7 natural and non-toxic methods of weed control in the yard

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When you start raising chickens, you will soon discover that the birds can - and will- there is almost everything they are able to reach. However, unfortunately, they will not be able to destroy all the weeds in the yard or garden, despite the fact that many types of ordinary weeds are not only very popular with chickens, but also very useful for them. In the end, the time will come when you have to deal with weed control.

It is only natural that you do not want to use chemicals containing chemicals and other ingredients( such as dishwashing detergent or salt) that can harm the health of your chickens. Fortunately, there are many natural and safe methods of weed control. With the help of these tools, you will not only get rid of weed plants, but also keep your yard or garden safe so that children, pets and chickens can safely walk!

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These safe methods do not work as quickly as the chemical agents that are marketed, so you may have to repeatedly treat the area to eliminate weeds. But, on the other hand, natural remedies are inexpensive and easy to use. It is better to use them in dry sunny weather - the rain will not wash away the funds from the weeds, and, moreover, the ingredients included in their composition are activated by the action of sunlight.

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Here is my list of the safest and most natural ways to control weeds.


Although weeding is a rather laborious process, this is perhaps the most effective and inexpensive way to control weeds. In addition, you will have a reason to spend more time in the fresh air!


Mulching( mulch soil surface coating around plants) is another great way to get rid of weeds. During the autumn harvesting of the coop, do not throw away the old straw and pine sawdust - use them as mulch. By spring, this material is rotting and absorbed into the soil, so you do not have to worry about the harmful microorganisms remaining there. Good compost is also obtained from dry leaves, pine needles, hay, and even newspapers.

To mulch the soil, first lay out the remnants of cardboard or layers of newspapers, and then cover them with another kind of mulch. By the arrival of spring around your plants will be a great soil without weeds.


Pour out cornmeal in places where weeds grow. Corn gluten( gluten) inhibits the germination of weed seeds. For this reason, do not pour flour where you sowed vegetable seeds, otherwise they will not grow! Using cornmeal before planting and in those parts of your garden where perennial flowers and annuals grow will prevent weed seeds from germinating.

Read also: What to do with weeds( video)

Boiling water

Weed treatment with boiling water is probably the easiest and cheapest( or rather, free!) Way to get rid of weeds. Just boil the water in the kettle and pour it on the weeds in places where it is difficult to pull them out - between the stones on the paths or in the crevices on the patio.

White Vinegar

Another excellent means of weed control. Put a small amount of vinegar into the syringe and pour it over the weeds. Caustic vinegar destroys the protective layer on the leaves of plants, from which weeds die. Regular table vinegar( 5% acetic acid) works well, and weeds will gradually begin to dry. This tool is most effective when sprayed on a hot, sunny day. And if you use more concentrated vinegar( 20–30% acetic acid), then you will not leave any chance to weeds.

Be careful: concentrated vinegar is an extremely active chemical solution that can burn your eyes, nose or throat. Therefore, when working with this tool, be sure to wear protective clothing and glasses. Vinegar becomes safe after it dries.

Lemon juice( citric acid)

Citric acid is a very effective herbicide. Although there is a special orange oil for the destruction of weeds, ordinary lemon juice will work just as well. Burns from acid on the leaves of plants lead to their death.

A solution prepared from lemon juice and concentrated vinegar in the ratio of 1:16 will be extremely effective.


And the last but not the least effective weed control is your chickens. Give them free-range in the garden before sowing and after harvesting, and they will help get rid of the weeds. The limited walking of chickens in the garden under constant monitoring during the growing season is also very useful for controlling weeds and harmful insects.

Remember that all the means described above( including chickens!) Will destroy everything they come into contact with — weeds, garden plants, vegetables, grass. So be careful when using them!

Additionally, I would like to warn you about the use of salt as a means for weed control. Remember that salt when eaten by chickens, even in rather small quantities, can harm their health. In addition, salt adversely affects the composition of the soil, so use it only on those areas of the garden where you do not plan to plant something for some time.

Read also: Effective weed control with rye

Based on my own experience, I can assure you that all these natural and safe weed control methods work perfectly, especially vinegar solution with lemon juice and mulching.

Fighting weeds on virgin soil - video

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