looks like in the previous version: plasterboard pieces of the required size are cut, and then they are glued to the surface with a plasterboard mixture and fixed by the rule. Further work consists only in puttying the seams and finishing the surface.

No. 8.Coffee table
You can even build a small coffee table from drywall, which will be mobile. Initially, a frame of the required dimensions is constructed from the profile, and in the next stage it is sheathed with drywall. When the base is ready, you can start finishing, and here everyone has a huge field for imagination: you can paint the table , paste over textured paper and make it look no different from similar pieces of furniture made of wood. Decor options weight. Moreover, in the tables you can leave a niche for storing all sorts of small things, however, then add the hassle of plasterboard plasterboard inside.

# 9.
headboard Drywall can also be used to decorate the space above the bed - with its help you can create completely different headboards for decoration. You can build a frame of the required shape and size, sheathe it with drywall and decorate the resulting structure with fabric or textile wallpaper. Such headboards can even come into the ceiling with the and be complemented with the lighting, being a real highlight of the rest room. You can do without without creating an framework by wrapping a sheet of drywall with fabric or leather, using sintepon or foam rubber as a filler. If you want to use decorative buttons, then in advance in the planned places on the drywall holes are drilled, and the kapron thread with which they are attached is fixed on the reverse side with a stapler.

# 10.Fireplace from
drywall Naturally, we are talking about the construction of a fake fireplace, which will not be connected to the chimney and in which it will be impossible to make a flame. Despite this, it will look very solid, so it can create an atmosphere of romance in the room, decorate the living room, office or library.
After the sketch of the future fireplace is ready, they start marking the wall and installing the frame from the profile. The finished frame is sheathed with gypsum plasterboard, which can then be decorated as you please: use white paint, artificial stone, ceramics, wallpaper for masonry, or use your own paint and brushes to style the surface as a brick or stone.
You can simulate the flames inside in different ways: twist a few logs with a garland of lights with flickering light, insert candles into the holes in the logs, dispense firewood and simply place a few large candles in the portal, or cover the portal with a reflective foil and embed flashing lights. The portal can, if desired, be closed with a forged grille.

# 11.
drywall cornice It is enough just to do an portable cornice with your own hands and even set the backlight in it so that the window at any time of the day looks unique. Such a structure is fixed to the ceiling, it can be created even at the stage of the ceiling design, if drywall is selected for this. The eaves frame can be attached to the finished ceiling with special butterfly fastenings. Further, the process is reduced to plating the frame with drywall and further decoration.

No. 12.
Drywall Column A column can decorate a room of virtually any size, help zone a space, or even hide engineering communications. The column is located near the wall or in the corner of , the frame is fixed to the floor and the ceiling. To give drywall the desired shape, it is rolled with a needle roller, slightly moistened with water and, using a previously prepared template, give it the desired shape. Installation begins only when the material is completely dry. There is a dry way to give drywall shape: cut from the back side into small segmental strips.
When all the drywall is mounted, the finishing stage begins: a putty, polishing, painting or finishing with decorative plaster. You can use stucco made of plaster or polyurethane, and one of the most spectacular ways to decorate this interior element is using Venetian marble.

# 13.
Drywall Bar Counter The bar counter can also be made from gypsum board. Compared with chipboard, plastic and wood, drywall provides more opportunities for the implementation of bold design ideas. Such a bar can be placed anywhere, make it any desired shape and decorate as you want.
It all starts with the installation of the frame, and the corners are recommended to be made from one-piece profile, so that the design gets the maximum rigidity. Guides and cross profiles secure crabs. When the stability of the frame does not cause doubts, proceed to the installation of sheets of drywall of the required size. The walls of the rack can be either completely smooth or contain niches, then the framework must be constructed with their account. After puttying the joints and mounting points of the self-tapping screws, as well as sanding, the structure is painted in the required color, the plinth and lighting are installed, if such is provided.

# 14.Chest of drawers, dresser and kitchen set
Experienced craftsmen create unique furniture from gypsum plasterboard, which in terms of functionality is not inferior to their counterparts from more familiar materials, but can be created quickly and with all personal requirements. Kitchen furniture should be made of moisture resistant plasterboard and always using a frame. The size and number of drawers can be provided on their own.
A chest of drawers can be assembled without an frame, using arched drywall and fantasy. Details of the required size and shape are cut out of drywall, which in the future will serve as the bottom, walls and shelves of the dresser. In advance on the drywall pieces does not interfere with charting the location of the partitions of the future dresser or bedside table. You can connect all the details of the design with superglue. As containers, you can use plastic containers or make them from the same drywall. This is followed by puttying, grinding, priming and dressing. You can, for example, paint a chest of drawers and draw flowers or patterns on it.

# 15.Screen for a drywall bath
In this case, only moisture resistant drywall is suitable. After marking the walls and the ceiling, a frame of their profile is constructed. It is fastened to the floor and walls with dowel-nails, vertical posts are fastened with screws. If the screen is straight, L-or U-shaped, then it is only necessary to cut out the drywall with the necessary parameters.
For curvilinear screens, drywall is bent, incised or slightly soaked. To increase strength, it is better to use a double layer of drywall. Do not forget about the need for a revision window for quick access to communications.
External and internal corners are made with a steel profile, unprotected edges are treated with a sealant, the joints can be pasted over with a serpyanka. Most often, the screens are tiled, but painting is also possible, then you need to take a closer look at the putty and sanding the surface.

No. 16.Sofa and bed made of plasterboard
Even sofas are made of plasterboard! If you lay a mattress, pillows and a blanket, then you can even sleep on such a sofa, but for the most part this design is only decorative and is not intended for regular rest. The possibility of creating such items of furniture from drywall only once again underlines its universality.

# 17.Communication box
Sewer, ventilation, water pipes, heating mains and other communications can be easily closed with a drywall box. The frame is constructed very simply: first, the guides are attached to the wall or ceiling parallel to the pipes, then jumpers are mounted. The resulting construction is sheathed with plasterboard, but do not forget to provide for the presence of an inspection hatch. Subsequent processing is standard, the finish can be any.
Drywall is a ductile and easy-to-use material, so almost anything can be built from it, and the options described can help you create an exclusive interior with your own hands or become the basis for your own interesting decisions.