Skoroplodny winter-hardy pear variety of Memory of Zhegalov

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Pear Memory Zhegalova, description and a photo which you can explore in this article, got its name in honor offamous genetics S. I. Zhegalov. It is skoroplodna and well suited for growing in the open spaces of our country. This is a late autumn variety, which the breeders bred by crossing the varieties Olga and Forest Beauty.

General description and characteristics of

fruits Pear variety Memory of Zhegalov is in demand among summer residents because of good winter hardiness and ability to produce crops already 3 years after planting. Fruits are larger compared with other skoroplodnymi varieties( for example, Chizhovskoy or Yakovlev Memory).On average, the pear weight is about 130 g, however, there are cases when the use of professional equipment in nurseries collected fruits weighing more than 200 g.

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There is a good yield of the variety. One tree brings up to 40 kg of fruit.

The peel of a ripe fruit is yellowish-green, glossy. The flesh is sweet-sour and juicy, the grain is average. The fruit has a characteristic pronounced flavor.

The crown of a tree is rare, has good foliage, and is easy to maintain. Skeletal branches have gray bark and depart from the trunk at an angle of about 45 degrees, tending to the vertical.

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Tree fruits late fall. According to the reviews, the pear in memory of Zhegalov is fairly resistant to scab. Thus, we can distinguish 3 main advantages of the variety:

  • skoroplodnost;
  • winter hardiness;
  • disease resistance.

Planting process

If you already have experience of growing other varieties of pears, then plant a variety of Memory Zhegalova for you is not difficult. Choose a sunny place on the site, protected from drafts. Also make sure that the groundwater does not pass close to the surface.

When planning a site for planting, remember that the pear of Memory of Zhegalov is self-infested, therefore, additional planting of pollinator varieties will be needed.

A three-year pear in memory of Zhegalov is already bearing fruit. How to plant it, and what period is most favorable for this, we will tell further.

The ideal soil is a mixture of loam and black earth. In the middle lane, the tree is mainly planted in the second half of spring, between the end of April and May. In the southern areas, landing is often carried out in the fall.

If you are planning a spring planting, the pit should be dug in the fall, and the land should be kept until spring. Shortly before the landing, mix the spring fertile soil with organic fertilizers and a glass of superphosphate. With this composition, we will fall asleep sapling.

If you added lime, then landing should be postponed for 10 days.

Install a peg or pole that will support a loose tree. Then plant a sapling, tie it to a support and pour it with the prepared mixture.

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for drip irrigation of the beds. After that, pour plenty of water in three pails and mutilate the trunk circle. For this, dry peat or sawdust is well suited.

Pear Care

Regularly update the layer of mulch around the trunk and weed the weeds that make it through. The soil should be well hydrated. Young green leaves are a favorite delicacy of aphids, so special attention should be paid to ridding the tree of this pest.

When the pear grows, the need for frequent watering will disappear. It will be optimal to carry out the procedure 4 times per season.

If the weather is dry and hot, the frequency of watering will have to be increased up to two times a week.

Do not forget also about manure feeding( 2 kg per year).Due to its composition, it is able to neutralize harmful substances that have accumulated in the soil as a result of spraying the tree with chemicals against pests. In the spring it is also recommended to add 500 g of urea to improve the vegetative function of the pear after hibernation.

Read also: Fruit recipes for winter: canning pears in own juice

Requirements for pruning

Skeletal branches of young pears are cut immediately after planting, determining their shape and forming a crown. Pruning of an adult tree should be carried out in the spring. Sanitary pruning is best done in the fall, when the pear drops leaves. You can easily find damaged, dry or diseased branches and remove them.

When spring pruning, note the air temperature. It should not be below +8 degrees.

How to properly trim pears Memory of Zhegalov can be clearly seen in the photo below:

When deciding what kind of pears to plant on your garden plot, weigh all the pros and cons based on the characteristics of your climate and the nature of the soil. Variety Memory Zhegalov has established itself as a reliable and fruitful fruit tree, which has got acclimatized in the regions. In addition, the fruits are well transported and stored for a long time, so you can both sell them and harvest them for your own needs.

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