Economical heating private houses: the choice of the most economical systems

Almost every owner of the cottage is striving to reduce its costs to heating to a minimum. But choosing the most economical heating of private homes, many often look only at the price of fuel.

However, here we must take into account the heat loss of the structure, and capital investment in the improvement of the heating system, and the cost of network maintenance afterwards. Do not forget about the complexity of operation of one or another variant. Only a comprehensive approach to help make the work of the most economical heating network, right?

In this article we have compiled most effective ways to improve the efficiency of the heating system, led Learn how to reduce heat loss, as well as assess the feasibility of the use of renewable energy sources.

The content of the article:

  • The first and most important - reducing heat loss
  • Choosing the cheapest fuel
  • Improving the efficiency of the heating system
    • Method # 1: distributing pipes and "warm floors"
    • Method # 2: The most efficient boilers
    • Method # 3: Select the storage tank
  • Renewable heat
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
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The first and most important - reducing heat loss

Before selecting a fuel pot (or other heat generator) and heat distribution system of cottage must look to the house. If the heat loss through walls, windows, ventilation, cellar and roof are huge, no tricks to improve the efficiency will not help the internal heating circuit.

First, you need to take care of all insulation constructions and engineering systems of the home.

Heat losses of a private house

Most economical heating system can only be found in a building that is well insulated with high-quality insulating materials (+)

At high levels of heat, any attempts to increase the efficiency of the heating system will be meaningless, still most of the heat goes out. And it will require a great deal. One thing to a closed space of the cottage, and quite another - the street, open to wind and weather.

insulation technology and materials are selected based on the climatic conditions of the area where the house stands. There are certain building codes with the minimum requirements for the thickness of the walls and the insulation for each Russian region. But on their own project is not worth doing without the knowledge of thermal engineering.

Or calculations will be made incorrect and heat losses will be higher, or will have to overpay too thick layer of insulation.

When viewing the finished project and the subsequent construction of the house, special attention should be paid to:

  • glazed windows - through the windows into the street goes up to 25% of all heat loss;
  • roof and attic floors - it is 10-15%;
  • ventilation system - the proportion of the ventilation heat losses through natural circulation can reach 40-50%.

The walls and floor are also heat output places of the building. But the insulation was originally one neglects. But on the air, ceiling insulation and attic, many owners of private houses often overlooked.

One more thing - it is the presence of "thermal bridges" Walling. Any penetrating through the wall from the street into the iron part serves as a place simply enormous heat loss.

Even a small-sized rod of metal slowly but inexorably "pulls" the heat from the housing. The project should be of similar bridges in the construction and it is important to make sure that they are not formed from a variety of metallic fasteners.

snapshot imager

The picture shows the thermal imager can see that the windows are the cause of considerable heat, so forget about having to install energy-efficient insulating glass is not necessary

In addition, the "cold bridges" could be:

  • ends of the floor slabs;
  • window and door slopes;
  • basement walls;
  • and inserting jumper of concrete or iron.

All these places should be thoroughly warmed, otherwise the savings on heating can not even dream of. Warm outside and nobody has ever managed.

Depending on the quality of insulation, appears in teplotehnicheskom for calculating the thermal conductivity of a building may differ significantly. The thicker insulation and smaller dots "leakage" of heat, the smaller the volume of fuel necessary to burn after heating cottage.

Spent on reducing heat loss money pay off necessarily. You should not skimp on this issue, but also a good investment, too, should not be forgotten.

Choosing the cheapest fuel

The second question in savings on heating - it the type of fuel used. And we must look not so much at the cost of kilocalories in the boiler, but rather on total fuel costs, heating equipment and maintenance. It is necessary to consider all the complex.

Heating costs

The cheapest price of generated heat are wood pellets and the gas, but they are also the most expensive cost of the initial (+)

If we compare the different hot-water units, the most cheap will electric boilers. However, the electricity bill then hardly anyone will please. Plus for a large cottage in most cases have to lay additional cable.

