Summer Cottage Calendar: seasonal garden work in May

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May - not only the most beautiful spring month, pleasing bright green, the first flowering and harvest early greens, but also the most difficult for the summer residentit's time. In May, every day feeds, that is, the future harvest and its safety will depend on the efforts made at this time. And you have to do a lot!

What should I do in the garden in May?

May accounts for the bulk of the planting. The seedlings grown in greenhouses, greenhouses and on window sills will not wait until it gets into the beds, and the following, more thermophilic cultures will take its place.

Every day, gardeners spend more and more time in the garden, where:

  • increases the need for watering;
  • it's time to start loosening the soil and mulching under crops;
  • germinate and require thinning of crops sown in autumn or April.
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They say: “In April, the water, in May - the grass!” Every Russian gardener in practice checks this sign, noticing how, ahead of the growth of cultural plantings, wheat grass and bluegrass, woodlouse and shepherd's bag, colza and dozens more emerge from the ground.various weeds.

Weeding in May becomes one of the most important, labor-intensive, but appreciative types of gardening.

How quickly and efficiently weeds are removed depends on soil aeration and the amount of available nutrients, that is, the growth of crops, as well as the survival rate of the seedlings planted in the beds.

As quickly as weeds, pests appear on the plot. With the arrival of heat, aphids, ants, butterfly moths and cabbage flea, onion flies and other insects wake up to gardeners. Fighting with them in May will greatly facilitate summer days and will be the first contribution to the future abundant harvest.

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Do not be bored by the May weather. It is fickle in springtime, therefore, it sometimes scorches with almost July heat, then it makes the dacha worry about the March frosts. Both are unpleasant for tender greens:

  1. On hot sunny days, the soil is deprived of stored moisture, plants look exhausted, their rooting slows down.
  2. May frosts are dangerous not only to flowering gardens, but also garden beds. Beans and beans, tomatoes and melons, beetroot and part of green crops are sensitive to low temperatures.

In order not to waste precious time in May, and the effort invested has not sunk into oblivion, you need to leave a work plan in advance and closely monitor not only the well-being of green pets in the summer cottage, but also weather forecasters for a month.

May signs

In addition, time-honors preparing for planting and planting may use time-tested signs:

  1. The appearance of white brushes on the bird cherry not only threatens to temporarily cool, but the best time to plant potatoes.
  2. The first wreaths of daffodils in flower beds call summer residents for planting Savoy cabbage.
  3. Mass flowering of tulips and daffodils is a signal for transfer of early white cabbage and cauliflower to the soil. At the same time, sow peas, radishes, radishes and turnips.
  4. The color on the cherry signals the beginning of sowing of asparagus and corn beans, beans.
  5. By the end of May, peonies and lilacs are blooming. According to national signs, and flowering says that the time has come for lettuce, Chinese cabbage, pumpkins and zucchini.
  6. Ashberry before the rest of the trees reveals leaves, but the appearance of color on it is a sure sign that it is time to prepare the seeds of early cucumbers for planting.

May sowing marathon in country beds

In May, roads are every day. During the first week of the month, it is necessary to complete the sowing of all types of onions, otherwise the risk of injury from an onion fly will significantly increase. Traditionally, the first days of May for a gardener - this is the time of planting potatoes, which have already been prepared, warmed up and gave strong sprouts, ready to quickly take root when getting into the ground and grow.

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If the weather did not allow in April, the first decade of May is suitable for sowing beets, for which plowed manure or humus are abundantly added.

It is good when there is a sufficient number of film greenhouses or nonwoven shelters at the disposal of the summer resident. In this case, 7–14 days earlier than the climatic norm, it is possible to sow beans, cowlea and vegetable beans, as well as squash, squash and pumpkin, and in more southern regions melons and watermelons can be sown for seedlings. In greenhouse conditions, the plants will not only be protected from the sun and night cold, but also be able to gently acclimatize.

For sowing, it is better to take peat pots of a suitable size so that after transfer to the ground, the seedlings should take root without serious consequences.

Seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and other melons and gourds are transplanted to the ground at the end of the month, using shelter if necessary to protect against cold wind, precipitation and uninvited feathered guests.

By the end of the month, the intensity of work is not reduced. Over the past decade, summer residents will have to sow maize, basil, put them on beds or under temporary greenhouses for physalis and tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. Recent cultures are especially thermophilic, so with the slightest doubt they should be left in a greenhouse or under a greenhouse.

Care for crops in May.

Seeds that have fallen into the ground require no less attention than adult plants or seedlings.

Watering and precipitation compact the soil on which a dense crust forms over time. Through it will be difficult to break through the young plants. She also slows down the penetration of water and oxygen.

Therefore, after a rain or watering, the beds with crops, as well as the planted vegetables, are carefully loosened. To break the crust and prevent the formation of new enough passage to a depth of 1-3 cm. It is important not to disturb rooting seedlings and not harm the tender shoots of carrots, beets and other plants. In the future, the green beds can be thinned and sprinkled with a layer of mulch.

The more beds in the garden are occupied with greens, vegetables and herbs, the more time the gardener takes to water. Knowledge of the preferences of certain cultures will help save power and precious minutes.

Cabbage, potatoes, winter garlic, which have already fully developed the above-ground part, most of the root crops and greens are unpretentious and can be watered by sprinkling. The main thing is that watering should not occur at midday hours, when moisture on young leaves can cause sunburn.

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specialist's advice Cucumbers - sissies. They are afraid of drafts, it is better to water them every other day, with warm water in the morning or evening hours. On hot days in the greenhouse the plants are uncomfortable, so they can be aired carefully.

Tomatoes perfectly form aerial roots that help plants get moisture and nutrition. At the same time, the plants are more enduring, so they can be watered once or twice a week, but abundantly, so that the root system is completely in moist soil. It is useful to spud the bushes, and keep the earth around in a loosened state. Peppers and eggplants are watered 2 times a week. But do not spud, and to protect the moisture, a little mulch.

One of the most popular early vegetables - radishes are very fond of water, so they are watered every day, as a last resort, every other day. So do daikon and summer radish varieties.

Garden in May - video

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