17 councils for the protection of a suburban land plot


  1. №1. Criteria for choosing the type of fencing
  2. №2. Regulatory requirements for site fencing
  3. No. 3. Type of foundation for a summer cottage
  4. №4. Main types of materials for the construction of fences
  5. №5. Mesh fence
  6. №6. Forged fence
  7. №7. Fence from profile pipe and welded fence
  8. №8. Fence from corrugated board
  9. №9. Fence from the euro fence
  10. №10. Wooden fence
  11. №11. Concrete fence, or euro fence
  12. №12. Fence made of brick or stone
  13. №13. Fence made of polycarbonate
  14. №14. Fence from PVC
  15. №15. Wicker fence
  16. №16. Hedge
  17. №17. Other interesting materials
  18. In conclusion

Imagine a country plot without a fence is impossible. This construction is necessary not only tohighlight the boundaries of your territoryand to prevent undesirable penetration of strangers, but alsofor site protectionfrom winds, dust and debris. The fence can also performdecorative role, if it is done taking into account the general stylistics of the site. Before choosing a specific type of fencing for a country plot, it is necessary to determine the functions assigned to it and analyze the operating conditions.

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№1. Criteria for choosing the type of fencing

The fences area number of tasks, among whichkey:

  • definition of borders;
  • ensuring the security of the territory;
  • decoration of the site.

Each fence fulfills these functions in one way or another, but since the dacha section borders on different objects, some fences will fulfill these tasks to a greater or lesser extent. For example,fence that separates the site from the street, roads or forests, should be, above all, reliable and provide protection, and the fence separating your site from neighborly, serves mainly to determine the border and decoration of the territory - it is not capital and unapproachable must. In any case, the fence should be aesthetic and not spoil (and better decorate) the country site.

The most important value in choosing the material of the fence is the style of landscape design. For the sites made in the classical style, the best decoration will be stone, brick or forged fences, the country style will decorate the wooden fence, and in the folk style it will be appropriate to woven hedge. It's great if the fence, house and other buildings on the territory will have some common features.


№2. Regulatory requirements for site fencing

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble even before the construction of the fence, it is necessary to obtainresolutionon its construction. If the project is carried out in compliance with all the rules put forward to the country fences, there will be no problems. According to the legal documents, the fence dividing the two neighboring sites,should not be higher, mand not obscure the surrounding territory. Therefore, it must be performed from mesh or lattice materials. Height of the fence,facing the street, canto reach 2 m. Such fences can be made of any materials, there are no transparency requirements.

The rules also regulatedistance fence from objects on the site: 3 m - for houses and 4 m - for enclosures of domestic animals. Before you put a fence between your site and the neighbor, you need to make a markup, and then agree on the border with the neighbors. This will not only preserve normal relations, but will also avoid disputes over illegally seized land.

No. 3. Type of foundation for a summer cottage


Since protective functions are assigned to the enclosure, it must be reliable, durable and durable, which is impossible without an adequate foundation. For fence useone of the following:

  • bandedThe foundation is settled if the fencing of the fence is heavy. It requires digging a trench with a depth of at least 30 cm, which is covered with a layer of gravel or rubble, then reinforcement frame and formwork is established, its height should be 20-30 cm above ground level. Then formwork is poured with concrete mortar;
  • pillar foundationSuitable for fences consisting of individual spans (mesh-netting, corrugated board, etc.). The distance between the poles depends on the length of the spans. For each pillar, a hole is made about 1 m deep, after installation of the pit column, a pit is poured with a cement-sand mortar.

№4. Main types of materials for the construction of fences

There can be lots of options for garden fencing. Fencing trim is made of these types of materials:

  • metal. This group includes both forged and welded structures, as well as mesh-netting, as well as fences made from corrugated board;
  • treeincluding lining, board and fence;
  • brick, stone and concrete;
  • plastic andpolycarbonate;
  • original solutionssuch as hedges, wicker fences, etc.

Each of these options requires detailed consideration.

№5. Mesh fence

Fences made of mesh-netting, corrugated and welded mesh- this is one of the most popular ways of fencing domestic dachas. It is easy to install such a fence independently, the thickness of the wire must be at least, mm, so that it does not succumb to the pliers.

Main advantages:

  • low cost;
  • high durability, reaching 30 years. The galvanized wire mesh and polymer coated mesh show the best in this respect;
  • resistance to any vagaries of nature;
  • excellent light transmission. The mesh fence will not obscure the beds and will allow the maximum use of the entire area of ​​the plot;
  • not bad protection. Despite the fragility and transparency, the grid is not easy to overcome. It will swing under the weight of the attacker, and its upper part can cause injuries;
  • simplicity in installation and maintenance;
  • high maintainability. If the mesh is damaged or sagged, it can be replaced or retightened.

Moreover, the mesh can serve as an excellent basis for climbing plants, incl. ivy and hops.


  • not the most aesthetic appearance;
  • The grid will not cover the territory from the looks of outsiders - this is the reverse side of excellent light transmission.

The mesh fence is excellent for separating its territory from its neighbor. In small areas it can also be used as a main fence.

