Moles: how to identify and get rid of pests

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Moles can do a lot of harm. In this article we will share our experience and tell you how to detect the presence of these animals on your site and what measures to take to say goodbye to them forever.

Who are the moles of

? These earth creatures prefer to eat insects instead of your garden plants. However, their underground tunnels can ruin a garden or lawn, as well as facilitate access to plants for other rodents.

If there is a significant increase in the population of moles or other similar pests in your area, this suggests impending trouble. Moles are commonly found in areas where the soil is rich in organic matter. Their presence in an excessively large number may be due to the high abundance of soil pests. Thus, moles are a signal that all is not well with the soil.

Outwardly, these amazing little mammals look like Idaho potatoes. They have a pointed muzzle, tiny eyes and a small body. Moving underground, they actually float in the soil, using wide forepaws to make their way. Animals prefer moist loamy soil and are especially active in the early morning or in the evening in spring and autumn. After a warm rain, their little faces can be seen on the surface.

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A distinctive feature of moles is the pointed muzzle, which has no hair. Eyes and ear canals are hidden under the fur, and external ears are missing. Wide front paws with webbed toes and narrow hind legs with thin claws make it easy to move underground. As a rule, adults reach 17 cm in length and weigh about 1.5 kg.

What moles do

harm? Creatures that seem cute and innocent can bring a lot of problems:

  1. In addition to insect pests and larvae, the soil of the moles includes useful soil organisms, such as earthworms.
  2. Unlike voles, moles dig deep holes. Usually their moves lie at a depth of at least 25 cm below the surface, except when they are looking for a pair. Check your lawn for these holes( they look like raised, volcano-like heaps).
  3. According to the laid paths, various pests have unhindered access to the plants, and it becomes more difficult to find them.

Surface tunnels and long embankments also indicate moles activity.

How to get rid of moles

Several of the following methods will help you drive away the earthen guests from the site.

The first effective step is to tillage the soil with dried blood, tobacco, or a similar repellent. Remember to repeat the procedure after each rain.

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A cat that loves to walk around the garden beds is a great deterrent for many rodents.

Moles are carnivorous animals that feel at home on lawns that are rich in larvae and insects. If the taste of castor oil is present in their food, they will go to feed to another place. Prepare the mixture at the rate of 3 parts of castor oil to 1 part of dishwashing detergent. Stir in 4.5 liters of water and flood the tunnels and entrances.

Dip the corn cob into the roofing pitch and place in one of the tunnels. Moles hate the smell of tar, and their path will be blocked.

Powdered red pepper, scattered at the entrances to the holes, also discourages animals, and scattered coffee beans scatter the moles from the moles to dig tunnels.

You may be lucky and, using wind energy and creating a vibration in the ground, you will be able to deliver discomfort to underground inhabitants, thereby driving them away. Simple repellers can be made from plastic bottles with slots located on sticks. The stick is driven into the ground near the entrance to the burrow, and the vibration and noise generated by the wind irritate the moles.

If the problem with moles is not solved, then the best solution would be to capture. Often, this is the only way to get rid of them. Use the humane trap and release the animal at a distance of at least 8 km from your home and away from someone else's garden.

Read also: How to prepare a summer cottage for the winterlarvae and beetles. Try spraying the area with dairy spores or useful nematodes to get rid of the larvae. The same remedy helps from the Japanese beetle.
  • If you want to protect a particular plant, dig a hole about one meter deep and lay the walls with wire mesh. After this, fill the hole with soil with a sapling.
  • Plant plants that moles do not like. These include marigolds, marigolds, castor plants, garlic and onions.
  • Moles are often blamed for injuries caused by field mice due to external similarities.

    Starting the fight against moles in the garden, remember that these animals also have a useful function by destroying harmful insects and slugs. If the underground animals began to seriously damage your plot, try not to harm them, but to catch them with humane means and release them in the countryside a few kilometers from home.

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