Interior decoration of the balcony( loggia) - general description, types, design

The content of the article:- an important part of the arrangement of the balcony

  • The appearance of the wall
  • The ceiling, but not the "ice"
  • "Let there be light!"
  • A practical guide for getting started
    • modern interior design balconiesmore people are trying wisely to equip their homes in order to make rational use of every square meter. It is therefore not surprising that the interior decoration of the balcony is considered the most pressing issue for residents of apartment buildings, making repairs. How to equip it in the best way so that a small area becomes a cozy and comfortable room? A detailed description of such finishes and its various types of design will help you choose the appropriate option.

      Before proceeding with the work, it is necessary to warm and glaze this part of the non-residential premises with quality materials. At the same time, they should be light enough to prevent the structure from collapsing.

      First steps on the way to the goal - glazing of the room

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      The architecture of residential buildings quite often amazes with its diversity. Therefore, the glazing of balconies and loggias, as well as their interior decoration require an individual approach. Depending on the wishes and possibilities of the glazing can be done in two ways: warm or cold. To protect the premises from dust, precipitation and gusting wind use the cold option. And to increase the temperature and sound insulation level, a warm glazing is used, which is much more expensive.

      The simple interior decoration and glazing of the balcony in a cold way allows you to store various things in such a room. On nice summer evenings, it is nice to spend time over a cup of coffee or tea. On the insulated balcony or loggia, enterprising specialists equip work rooms, small bedrooms and even kitchens. In some cases, they make dining in the open air overlooking the changeable view of the sky.

      Each of the options for cold glazing and interior decoration of the balcony is not very expensive for most residents of apartment buildings. But as a result, the level of comfort and durability suffers. There are several such ways of finishing.

      single swing structures made of wood. They are considered the cheapest option but need regular maintenance. The material is influenced by the following factors:

      • rain, snow;
      • sunlight;
      • low temperatures.

      As a result, the outer cover of the frame is destroyed and it must be periodically painted or varnished.

      . Metal version of cold glazing.

      The structure is installed on balconies or loggias, as a temporary protective structure. The reason is high heat conductivity. In the summer in such a room is extremely hot, and in winter it is unbearably cold. The frame is made of a metal frame, where glass windows are inserted.

      Single profile aluminum profile.

      Such a cold glazing option is considered the most durable. Sliding windows are best suited for him to save space. The only drawback of such frames is that they are not hermetic, but they are in particular demand among the population.

      As practice shows, metal frames of cold glazing are more common in residential buildings of the old building. Therefore, choosing the appropriate option, you should consider this fact.

      In order to decorate the balconies and loggias in an original way with the design of the room, it is also important to consider the options for warm glazing. The most common types of designs:

      • double frames made of wood;
      • plastic window profiles;
      • panoramic option.

      Wooden frames need seasonal maintenance, which includes painting or varnishing the surface of the structure. Therefore, choosing the interior decoration of the balcony, you need to think about how to do this work and not to dirty the interior.

      It is much easier to care for plastic frames built into the balcony or loggia. Wash them thoroughly enough once a year and adjust the fittings.

      For the installation of plastic structures, the balcony must have a high bearing capacity. The main reason is the weight of the window profile.

      Panoramic warm glazing is a special double-glazed windows( sometimes without frames), which are harmoniously interconnected by a minimum number of fasteners. As a result, from the balcony or loggia opens a gorgeous view all 365 days a year.

      Read also: How to merge a balcony with a kitchen or a room without violating the law

      Interior decoration of a balcony - types and materialsFrom it you can make:
      • classic warehouse of household things;
      • summer bedroom;
      • office;
      • kitchen;
      • greenhouse;
      • children's room for games;
      • is a place of solitude, where you can calmly reflect.

      Whatever the purpose of interior decoration of balconies and loggias, you must wisely choose the building materials for this business. Consider some of them.


      This type of lining is a long thin boards, which are equipped with special ridges and grooves. Due to this, they easily connect with each other, tightly lying on the surface. In addition, lining has several advantages:

      • does not rot;
      • retains a wonderful view for 10 years;
      • ease of installation;
      • easy care;
      • differs in good soundproofing;
      • retains heat wonderfully;
      • provides for the replacement of damaged items;
      • installation can be done on an uneven surface;
      • is varnished if necessary.

      For interior decoration of loggias, they use clapboard made of wood or plastic. Only some of the drawbacks of this material: rapid flammability, high temperature and high humidity, encourage people to choose a different finish.

