Care and cleaning of the air humidifier with your own hands

  • How quickly the plaque builds on the humidifier?
  • What are the consequences of a dirty moisturizer?
  • Types of humidifiers and specificity of contamination of each of them
  • How to clean a humidifier from a raid
  • How to remove fungus from a humectant
  • How to properly operate the humidifier

Probably, it's not a secret for anyone that the water in our faucets is so stiff that all household appliances are covered with plaque that prevents their normal functioning. In this article, we'll talk about how to clean the air humidifier.

How quickly the plaque builds on the humidifier?

The plaque is formed as quickly as the hard water is poured into it. And, literally, after ten days, his insides are covered with scum.

Of course, there is a cardinal method for solving this problem, namely, simply refusing water from the tap. Filling the purified or distilled water, there will be no plaque, but... It's expensive! For only one night, the humidifier consumes up to five liters of water. Now, count yourself: thirty days we multiply by the cost of a ten-liter water bottle, because that's how much you need to pour in it a day.

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If you are not embarrassed by the price, then you, obviously, are an underground millionaire. But for ordinary people, with a very average income, such spending is completely useless. And it is better to clean the humidifier once a week and a half, than to constantly make cash to sellers water.

What are the consequences of a dirty moisturizer?

Humidifier, like any other device, does not tolerate extraneous formations on its body. Salts of heavy metals stick tightly and, if not clean it in time, then scrape this crust will be problematic.

And the thicker the crust, the more electricity the device consumes. But, in addition, the quality of moist air will be much worse!

In addition, if the humidifier is not cleared, bacteria, mold and fungus settle in it. But this is a serious problem. Fungus, trapped in the lungs, can create greater problems for the health of the owner of the device, instead of strengthening his health, generating an ideal microclimate.

Fungal pneumonia of the lungs is a serious illness. And it develops, solely, due to the fact that a person inhales the air, saturated with fungal spores.

Such an infection simply brings down people with weak immunity, old people, children or those with asthma. In general, just the target audience, which most often gets air humidifiers, in order to strengthen its weak breathing apparatus.

And the most important thing is to cure such a disease, it is much more complicated than usual, viral pneumonia. Therefore - do not be lazy and do not joke with this! Timely cleaning of the humidifier is not a simple whim, but a necessity.

Types of humidifiers and specificity of contamination of each of them

As we already wrote in the previous article, there are three types of moisturizers:

  • Cold
  • Steam
  • Ultrasound

Most of all, steam humidifiers are exposed to the formation of salts from heavy metals, due to the fact that the water in them constantly boils. But, the formation of mold and fungus there, is almost impossible.

Although, if they do not use, and leave it for a couple of weeks off, but filled with water, then there will be mold.

So, steam is more prone to salt spray, and cold and ultrasonic - mold and fungus. And, accordingly, with scum one must fight by one methods, and with a fungus - by others.

How to clean a humidifier from a raid

To clean the humidifier from scale is quite simple, if it is steam. Enough in the water tank to put the citric acid and put it on the start, let it puff out with a half hour. The only thing, it will have to be carried out on the balcony, since breathing air with acids is a dubious pleasure. And it is harmful.

Other types of air humidifiers do not boil, therefore, cleaning will take longer. In their tanks, a solution of citric acid is simply poured and left for at least twelve hours. After this, it is necessary to rinse the humidifier very thoroughly with plain water.

In principle, if you clean these devices every 10 days, then a large layer of plaque is not formed. And in such cases you just need to wash with a toothbrush, with a detergent, a tank and a nozzle.

How to remove fungus from a humectant

If you have not used the device for a long time, and having opened the air humidifier, found that the walls are covered with a layer of fungus, then you must immediately clean it.

Rinsing with plain water will not do anything. You need to wash it thoroughly with hot water and detergent. Then, rinse with boiling water and then pour into it a solution of lemon and rinse thoroughly after the procedure.

After that, the fungus will not have the slightest chance of reproduction!

How to properly operate the humidifier

We will not tell you that you need to pour clean water into it, because it's expensive and unreal. But, we can advise you one thing: to clean the device every 10 days.

Also, if, you are going somewhere, you must free the cleaner from the remaining water and wipe it dry. In this case, it does not form an ominous mold and upon arrival will not need thorough cleaning.

Well, now you know how to clean the humidifier from scale and fungus and now, your ideal microclimate in the house will not break any bacteria!

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