Means for cleaning of chimneys: the best to clean the chimney soot

Careful operation of the furnace or boiler equipment is not a guarantee of lack of soot in the chimney. The issue of cleaning the chimney remains valid permanently. In order to facilitate maintenance special tools are used to clean the chimney and combustion chambers.

Some are aimed at preventing the Smolny deposits, and others - to their destruction. Do not lose relevance folk and mechanical methods of dealing with soot.

The content of the article:

  • The causes and effects of pollution chimney
  • Signs and frequency of cleaning
  • The chemicals in the fight for the purity
    • Series production of "Smoke" produced by "Ekolays"
    • «Kominicek» - antiscaling chemical composition
    • Assortment treatment preparations from Hanza
    • Spalsadz - soot combustion catalyst
  • Traditional methods of cleaning flue
    • Self-cleaning: to add into the furnace
    • Burning soot fire - risky option
  • Mechanical removal of soot Technology
    • Tools and ammunition chimney sweep
    • Working conditions: safety basics
    • Phased cleaning process chimney
  • Useful videos on the topic
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The causes and effects of pollution chimney

Combustion - physico-chemical process, in which combustibles are oxidized and ejected large amount of heat. Fuel splits into fractions - a part is converted into gas and rushes up to produce thrust. The particles of unburned materials (coating and soot) are deposited in the chimney.

The amount of sediment is directly dependent on the completeness of combustion. When active combustion dramatically reduced organic content - of the water vapor out of the pipe, sulfur and carbon dioxide. Heavy resin and ash deposited in limited quantities.

kindling furnace
Ash coating mixed with wood resins and oils. Formed "explosive mixture" - when the soot ignition temperature is 1000 ° C or higher

Apart from the natural processes of combustion and smoldering to the main reasons chimney blockage include:

  1. The use of wood with a high content of resinous substances, such as wood from coniferous trees. Resin forms an excellent adhesive base for soot buildup.
  2. The firebox of the boiler or furnace poorly dried or freshly cut wood - on the inner surface of the "smoker" settles condensate. On wet walls of accumulated soot particles faster.
  3. Using the heating apparatus for waste disposal. Burning household trash - a complex ester resinous components and incombustible substances promoting rapid contamination of black channel.
  4. Vulnerability of tube cap. From the street to the chimney can fall leaves, birds to fly, etc. During the time while the oven is idle, sometimes in the pipeline equip their nest wasps or birds.

Fast "overgrowth" soot - the result of unfair work of the stove-fitter. The reduced area of ​​the pipe section, incorrect angle, surface roughness, and a plurality of flue bends accelerate contamination process. Too thin walls or insufficient insulation pipe contribute surplus condensate.

brick chimney
Chimney of asbestos or metal resists degradation by acids and gases. Brick less resistant, and combustion products are gradually deformed by the internal wall of the channel. The rough surface faster accumulates soot

Possible consequences of polluted channel:

  1. Reduced traction. Narrowing of the lumen restricts the free outflow of smoke. Due to the accumulation of soot warms the pipeline is bad, and therefore the efficiency of the equipment falls. It is possible rollover traction - acrid smoke starts coming from the furnace to the room, which is dangerous carbon monoxide poisoning.
  2. The probability of ignition. Coke layer may be ignited - except flue deformation, sparks and flames are a threat to the roofing and houses in general.

Risk of fire and nearby buildings. The roofs of the neighboring houses are not immune from getting hot soot particles.

Signs and frequency of cleaning

The first symptoms suggestive of a fume collection tube problems appear long before serious problems. But should be wary and take timely action, if:

  • change the color of the smoke with whitish, transparent to dark;
  • fire shade in the furnace became dark orange, and the wood burn through almost silently, without cracking;
  • to maintain the temperature falls usual pop more coal and wood.

As the "overgrowth" of the chimney there are difficulties with the chimney and the furnace fuel is due to lack of oxygen supplied from the outside.

back draft
Alarming sign - smoke flow through gaps and cracks of the heater inside the room. It signals a significant deterioration of the thrust and the need for fast chimney maintenance

To avoid major cleaning or partial disassembly of the channel must be regularly inspected and perform preventive maintenance chimney. Recommended deadlines professional examinations:

  • mandatory checks on the eve of commissioning or after repair;
  • in advance of the heating period;
  • inspection of gas boilers and furnaces of the first two years of service - twice a year, then - 1 times / year;
  • verification of ceramic, asbestos cement and concrete pipes - 1 time / year;
  • assessment of the state of the brick chimney - 1 time / 3 months.

Regardless of the test parameters potters are advised to clean smoker heating and cooking devices every 3 months continuous operation of boilers - every 2 months.

The chemicals in the fight for the purity

With regular use of industrial products will defer capital cleaning flue. Reagents are added to the furnace during combustion and secrete components that convert amorphous organic coating in the solid fraction. Soot lose coupling with walls and crumbling down. Subsequently, it is cleaned from the furnace.

Chemicals are produced in the form of pellets, powder or liquid. Details of the most popular drugs recommendation better cleaned flue soot, are shown below.