      Decorative stone or clinker tile

      Fans of pristine beauty prefer decorative stone, which is much cheaper than natural. In addition, for the decoration of the balcony master use different colors of the material. Its main advantages are ease of installation, easy maintenance, resistance to sunlight and temperature changes.


      This popular type of cladding covers not only walls, but also ceilings. Drywall is characterized by thermal insulation properties, so that the heat is stored in the room during the winter period. The material is ideal for this type of finishing balconies and loggias, photos of which are provided above. The main advantage is that it is easy to install in a small room.

      . Preferring this material, it is desirable to use a moisture-resistant type of drywall with a special coating.

      In addition, the balcony is decorated with decorative plaster, which has a long service life. Often mix different types of materials, which looks very impressive and attractive.

      Flooring - an important part of the arrangement of the balcony

      Before proceeding to the finishing of the loggia, wise craftsmen pay attention to the floors. If the room is not glazed, they are made of such materials:

      • ordinary concrete fill;
      • ceramic tiles;
      • natural stone;
      • porcelain stoneware;
      • linoleum( as a temporary option).

      Warm-glazed balconies with:

      • laminate;
      • tiles;
      • carpet.

      Wooden floors are ideal for certain types of balconies and loggias. They wonderfully keep warm, pleasant to the feet and harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

      For the arrangement of the floors, several steps are necessary: ​​

      • dismantling the old coating;
      • sealing gaps;
      • laying waterproofing material;
      • surface alignment;
      • insulation;
      • installation of floor material.

      Each of them has its own characteristics that must be adhered to. Surface leveling is performed with a concrete screed. For wooden flooring, sheathing is made where insulation and waterproofing material are placed. And the installation of "heat floor" is done with the help of water pipes.

      In order to be warm and cozy on the balcony in winter, you need to take care of this in advance.

      The appearance of the wall

      As paper wallpaper on the balcony can suffer from moisture and sun, designers advise to use stronger materials:

      • lining:
      • drywall;
      • cork coating;
      • ceramic tiles;
      • natural stone.

      Some experts use moisture resistant cladding with PVC panels. It miraculously withstands various types of coatings that look wonderful on the background of a small room. In addition, it is easy to care for her.

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      Ceiling, but not “ice”

      An important part of the interior decoration of balconies and balconies are ceilings. Of course, they should not be “icy”, as it is sung in the old song. On the contrary, for their installation using the same type of material as on the side surfaces. The result is a combination of the same space that hides all the flaws of the ceiling.

      "Let there be light!"

      In order to have a good time on the balcony, you should think about lighting. It is selected in accordance with the type of human activity, taking into account his needs and preferences. If this is part of a kitchen with false ceilings, spotlights are enough. A desk lamp or a pretty sconce will suit the study. The main thing is that the light source covers the whole territory.

      Practical guide for beginner builders

      . Entrepreneurial men often want to build their own homes and make repairs. Unfortunately, they do not know how to decorate a balcony inside with their own hands so that it becomes a pleasant place of leisure. Skilled craftsmen are always ready to give practical advice to novice builders so that they are not afraid to get down to business. Consider several types of installation of balcony decoration in the home.

      Before you get started, you need to consider the general appearance of the room. Otherwise, the design of the balcony will look defiant, which will lead to disappointment.

      Euro Lining

      For finishing balconies and loggias, Euro lining, which is made of these types of wood, is most often used:

      • oak;
      • linden;
      • alder;
      • ash;
      • pine;
      • spruce;
      • cedar.

      Some of them( oak and cedar) are very expensive, but others are in great demand. When the choice is made and the material is at hand, prepare a set of tools:

      • hammer;
      • level;
      • drill;
      • drill bit;
      • electric jigsaw;
      • stouslo;
      • fine-toothed hacksaw for wood.

      The next work front is the sheathing. It is performed in the classical way. With the help of level level bars are placed in horizontal and vertical position. In the resulting voids place high-quality insulating material. A vapor barrier material is attached over it. Next, proceed to the installation of eurolining:

      1. In one of the corners place the first board with a crest, exposing it along the batten.
      2. Small nails attached to a wooden surface.
      3. The next paneling is inserted into the groove, pressing it tightly to the base.
      4. Different angular gaps are covered with baseboard or figured details.

      As you can see, the process is not very difficult for enterprising men who are not afraid to take tools in their hands and act.

      Wooden surfaces should be treated with a special polyvinyl acetate filler, which looks like white glue.


