Planting and care for dill in the open field

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You can find how to find the dill for winter: how to get dill for winter:

Spicy fragrant grass with a mass of useful properties can grow self-sown on the plantation, like a weed. But most often the gardener chooses varieties and hybrids, determines the place of sowing culture. Planting and care for dill in the open field has features. To get a lot of fragrant greens you need to know the agrotechnology of the plant.

How to grow dill in the open field

Any plant is only an ornament for the garden, if it is healthy and well developed. It depends on the type of soil, the nature of watering and feeding dill. On the basis of knowledge about the culture, the place of sowing is selected.

So, for dill requires:

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  • neutral light soil;
  • sunny or slightly shaded planting site;
  • deep arable layer;
  • moderate watering without stagnant water;
  • timely balanced feeding.

At the same time, dill develops poorly and turns red on acidic soil and turns yellow on alkaline. For the health of dill, you must have a good humus layer of soil. Top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers when growing dill in open ground will help get a lot of vitamin greens.

Timing of sowing seeds and soil preparation

Sowing dill seeds to produce herbs and seeds can be in the winter and early spring. For greenery and umbrellas for salting, you can sow the seeds during the whole season until mid-August. In the future, cold-resistant culture, falling under brief frosts, does not die, but loses its decorative foliage, it becomes red and dried.

Dill should not be placed on the soil after liming and adding dolomite flour. It is impossible when sowing seeds and in the future to sprinkle with a bed of ashes against pests. Sour marshy soil is detrimental to dill.

Soil for dill is prepared in a place open to the sun with deep digging. At the same time for each square of the earth should be made a bucket of humus or compost, two tablespoons of superphosphate and a spoonful of potassium sulfate. No ash is added to the crop. With a high standing of groundwater, the bed is raised higher. The forerunners of dill can be any plant, except celery.

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Seeds germinate at a soil temperature of 5-7 degrees, while they withstand a brief decrease in temperature. Preliminary preparation of seeds for quick germination consists in the destruction of the covering layer. How to plant dill seeds in open ground depends on the season. So, podzimny sowing make seeds without pre-treatment. It is not necessary to accelerate the seedlings with early sowing. In this case, the optimal time for germination is suggested by the biological calendar of the plant, set by nature.

If sowing is done later, when return frost is not possible, seedlings can be obtained earlier. To do this, pre-seed germinated within 4 days. In a warm place in a linen cloth, the seeds are folded, and shoots will appear in a week. You can hold the seed in advance in growth stimulants, ash extract. Water when soaking seeds is replaced 2 times a day.

If you grow dill seedlings, plant development will accelerate. Seedlings are planted in the evening and in a few days pritenyut. Plant survival is good.

Sowing should be conducted to a depth of 2 cm along the previously spilled hot solution of potassium permanganate grooves. The distance between the seeds is 5 cm, between the grooves is 20. You can plant fennel seeds in open ground as a compaction culture among other vegetables, leaving enough space for its development. For receiving greens during the whole season, dill crops are made in two weeks. Another way would be the use of varieties of different ripening periods, sowing bush two-year hybrids.

Read also: Description of the Herakles raspberry variety and characteristics of planting and careBut spicy greens accumulate nitrate compounds, which makes it less healing. Therefore, the best will be to feed the plant fermented for five days with nettle infusion. This is a good nitrogen supplement and does not tolerate aphid. You can immediately carry out the protection of the plant and its feeding. Do not use insecticides on dill.

Spraying with a solution of alcohol liquid can be used to scare away and remove a colony of aphids on a vegetable bed. If you use 2 tablespoons of Troy per 10 liters of water, spraying will drive the pest. Alcohol should be only crude ethyl, with fusel smell or fragrance. Aphids will fall, it needs to be covered with earth.

Another way to prevent the main pest of dill greens will be sowing several thyme bushes, the smell of which will scare away aphids. In addition, you can use liquid fertilizer organic fertilizer, saltpeter. But it should be noted that fungal diseases, rot, develop on wet, saturated with nitrogen soils. It is necessary to keep a balance, do not overfeed, do not flood the plant, after each watering loosen the soil, delivering oxygen to the lower layers.

How to grow dill in the open field, if there are changes in the color of openwork foliage. If the twigs acquire yellowness, you need to feed the plant with saltpeter, watering at the root. Red bottom leaves signal phosphorus deficiency. Bush wilted, despite watering, you need to remove the diseased plant and determine the cause. Often this is due to root rot with improper care. To save such a plant is no longer possible, you need to take measures so that the infection does not spread to neighboring bushes.

Read also: How to prepare a summer cottage for winter

Useful properties of dill

Greens can be used as they grow. The grass gets the greatest aroma during the formation of the inflorescence, before its opening. At this time, and harvested fragrant greens for winter use. The substances contained in this spicy greens have a beneficial effect on the body in small quantities.

In addition to cooking, where dill is indispensable, it is used for medicinal purposes:

  • reduces pressure in hypertensive patients;
  • improves gastrointestinal function;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • improves the urogenital system;
  • improves lactation.

Dill oil and seeds are used with special properties for use as medications. However, you can not abuse the fresh herbs, you can bring your body to reduced tone and drowsiness.

The result of planting dill for the winter - video

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