Series production of "Smoke" produced by "Ekolays"

The range of water treatment products "Smoke" Company "Ekolays" is represented by three species:

  • box;
  • log;
  • pellets.

Box "Smoke" - cleaner is easy to use and gives a cumulative effect.

Box "Smoke"
How to use: Remove the label, put the box into the furnace to pour fluid (supplied in kit), and set on fire. Burning time - 1-1.5 hours

The activated carbon and metal salts belonging to the boxed "flue", during the combustion reacts with the resin coating - moisture evaporates from the soot, deposits become brittle and burned.

Do not count on immediate results - effect of the drug lasts another 2 weeks, a noticeable effect occurs in 2-3 months.

Log "smoke" is produced in the form of a bar that simulates a natural tree. It lay with firewood with kindling. During combustion the flame is observed beautiful turquoise - an indication that the treatment components are entered into the thermal reaction. The advantage of using a log - aesthetic and unusual visual effect.

Analog products, "Poleshko" log on "the Vortex," "Chimney-log."

Granulated Purifier "Smoke" is designed for maintenance of pellet stoves and boilers. The drug is mixed with fuel pellets and filled into the furnace. Allowed the use of traditional wood-burning ovens.

Chemical reagents
Regardless of the form work release schematic diagram reactants the same: 1 - inciting drug 2 - resin coating active gas, 3 - drying plaque 4 - gradual cleaning effect

Production of "smoke" has worked well as a means of prevention and treatment of moderate pollution.

«Kominicek» - antiscaling chemical composition

Preparation Czech production "Kominichek" is produced in powder form, packed in bags of 14 g. Features of use of the cleaning agent:

  • for removing soot layer which is up to 2 mm;
  • recommended dose refueling - 1 pack / 1 kg of wood;
  • inadmissible use in an open furnace (fireplaces) - by combustion chemical composition exudes pungent smell.

Dosage cleaner furnace as a preventive measure depends on the type of furnace equipment:

  • fireplace insert and a local oven - 14 g;
  • boiler servicing one floor - 14 g;
  • central heating boiler - '28

Change the dosage of the drug manufacturer is not recommended. For tough dirt better repeat treatment twice a month. Bag "Kominichek" thrown into the furnace without opening entirely.

Powder "Kominichek"
Cleaner Composition: copper chloride and activated carbon. The soot is removed due to catalytic reactions - the heated pellets melt and recovered chemical components to oxide soot transforming

Assortment treatment preparations from Hanza

The Lithuanian company has developed a range of effective agents, aimed at the destruction of creosote - resinous components, which when in contact with water vapor to produce sticky adhesion of the base soot.

Popular tools company Hanza:

  • "The log-chimney sweep";
  • Concentrated granular preparation;
  • cleaner bags from the resin;
  • pellets for maintenance of heating devices operating on pellet.

As part of Hanza-cleaners - complex crystals. One group of components acts as a catalyst by converting wood soot into combustible gases. Other substances at high temperatures produce haze - hot vapors destroy the structure of pitch deposits.

log Chimney
"The log-chimney sweep" burns for 2 hours period - 2 weeks. To improve the efficiency prophylactic cleaning procedure is desirable to repeat. When you tab to remove the furnace is not necessary to pack

Bulk soot remover Hanza - universal. The product is suitable for fireplace inserts, solid fuel boilers, wood stoves and open fireplaces. The shelf life of the cleaner is not limited.

Powdered reagent is easy to use - for fuel in the combustion chamber is added one to two jiggers. In the first step of application to provide good cleaning qualities cleaner recommended "fill" each furnace.

means Hanza
Calculation mixture volume is made based on the power of the furnace and the degree of contamination. To prevent clogging of the chimney frequency of use «Hanza» - each 4-5 kindling

The powder is packaged in plastic containers or bags of 50 g Displacement of one packet corresponds capacitance measuring cup.

Granular «Hanza» provides not only cleaning flue pellet boiler, and a burner, a heat exchanger and the glass door. The product is not suitable for the equipment on wood and charcoal. Recommended proportion of the rate of power boilers:

  • to 10 kW - 1 kg;
  • 10-20 kW - 2 kg.

In order to prevent as far as fuel consumption of 200 kg was added to 250 g of cleaner.

Spalsadz - soot combustion catalyst

Spalsadz (Poland) - activator for complete combustion of soot and tar deposits. The reagent in the form of a green powder consisting of inorganic salts. When increasing the temperature to 350-600 ° C decomposes means for catalyzing the components that contribute to the decomposition of organics to carbon dioxide and water.

combustion catalyst
Regular use Spalsadz reduces the deposition of gummy deposits on the flue pipe and eliminates the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment

Features Spalsadz catalyst:

  • non-explosive and non-flammable;
  • It does not react with the ceramics, however deformation of ceramic elements excluded;
  • It increases the efficiency of heating devices - fuel consumption is reduced by 20%;
  • non-toxic;
  • flow of the drug - 2.1 kg / 1 tonne fuel (depending on the level of contamination).

The generated heat is not "volatilized in the tube", and downtime for cleaning of the boiler is reduced. An additional plus Spalsadz - reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide.