№6. Forged fence

Forged fence is a luxury and an excellent appearance along with excellent performance. Such fencing is suitable for sitesclassic style, always madeby individual orderand installed by professionals.

Main advantages:

  • record durability, reaching 50 years or more;
  • resistance to sunlight and winds;
  • excellent decorative qualities;
  • reliability and durability. Such a fence will be difficult to damage, and if there are elements in the form of sharp pins on top, then not everyone will risk and climb through such a fence;
  • good ventilation and light transmission;
  • minimal care.


  • high price;
  • large weight sections, which complicates the transportation and installation process;
  • metal with time can rust, so sometimes you have to treat the surface with special substances, but it's not so troublesome;
  • transparency of the forged fence.

Forged fences are usually installed on the border of the site and the street, and since they do not hide everything that happens on the territories, they are recommended to use when the area is large enough or located in a very quiet and non-stop location. Often forged sectionscombined with stone, brick or concrete.

№7. Fence from profile pipe and welded fence

These types of fencing -alternative to forged fence. They are much cheaper, not inferior to the basic performance, but a little easier to look. For the manufacture offence from the profile pipepipes of round or square cross-section are used. Sections of this fence are 2-3 times cheaper than the forged analog, durable, strong, do not require special care, have good aesthetic qualities.

For the manufacture ofwelded fencesuse not only pipes, but also bars and strips. The production process is fairly simple, and there are many design options. While retaining all the advantages of a forged fence, such fences cost 5 times cheaper. Can be combined with brick, stone and concrete pillars.

№8. Fence from corrugated board

Dacha fences are increasingly made from corrugated board. itsheets of steel with protective zinc or polymer coating, and they can imitate wood or stone. Profiled sheeting can be used to separate the site from the street, as well as to construct temporary fences for the period while the work on the erection of the house and other buildings is under way.


  • durability (up to 45 years), resistance to winds, sunlight, precipitation and other negative environmental factors;
  • strength and excellent protective functions;
  • affordable price and wide range;
  • the ability to delay some of the external noise, so this fence can be used for areas located near roads;
  • convenience in work, because the sheets are not very heavy and are easily cut;
  • simple care and high maintainability (you can replace the damaged sheet).


  • low aesthetics, especially on the inside;
  • the material does not provide ventilation.

Often sheets of corrugated board are combined with concrete or brick.

№9. Fence from the euro fence

Euroshield - this is something between the wooden fence and profiled sheeting. It is producedmade of galvanized steel, which is additionally covered with a protective-decorative polymer layer. Externally, the euro barrel is verylooks like a tree, but at the same timeretains all the main advantages of corrugated board.

The material present on the market can differ significantly in the way the edges are treated, the type of profile and the painting method. Sold in the form of strips up to 10 cm wide and up to 3 m in length, provides ventilation of the site and allows the sun to pass. Nevertheless, the piece fence does not provide adequate strength to the fence.

№10. Wooden fence

The wooden fence of the site is an ageless classic. Such a fence can be easily manufactured and installed with your own hands, and due to the simplicity of processing wood, you can realize almost any idea into reality. The easiest option is to buyfinished sections of wooden fencing, the choice of which without exaggeration is huge. "Shop" products, as a rule, are sections from a wooden fence of any height and width, fastened with horizontal slats. Design can be any.

Self-made wooden fence can be made fromground or unedged boards, beams or even lining. The boards can be fixed at a certain distance from each other or without gaps.A tree can be given any shapeand dye it inrequired colororvarnish, creating a fence that best matches the site in style.

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Main advantages:

  • high aesthetics and variation in solutions;
  • low cost of ready fences and ease of creation with their own hands;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • simplicity of installation;
  • the possibility of airing the section and passing light (for certain types of construction).


  • low durability, susceptibility to putrefaction. Wooden fence is unlikely to last more than 15 years, and then under the condition of constant care;
  • the need for regular care, which consists in processing antiseptic, tinting, replacing boards;
  • low level of protection;
  • fear of fire.

A wooden fence of a small height can serve to separate adjacent areas, as well as for fencing of individual zones of the territory, flower beds, etc. The external wooden fence should have a decent height, andcombining it with concrete or stonewill provide the territory with better protection.

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№11. Concrete fence, or euro fence

A concrete fence can turn a plot into an impregnable fortress. Gray boring solid reinforced concrete slabs, although they continue to be used, but are inferior in popularityprefabricated concrete euros. The latter are concrete poles and panels, which are manufactured according to standard technology, but decorative molds are used when casting. Thanks to the coloring, the euro is getting a good look and it's easycan go for a stone or brick. It can be either deaf, open or partially open. Conventional reinforced concrete slabs can not boast such decorative qualities.


  • high strength and durability, can serve up to 100 years;
  • the widest range of euro-fence, which can imitate brick, slate, rubble, wood and even have delicate elements;
  • excellent protective functions;
  • resistance to all negative environmental factors and to fire;
  • unpretentiousness in care.


  • heavy weight, which greatly complicates the transportation and installation, - you can not do it by your own efforts;
  • high price (especially euroset), as there are large costs for delivery and installation.

