Interesting ideas for decorating a dressing room

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For most people, a dressing room is no longer a distant dream. Nowadays, this is a mandatory attribute of a comfortable house or apartment. Because it is much more convenient to store clothes, shoes and accessories not in cramped closets or dressers, but in convenient and multifunctional rooms.

Shelves and cabinets in this room are installed in accordance with the principles of ergonomics. And even if you want to make a dressing room in a small room, you can organize the space so that it is convenient to put a large number of things.

. Wardrobe dimensions.

. The optimal room for a dressing room is a space without protrusions, with no more than four corners. Its area should be at least 3 m², and the length of one wall should be at least 2 meters.

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The ideal option for a small apartment is a 2 by 2 m walk-in closet. Under these conditions, the walk-in closets can be arranged with the letter “P” where the shelves and compartments are located around3 walls. In a small room to install the system is best letter "G".

If you know the exact number of cabinets, then you can easily calculate the area of ​​the room. Before you make a dressing room, you must first calculate the number of sections in length and multiply by their width( as a rule, the width of one compartment is 50, 75 or 100 cm).This will be the length of the dressing room. Now we need to estimate the depth of the cabinets, multiply it by 2( including drawers) and add the distance for the passage( minimum - 50 cm, optimal - 80-100 cm).This will be the width of the dressing room, in which the cabinets are located along the length of one wall.

The optimal size of the wardrobe system with your own hands, guaranteeing the greatest comfort - 3.5-5 m².It should be borne in mind that 1.5 m² must be allocated for dressing. Such dimensions allow you to install not only cabinets, but also hang a mirror or arrange ottomans for convenience.


An important condition for any dressing room is ventilation. It can be equipped in two ways:

  1. With a closed room without windows, you need to install an exhaust hood with a fan, which should go out into the general ventilation system. It will reduce the level of humidity and prevent odors, especially from shoes and outerwear.
  2. In the presence of windows, it is sufficient to periodically ventilate the room. But there may be a problem with the sun's rays, which spoil the clothes. To avoid this, you need to hang a curtain or blinds on the windows.

You can install special ventilation in cabinets with outerwear and shoes. And for good airing things buy mesh baskets and cellular shelves.

Lighting Tips

At the planning stage of a dressing room, you need to immediately provide room lighting to help you choose the right clothes easily and quickly:

  1. The most common option is lighting with ceiling lights aimed at the shelves of the cabinets.
  2. Highlighted is the highlight of the contents of the shelves, baskets and drawers. In this case, the lamps can be mounted on brackets or installed inside.
  3. In angular systems, luminaries on clothespins that allow you to change the angle of inclination of lighting look interesting.
  4. When arranging a spacious dressing room, as in the photo, you can install a hanging lamp.
  5. In a small room it is better not to overload the space. Here it is better to install an automatic lighting that will turn on when you open the door.

Sometimes halogen or luminescent lamps are used in the dressing room, in which the light is as close to natural as possible. However, they are not recommended to be installed near clothes, because they are very hot. It is best to use LED spotlights for lighting.

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Wardrobe location

You can equip a comfortable wardrobe with your own hands, as in the photo, in the following ways:

  • select a separate room;
  • to make of drywall in the bedroom or hallway;
  • remake pantry;
  • placed in a niche;
  • install an open system;
  • use the corner of the room;
  • use a balcony or loggia.

Wardrobe can be done using drywall, using the built-in storage system. It can be closed by curtains or sliding doors.

Pantry is the most convenient option for your own dressing room equipment. You do not need much work on the arrangement. You can simply remove all unnecessary from it, make a small or full repair. It is only necessary to plan the sections and purchase the components of the dressing room. Then install them and enjoy the result of their work.

A niche can serve as a dressing room. Here it is better to place the sections along the wall.

In the absence of the necessary space, you can equip an open wardrobe system with your own hands, as in the photo, with a lot of hangers, shelves, sections for shoes and drawers. Here it is necessary to hang a mirror, put an ottoman or chair. This is the best solution for an apartment with a small area. However, there is one drawback in it - it will be necessary to monitor cleanliness and order all the time.

