When to plant roses

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You can find several roses in almost every garden. One has two or three copies, the other has a couple of dozen, but a rose is always a win-win to decorate a garden. Any gardener's dream is a rose garden. But not everyone has the ability and ability to grow this whimsical and luxurious queen. But still worth a try. You only need to follow a few simple tips, and success will be guaranteed!

The time for planting roses has no clear dates. The planting of roses can be made both in spring and in autumn, depending on the peculiarities of the weather inherent in a particular region.

The planting of roses in autumn begins in September and October. When the roses are planted in the autumn, the main thing is not to hasten the planting. If the plant quickly takes root and the young shoots start to grow, then it will quickly weaken and will not tolerate cold. If planting is delayed, then the plant risks not to take root before winter. In the spring, this problem disappears, so the planting of roses during this period is the most optimal. Roses are planted in spring when the air temperature warms up to + 10 ° C, which usually happens in April.

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Preparation of seedlings and soil

Pre-seedlings of roses are soaked in water for a day. Starting landing, choose a solar site which is adequately protected from drafts. Next, dig a hole 50x50x50 cm in size and fill it with water.

It may seem that the fossa is too large, but it is not. Gardeners often make the mistake of digging a hole as large as the root of a plant. And then, the rose after planting will feel cramped in space, the roots will have nowhere to grow.

And if you follow these recommendations, the roots will begin to form a mass of thin roots that absorb moisture, which will contribute to the development of a powerful bush. Having worked once on preparing a place for her pet, she will thank her a lot for her abundant flowering in the future. So, after the water has been absorbed, 2-3 shovels of humus are put into the hole and mixed with the ground. It is also recommended to add a handful of wood ash.

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Now you need to carefully examine the seedlings. All damaged areas of the plant are cut. The roots of the bush are shortened, leaving a length of no more than 30 cm. 3-4 leaves are left on the bush of the most powerful stem, the rest are cut. The remaining shoots are cut so that there are 3 formed buds on the stem. Such action contributes to the development of a powerful, healthy shrub.

The planting of

rose seedlings is sown in a prepared hole and roots are laid. Slowly they fill the hole with earth, supporting the sapling and pulling it up slightly.

Then ground around the seedling tamped. Attention should be paid to the place of budding, which is buried in the soil at a depth of 3-5 centimeters. If the place of inoculation is unnecessarily deepened, then the plant will not survive well and the seedling will have to be lifted. And on the contrary, if the stock does not fall asleep with the ground, then wild growth will start up. Sprouts cut all at the base.

The soil around the seedling is poured with a bucket of water. This must be done, otherwise, after the first heavy rain, the bush can become very deep in the soil.

Hilling roses

After planting a rose bush, proceed to his hilling.

This action stimulates the rooting of the seedling, and during the autumn planting, to a large extent, protects it from frost. The plant remains okuchin until the spring.

In the spring, there is also no need to rush to open the plant, but this should be done in rainy or overcast weather, or in the evening. If the plant is planted in the spring and spud, then after the regrowth of young shoots, it is necessary to unzip it so that the earth warms up well enough.

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Step-by-step instruction of planting roses:

  • seedling soaked in water for 24 hours;
  • digging a hole 50x50x50;
  • add compost or humus;
  • mixed with humus to the ground;
  • add wood ash;
  • pruned roots and excess stems;
  • seedling hold and covered with earth;
  • tamp the ground around the bush;
  • pruned stems;
  • the soil around the seedling is poured with water;
  • spud.

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