Despite the existing shortcomings, the concrete fence isone of the best options for enclosure protection, since for a long time it will provide him with reliable protection, not requiring constant care.

№12. Fence made of brick or stone

Similar properties of brick and stone allow to combine them into one section. At the same time, it should be noted that with naturalness and higher durability of the stone, it is used quite rarely due to the high cost. To build even a small fence made of natural stone is a pleasure that not everyone can afford. A brick fence will cost less, but it will not look worse. That the stone that the brick fence is a capital construction that requires design, but such a fence can become the face of the whole site.


  • durability (50 years for brick and higher for stone);
  • strength, reliability and high level of protection;
  • resistance to weather whims;
  • ecological compatibility;
  • excellent soundproofing qualities;
  • refractoriness;
  • simplicity of care;
  • wide possibilities of design. You can choose any color material, choose the necessary pattern of masonry, combine a brick or stone with metal or wood.


  • high price;
  • complexity of installation.

Along with the fact that the brick fence protects against strong winds, it completely deprives the airing area and creates a big shadow. The exception is a combination of brick and metal.

№13. Fence made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is traditionally used for the arrangement of awnings and canopies, often used in the construction of greenhouses. Produced in the form of light large, slightly curved translucent sheets of different shades. Polycarbonate sheets are mounted on a metal frame, and when combined with other materials, it is possible to achieve good results in terms of aesthetics.


  • a light weight;
  • flexibility, allowing to experiment with the form of fencing;
  • translucence. Polycarbonate transmits up to 90% of sunlight, but it does not allow outsiders to see what is happening on the site;
  • good sound insulation qualities, which is explained by the presence of air inside the cells;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures, direct sunlight and moisture. Polycarbonate is not susceptible to corrosion or rotting, it will not develop mold;
  • simple care, which consists in the periodic washing of the material using a conventional garden hose;
  • aesthetic appearance.


  • not the lowest price;
  • the need to build a solid metal frame, so that from the wind and mechanical loads the sheets do not "lead
  • low strength. Over time, polycarbonate will scratch, and beating or throwing stones at it is not recommended. When the material is combined with brick and wrought iron bars, this shortcoming can be substantially minimized.

№14. Fence from PVC

For a long time the plastic fences popular in Western countries have recently begun to conquer the domestic market. They are highly decorative and cansimulate the mass of natural materials, but their choice is not so great yet. A plastic fence can serve for zone zoning, fencing of flower beds, children's play area. As the main fence, it can be used only when a fence is put forward one requirement is to show the boundaries of a site, and not to serve as a defense against intruders and outsiders views.


  • excellent appearance;
  • low weight, easy installation and maintenance;
  • high durability (up to 50 years);
  • resistance to sunlight, low temperatures and moisture.


  • low strength and vulnerability to mechanical damage;
  • low stability before wind loads;
  • high price.

№15. Wicker fence

If the garden plot is made in a rustic style, then the best decoration will be a wicker fence. It is easy to manufacture with your own hands, and for this you will have to stock up on branches of willow, hazel or other flexible plants. The height of the fence can be as minimal (for beds and zoning of the site), as well as medium (for separating the territory from the neighbor) or even large (for enclosing the site along the perimeter).


  • excellent appearance, environmental friendliness and naturalness;
  • The minimum cost, if you make a fence with your own hands. The order of the finished fencing from the vine is also inexpensive;
  • The ability to experiment with the type of weaving and the height of the fence.


  • low strength. The braided fence mostly performs decorative functions, so it does not have expectations for high reliability;
  • low durability;
  • The need for minimal skills and patience to create a wicker fence with your own hands.

№16. Hedge

One of the most aesthetic and eco-friendly options for protecting the suburban area is the creation of a hedge. To do this, you can use plants such asboxwood, juniper, spruce, hawthorn, hare, yew, western thujaand others. Efforts and time such a fencing will require a lot, it will be constantly needed to look after, as well as other plants in the country, but the hedge looks amazing.


  • appearance and the ability to give it almost any shape, change the design and height over time;
  • environmental friendliness. Plants will detain dust and noise;
  • Using prickly plants (eg, hawthorn), you can get reliable protection of the site;
  • low cost;
  • wind resistance and ventilation.


  • the need for constant care: watering, feeding, haircut, etc .;
  • the need to wait until a normal and dense hedge grows up;
  • require good knowledge in the field of horticulture and dendrology, or it will be necessary to contact a specialist.

№17. Other interesting materials

You can use as a guard:

  • slate. Today, slate is not so popular in the arrangement of summer cottages, as a dozen years ago, but still are willing to build such an inexpensive and functional fencing. Advantages of the material are low cost, easy installation, resistance to weather whims and the ability to close the site from prying eyes of outsiders. Cons: low aesthetics and instability before point shots;
  • gabions- blocks of metal mesh and stone;
  • wire, which is pulled on the supports.

Some craftsmen even use plastic bottles to create a fence.

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In conclusion

In one area, it is possible to combine several fencing options freely, or to use a fence of one material, but to make it of different heights in different parts of the territory. Do not forget about the opportunity to decorate fences, for which you can use anything: from flowers to kitchen utensils.

Tags:Land improvement, Fence
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