By activating the corner of the room, you can equip the corner dressing room. It is more capacious and it has more storage compartments. In the bedroom, a corner is made free by setting the bed diagonally. It turns out great savings in space.

A loggia or a balcony may also be suitable for a dressing room. The main thing is your imagination. For a small room a good option would be a mini-dressing room, where only the most necessary things will be located.

The dressing room design must necessarily match the interior of the room. This condition also applies to the color and texture of furniture.

How to choose doors

When choosing doors, you need to understand that door systems are installed when the dressing room is separate. If part of the room is reserved for it, then it is better to install a partition.

The doors must be in harmony with the general interior of the apartment or room, otherwise they will look incongruous and alien.

When choosing doors for a dressing room, one must be guided not only by the preferences of family members, but also take into account the area of ​​the room, as well as the functionality of the system itself. What options of door designs can be mounted:

  1. Swing. The classic version, which is used for several centuries in a row. For a dressing room such doors are good because they provide a complete overview of the internal space. These models serve for a long time, not as susceptible to breakage as rail mechanisms. In addition, the installation of such doors is much cheaper. The disadvantage is that they require a lot of space. In addition, lovers of original design do not like their simplicity.
  2. Sliding. They are similar to those used for wardrobes. This design helps to save space, so it is well suited for a small area.
  3. Folding. They are used if the owners want to maintain expensive laminate and parquet in perfect condition. The leaves of these structures do not touch the floor. The guide mechanism is fixed on the ceiling or upper ceiling. In places of bends of shutters usual door loops fasten.
  4. Curtains. The simplest option is fabric cloths that are suspended from the cornice. They are quickly installed, if necessary, easily erased, have an elegant appearance. In addition, their price is lower than that of other types of doors.

Arranging a Wardrobe

When you decorate a wardrobe room, you can fantasize indefinitely. But you need to take into account several proven experience tips. After all, properly equipped interior space will make it really useful and will allow you to keep all things clean and tidy:

  1. It is desirable to divide the space in accordance with the gender sign into the female half and the male half.
  2. If necessary, individual shelving for family members can be distinguished, but this condition is not necessary.
  3. Shoes should be placed below, on open shelves. For this you can use retractable designs.
  4. Next to the shoe section, it will be more practical to equip an office for outerwear.
  5. Above this compartment it is best to place a shelf under the headgear.
  6. Blocks with hangers and shelves are best placed separately.
  7. In the upper part it is more convenient to store clothes and items that are rarely used.

Filling the dressing room can be in accordance with the color of things. Light clothes should be placed in one part of the room, and dark clothes should be placed in another.

How to fill?

Filling a dressing room is a real creative process. If the room is small, it is necessary to use all the existing space from floor to ceiling and from one corner to another. This tactic will allow you to place in it all things, bedding and other accessories. In the process you need to pay special attention to the functionality of the shelves and the availability of each item.

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Filling the dressing room most often includes:

  • hangers for ties, suits, dresses, belts, belts, shirts;
  • trouser holders;
  • shelves for organizers with accessories and bags;
  • compartments for towels and bed linen.
  • shoe sections;
  • baskets or boxes for linen, tights and socks.

If possible, the dressing room can be supplemented with ottoman, mirror and dressing table. If each item has its place, then the dressing room will become a beautiful and practical room.