      This unique building material is made of three layers. Inside there is a plaster, and outside there is a thick cardboard. It protects the structure from various damage. Until recently, drywall produced with low resistance to moisture, which can not be said about modern materials. Specialists have developed various types of protective equipment that are applied to the structure. Their main goal is to save it from excessive moisture.

      The usual type of drywall from the waterproof version can be distinguished by special marking and color. Grayish-white shade - traditional drywall, greenish - resistant to moisture, light red - is considered a refractory option.

      Doing the finishing of a loggia or a balcony with your own hands starts from the preparation of the necessary set of tools:

      • a plumb bob or level;
      • tape measure approximately 10 m;
      • insulation;
      • insulation material;
      • hacksaw;
      • perforator;
      • screwdriver;
      • putty.

      When the tools are ready, proceed to the necessary work:

      • assemble metal profiles;
      • cut sheets, according to the sizes;
      • cut niches for lamps, sockets and connectors.

      The next step is to install drywall from the corner of the room, moving to the center. Screws are punched every 20 cm. At the same time, they should be “drowned” in gypsum sheets. Then the surface is first treated with a primer, and the seams are sealed with putty. When dry, covered with paint or wallpaper. Such a decoration will turn the balcony into a real oasis of pleasure that you can never forget.

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      Ideas for modern design of interior decoration of the balcony

      A few decades ago, these small rooms basically served as a unique “safe” for valuable things. There are stacked old things that are a pity to throw. Bicycles, sleighs, spare parts for tools, large basins and pots. Others tried not to clutter up this place with things, so that on summer evenings they could sit with a cup of their favorite coffee in the open air.

      It may seem that if you put a table and a few stools on the balcony, you get a chic interior. But with a deep consideration of the issue, it turns out a completely different picture.

      The decoration of loggias and balconies shown in the photo, the design of which is widely used in apartment buildings, is unprecedented. After all, even a small size “wilderness” can be turned into a cozy room. For example, open balconies are often decorated with vases with ampelous plants. They become unique "neighbors" for the entire summer period.

      On open balconies there is a lot of sunshine, therefore wooden elements of furniture can quickly lose their color and attractive appearance.

      Glazed room must be warmed and conduct electricity. The result may be a pretty bedroom. Some dismantle the wall adjacent to the balcony. If there is a kitchen nearby, a miniature dining room is placed on the loggias. Near the bedroom equip a study. The main thing is to combine the interior of the apartment with the design of additional space. Let us consider in more detail the types of such design of loggias and balconies, and the photo will help to present how it looks in life.

      Creating a compact kitchen

      Experienced designers have developed a plan for arranging a kitchen area on a glazed loggia. However, the placement of water supply and sewage complicate the whole process. Therefore, a dining table, chairs, and sometimes a soft corner are placed on the loggia. On a special bedside set microwave, oven, coffee machine. For lighting mounted additional fixtures point character.

      Another kitchen design option on the loggia is a long table in the form of a bar counter. It is made of glossy coating, which is placed along the entire window. Neat chairs with backs will allow you to relax with a cup of tea.

      Space for work

      Recently, more and more people are working without leaving home. However, small apartments do not allow to equip an office in the apartment. Bold ideas of designers come to the rescue. On the glazed loggia or balcony place a small writing table, soft chair or a small chair. What could be better than a secluded working space.

      Exotic bedroom on the balcony

      In small rooms it can be difficult to arrange a comfortable sleeping place for yourself. It may happen that someone snores or gets up too early. To solve this problem will help a small square with an area of ​​3 meters. On it the bed or a sofa wonderfully is located. A few touches and the bedroom is ready.

      Green design of the open balcony

      Fans of green plants will not refuse to turn the territory of the balcony into a blooming garden or greenhouse. To do this, use ampelous annuals, indoor flowers and vines. If they do not fit, make different types of shelves, installing them in places where there is a lot of light. Large palm trees or monstera are installed on the wooden floor.

      The original place for relaxation.

      A loggia or a balcony can be converted into an amazing place to relax. Here it is useful to read an interesting book at sunset. Relax in a rocking chair after a hard day. Spend a lot of pleasant moments with friends and a cup of tea. If the balcony or loggia is located next to the living room, this is quite simple.

      A comfortable sofa, small armchairs, ottomans and even a hammock can be a godsend for busy people. The coffee table will complement the interior of the room in an original way, completely transforming it. On narrow balconies, furniture is arranged along walls and corners in order to comfortably move around a closed area.

      Full technology of finishing a balcony or loggia - video

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