Traditional methods of cleaning flue

Traditional methods focus more on preventing the formation of deposits of Smolny. With the obvious pollution of the chimney, they are ineffective, and some of them can cause a fire. Therefore, the old-fashioned methods should be treated with skepticism and a reasonable remark that the main condition for cleaning - safety.

Self-cleaning: to add into the furnace

The following methods are proposed, whose implementation is not of concern. Their essence is to use substances which improves the combustion of soot on the walls of the compartment "smoker".

Method 1. Salt. A thin layer of common salt is poured on the burning logs. Pairs of sodium chloride, "break" sticky deposits on the flue.

Salt for cleaning flue
Combustion salt partially warn and slow formation of a resinous coating. Cope with the age-old soot build-up "method of saline," not in a position to

Method 2. potato peel. Excellent and accessible means. it is necessary to pre-dry the potato peels. Depending on the size of the furnace the furnace is added 0.5-1 bucket of peel. Alternatively, you can use himself potatoes, sliced ​​and dried in the sun.

potato burning
Release of potato starch at softens burning soot buildup. Part of the contamination disappears, the remaining soot is easier to mechanical cleaning

Method 3. Hot water. This option is suitable for primary cleaning and penetration much clogged chimney. 3-4 liters of boiling water poured from the top of the pipe, accurately distributed throughout the channel walls.

cleaning with water
Evaporation soften hard plaque fractions - soot begins to depart from the flakes with the smoke pipe. The method helps to remove the unpleasant smell of burning

Method 4. Aluminum cans. Unusual, but sufficiently efficient purification of flue embodiment. The essence of the method is that aluminum is burned, not just steaming and changes color at a high temperature. Optimally, if the pot is burned for 5 minutes.

Banks for cleaning
The method is applicable to heating systems for coal and wood. Frequency of preventive measures - 1 time for 10 furnaces

Burning soot fire - risky option

Old method of cleaning flue - burning aspen wood. The furnace laid the logs and set on fire. You need to achieve great, but short-term heat, which will lead to soot combustion.

Upon ignition of the furnace starts to buzz, and fly out of the pipe can fire arrows, the surrounding area is covered with white flakes. Result - purging the chimney.

chimney fire
Not every chimney fire test stand so as soot burns in the channel at + 1100 ° C. Flying sparks can cause a fire

Despite assurances from some stove-makers in the security of soot combustion, to resort to this method is not recommended. However aspen can be successfully used as a preventive measure - enough time to time at the end of the furnace pop 2-3 kg alder or aspen logs into the furnace.

Mechanical removal of soot Technology

The most effective way to quickly bring the chimney OK - mechanical cleaning. Work time-consuming and requires the artist subject to certain rules.

Tools and ammunition chimney sweep

Accessories for cleaning flue used many years ago are still relevant today. Indicative list:

  1. Metal ruff diameter by 20-30% more cross-section of the chimney. For square tubes selected scrubbing.
  2. Cable and brush holders.
  3. Steel core with a round rope and carabiner. diameter size dumbbells - 2/3 chimney section.

Cleaning is better to pick a brush with hard bristles nylon.

nylon brush
Polyamide bristles receives the channel shape, and in contrast to the metal scraper, does not scratch the inner wall of the chimney. The high flexibility of the nylon helps to get rid of plaque in hard to reach places chimney

Before carrying out the dirty work necessary to take care of personal protective equipment - Wear long-sleeved clothing, goggles, dust mask and gloves to put on shoes with non-slip soles.

Working conditions: safety basics

In the process of cleaning it is important to take precautions:

  1. Inspection hatches chimney must be closed to black did not get inside the room and did not spoil the finish. Open fireplace hang a damp cloth.
  2. Works are carried out in calm, dry weather.
  3. Be sure to use safety rope and belt.
  4. It is desirable to enlist the support of a responsible assistant.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to start cleaning a drunk, fatigued or after medication, delaying the reaction.

Advance it is necessary to inspect the chimney for the presence of foreign objects, such as birds' nests.

cleaning the chimney
If the nest is low, it is necessary to push in the direction of the combustion chamber. Perched on top of the object you can get

Phased cleaning process chimney

The whole course of the work is in several steps:

  1. From the top of the chimney to stay well head pipe and a long stick or broom to remove visible dirt.
  2. Test-pass weighting. The kernel must split the large joints - small pieces will fall into the furnace.
  3. When canal patency restored, and the cable pull connected to the core of the brush.
  4. Clear a small area by raising and lowering a rope.
  5. Similarly cleaned flue rest.
  6. Check auditing camera and remove the fallen soot.

The described technology is effective for straight chimney - even at a 45 ° angle extending core will be hindered.

flexible hose
Multifaceted professional brush on a flexible shaft designed for cleaning of chimneys, ventilation and sanitation systems. Markings on the cable allows controlling the passage depth

Useful videos on the topic

Comparison of the effectiveness of cleaning agents (log "Piper," powders «Kominicek» and «Jolly sweep"):

Burning fuel with cleaner Spalsadz:

How to make and use a simple device for removing soot from the chimney:

A full inspection and cleaning flue channels are best left to professionals. Independently can be carried out preventive treatment chemicals, adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations.

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