For a well-insulated house in 100 squares and existing facilities may be enough. But for the two-storey dwelling heating electric "fuel" will require significantly more. At the same time the standard network initially for such loads are not calculated.

Natural gas in Russia is considered one of the most economical way of heating private houses. However, there are some nuances. If the highway in the village already is, connection to the pipeline It happens quite quickly and inexpensively.

But if the house before it the distance of 200 m and more, the tie-in this pipe will cost a pretty penny round. Plus all approvals and receipt of technical conditions may take up to a year.

Behind installation of gasholder and equipment to it will have to pay from 150 to 250 thousand rubles. Benefit even all the works most of the companies dealing with similar equipment, perform a couple of days.

Liquefied gas for it ultimately costs almost all Russian regions is equal to that supplied from the main pipe. But here's the initial cost was a bite.

Another fairly cheap boiler - it works for working out or diesel. In this case, if goryuchku you can get at a reasonable price, something like oil-fired boilers It may well be the most economical way of heating private housing.

Averaged over the Russian country house heating options for the totality of the costs in the following order:

  1. Oven for wood or coal.
  2. Gas boiler on the main gas.
  3. Wood Burning Pellet Boiler.
  4. Boilers on liquid fuel.
  5. The electric boiler.

The most economical alternative is usual wood or coal furnace, provided however, that the fuel in the area of ​​residence is no problem. Here effect and low cost of fuel, and low cost of the equipment.

However, such a furnace requires constant supervision. And it takes a lot of time and effort. Plus extra to increase the effectiveness connected to the heating system it is unlikely. Anything to adjust or otherwise control the economical consumption of firewood (coal) there difficult.

Rvznye kinds for heating fuel

Much cheapness of fuel in question depends on the availability thereof in the area where the house is worth - in some regions of the cheapest cost of coal or wood, and the other gas is ready they will give a considerable head start

The most convenient and safe to use electric boiler. He does not need a chimney plus equipment itself and for all of the following as necessary coolant warms up in the system.

With proper installation of electrical fire probability in this method of heating is reduced to almost zero. Other problems, he just should not present.

However, the cost of electricity was a high. Well even if it is possible to connect the two-tariff meter with a reduced nightly rate. Otherwise, stop your choice on the electric boiler is only in extreme cases. The most "cost effective" because of the high cost of "burnt" kilowatts of electricity to call it difficult.

Improving the efficiency of the heating system

To improve the efficiency of home heating, are also possible and necessary to introduce in the heating system different technologies reduce fuel consumption. Alone ways wiring lines from the boiler to the radiators there is an enormous amount.

Some of them are cheaper to implement, while others - the most fuel-efficient in reducing losses during transportation to the battery coolant.

The efficiency of the heating system

The efficiency of the heating system of the house depends on properly chosen boiler output circuit wiring pipes and even pipeline execution material

There are different designs of the heating equipment and various additional equipment, which can improve the efficiency of the entire system by 10-15% or more. But here it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons. In some cases, the initial stage of the costs can not be recouped later.

It is not necessary to chase the "most economical" and "the most effective" option. Often it is just a slogan and nothing more.

Method # 1: distributing pipes and "warm floors"

The most cost-effective piping scheme is Radiation heating wiring with a central manifold. In its application, each radiator receives the same amount of coolant.

Moreover, it is possible to adjust the amount of heat supplied individually for each battery. Excess heat energy expenditure during transport of heated water by heating the tubes with such wiring is practically excluded.

collector circuit

Manifold boiler piping arrangement is most effective in terms of balancing the hydraulic resistance of individual circuits and handling heat fluxes (+)

Almost always at the collector wiring is necessary to supplement the heating system a circulating pump. Thanks to it difference water inlet and outlet of the network decreases substantially.

