Ideas for homemade fences from foreign farmers

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If you are thinking about installing fencing on its own, then this article is foryou. We will talk about the traditional versions of buildings for fencing themselves or any object, consisting entirely of natural materials.

The world that surrounds us is huge.

You can protect yourself with a wall

and lock yourself from this world,

but you cannot lock the world itself .

R. R. R. Tolkin. English writer( 1892 - 1973)

Types of improvised fences

In the modern world there are many different materials that can be used to enclose a site. Our attention was drawn to the most simple and minimally costly ways of fencing cottages, private small farms. The options presented fences came to us from past times and today they are extremely rare.

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The first famous American hedges were made of brushwood. They needed thickets of stunted trees. They were cut and put next. When the trunks overlapped, they formed an impenetrable high wall several meters wide. Today such fences are an element of decor and can consist of both vertical and horizontal sections.

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Fence from stumps

Such fences are most often installed near forests, the trees of which serve as building material. This fence can be tall with a horse, incredibly durable and difficult to overcome. It is made from tree stumps. The roots are cut to ensure that all parts fit snugly together. Or you can uproot the stumps and put the roots up a solid line. Any rip in such a fence can be filled with a root cut from another stump.

The fence can also be made from tree trunks sawn to the same length and set vertically.

Snake or zigzag fence

This fence is also called a zigzag, worm, grasshopper, sloth, or virgin fence.

Crossbars, made from medium-sized logs or young trees, are placed one above the other at an angle, intersecting at the ends. A pair of long stakes driven into the ground at the intersection, hold the fence in an upright position.

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Wicker fence

This fence belongs to decorative types. Accurate measurements are very important when erecting a building. For those who decide to do it yourself, you will need:

  • square pillars 10x10 cm of hardwood;
  • supports smaller in half the diameter and the same length;
  • boards are 3 m long, 7 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick, which will be woven between support columns.

Supports( especially their ends) must be treated from rotting after being dug into the ground. Boards should be placed as close to each other as possible to ensure maximum protection and privacy.


Wooden picket fences are difficult to manufacture, require a certain level of craftsmanship and are considered a prestigious option of the fence. Parts are usually made to order from raw wood prepared for painting. The coloring itself is done after installation. Due to the large number of parts, the time required for assembly, and, consequently, the high cost of fencing with a palisade today is a rarity.

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This design is more like a drying rack than a real fence. Wooden poles, 2.5 meters high, are driven into the ground by 60 cm and installed at intervals of a little more than a meter. Then 3 smooth cross-pieces are horizontally nailed to them. They are equally spaced apart at the top, center and bottom of the pillars. The distance from the ground should be at least 30 cm.

Then hooks are screwed to the upper and lower bars at equal intervals. Between them stretch the wet fabric, which will dry in this position. This procedure allows matter to dry quickly and does not allow it to sit down while maintaining its true size. If you want to hang the fence in the long term, you can attach the fastening rings to the tarpaulin( or similar material) and set it on hooks.

Fence for Cottage - Video

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