Convenient storage systems

In addition to the usual shelves and drawers, today in the stores there are a huge number of other devices that can help with the equipment of this room. You can also turn on the fantasy and make the original storage system in the cloakroom with your own hands:

  1. Brunet. Such a saving organizer will appeal not only to men, but also to business women who wear trouser suits. There are longitudinal storage systems attached to the wall and sliding breeches equipped with transverse rods. They have separate holders for each pair of pants that prevent them from slipping.
  2. Sliding shelves. These shelves are very convenient to use. They move easily, providing a good overview and access to things. In addition, they may have internal organizers.
  3. Holders for ties, belts, scarves, scarves. They can be used to save space. These devices can be rectangular and round in shape, with a fixed and retractable device.
  4. Compact ironing board. For many people, a compact built-in ironing board will be a valuable find. It takes up very little space and does not interfere with the passage to the shelves.
  5. Containers. Such specific, but very useful systems are perfect for storing items of clothing that are sensitive to dust. For example, hats or other things that need careful care. These containers are mainly made from transparent plastic and organic glass.
  6. Laundry basket. As a rule, in the dressing room they dress and undress. Often things need to be sent straight to the laundry, but it is not always possible to immediately take them to the bath. To do this, use special textile bags on a metal frame, which operate on the principle of drawers. To avoid odors, they provide an internal ventilation system and the presence of aromatic bags.
  7. Furniture lift pantograph. This is a combination of booms and a lifting device that allows you to store things directly under the ceiling. Therefore, it can significantly save space. If necessary, you can omit it, take the necessary thing and return it back.
  8. Metal Baskets. These storage devices are often used along with traditional shelves and drawers. They have several advantages - the aluminum frame is much lighter than wooden elements, and the mesh structure prevents the accumulation of dust. At the same time, the capacity of metal baskets is not less, and sometimes more than that of wooden boxes.
  9. Obuvnitsa. This is usually an open, slightly inclined shelf with shoe holders. This design provides good ventilation, while shoes are always in sight. Most often, shoe coasters are placed in the lower sections, so that the space is used more efficiently.
  10. Delimited boxes. Such a convenient organizer helps to keep in order women's bracelets, men's ties, twisted belts and belts, jewelry, watches.
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How to make a practical dressing room with your own hands?

Wardrobe is a specific room in the apartment, which must necessarily meet all the requirements for proper storage of clothes. How to make a dressing room with your own hands?

First you need to consider issues that are related to planning a dressing room. Most often it is individual, but here, too, there are some standard parameters:

  • The height of the section for heavy outerwear should be no less than 150 cm from the bottom to the rod. And the gap from the bar to the overlap at the top is not less than 10 cm;
  • the height of the section in which the light short outerwear will be placed should be at least 100 cm to the bar, plus 10 cm from the bar to the ceiling;
  • the height of the shelves for hats or shoes should be determined in accordance with the highest item of clothing, to this value you need to add another 5-10 cm;
  • the height of the shelves for laundry should be about 25-45 cm.

To determine the optimal depth of compartments, most often use the following principle - you need to measure the widest hanger and add another 10-20 cm to this value.

As for the width, then you candefine as follows:

  • 15-25 cm should be taken into account for each copy of warm outerwear;
  • 10-15 cm is taken for each piece of demi-season outerwear;
  • 5-10 cm should be taken for each dress, pants or shirt;
  • width of sections for underwear and hats is selected in accordance with the number of these things, plus a small margin is added.

Before you make a dressing room, you need to select the appropriate materials. For the arrangement of the walls you can apply drywall, which best suits the storage conditions for outer and light clothing, shoes and hats.

You can also use wood materials. It will absorb excess moisture, and gradually give it back in the required amount.

Below in the photo you can see how the dressing room looks like with your own hands in a small room:

Having decided on the material, you need to mark and cut the blanks. And then proceed to the installation of the frame with screws and a screwdriver. The finished frame is sheathed with plasterboard and prepared for finishing.

The simplest method of finishing drywall is wallpapering. However, if desired, you can use decorative panels.

The most durable finishing option is painting the walls, but before that you need to pierce and polish the surface well.

It's easy to make a quality wardrobe system with cheap hands. The frame is made of profiles fixed to the wall, and the shelves can be made of ordinary dark laminate. On metal struts fixed mesh for storing shoes. Rods for hanger can also be attached to the metal struts. Laminate shelves cut out in accordance with the size, cut and installed in the system.

For inspiration, we invite you to see the most interesting wardrobe options:

. Installing a wardrobe system - video

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