The result is increased adjustability and coolant heating efficiency of the entire system. Fuel in the boiler has to burn less result - direct savings on fuel.

Beam (collector) embodiment is the most economical operation. However, due to long-distance pipelines and it is the most expensive to implement.

Underfloor heating and battery

To improve the efficiency of the heating system to the maximum, you can simply abandon the radiator by changing them on the tube "warm floor"

The heat from conventional batteries, first rises to the ceiling, and only then by convection is distributed throughout the room. As a result, the hottest air is under the ceiling. And to keep your feet in the cold outside does not feel cold on the floor, it is necessary to open the radiators on full. And this, again, the additional cost of heat generation.

System water "warm floor" - most economical way of domestic heating. In this case, the warmest air is concentrated at the bottom at the level of human feet. This reduces the heat consumption, and in the room to create the most comfortable environment for people.

Method # 2: The most efficient boilers

The highest efficiency in boilers and condensing of pyrolysis. More economical heating equipment found in stores of heat engineering difficult. A first embodiment is used as fuel wood, and the second - gas. By efficiency, they surpass all other analogues on any combustible coolant.

From the usual wood-burning boiler characterized by a pyrolysis furnace and the second, on the fact that there does not burn the wood as such, and the resulting pyrolysis gas.

First, it logs smolders at a high temperature and restricted admission of air. And only then to this resulting gases are burned in the main chamber to produce heat.

Compared with the standard wood-analog Jetstream furnace It has a high efficiency (30-40%) and requires less attention. The interval between loading wood, depending on the capacity of the furnace reaches 10-16 hours.

Savings are formed by totally complete combustion and heat release with minimum combustion products into the flue.

An effective condensing boiler

Even more economical gas condensing boiler - it picks up heat energy from the combusted not only methane, but also at its combustion products

Given the collection of additional heat the resulting efficiency of the boiler reaches 105-110%. This takes into account both the energy of the burnt gas and the resulting occurring in the second chamber of water vapor condensation.

Method # 3: Select the storage tank

Another very efficient way to save on heating costs - a connection to the solid fuel boiler water tank. Last first accumulates the warmth and then gradually gives its batteries.

Thus it is not necessary to forcedly limit the heat medium heating power equipment, heat ejecting simply a chimney pipe.

heat accumulator

Heat accumulator reduces the account to the used solid fuel by 10-30%, all generated in the boiler, the heat goes into the house heating system (+)

If electric power is supplied to the cottage for a variety of day and night tariff, the heat accumulator can be included in the system with electric boiler. In this case, it will accumulate heat at night when electricity is cheaper.

Renewable heat

A detailed calculation of costs with heat pumps, windmills, solar collectors and batteries situation is as follows. Heat and electricity they generate for a private home on the first glance, gratis. Of course, the sun and the wind heating bills do not expose, but such equipment is very expensive generation.

It is Europe's renewable energy sites are subsidized from the state budget. Plus price tag on the fossil fuels they frankly bite. Therefore, there is "green technologies" are economically viable and relatively effective.

In Russia, the situation is radically different. Our state subsidies alternative energy It is not going to. And the prices for domestic firewood, coal and gas, in comparison with its neighbors to the west, is not so high.

As a result, the aggregate cost of all heat pumps, solar panels and wind turbines in a particularly cost-effective call us hard. They are effective mainly show only in remote areas, where the burning fuel to deliver difficult and expensive.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

By selecting the most cost-effective option for heating his cottage, a number of factors and parameters should be considered, and the following selection of video content to you in this will definitely help.

What better heating:

How fuel cheaper to heat a vacation home:

How much does gas and electric heating:

Universal version of the cheapest and economical heating does not exist. For each particular house you need to count all the costs of fuel, equipment for heating the coolant and arrangement of the heating system as a whole.

Often have to start from the availability of a particular fuel, and only then for him to pick up the boiler. Plus categorically do not forget about the quality of the cottage, and insulation of pipes to radiators.

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