Rules RCD connection to single-phase network without grounding: the best schemes of work order +

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Single-phase electric network familiar to every household. Regardless of whether private house or municipal apartments, users in any way actively consume electricity operated.

This type of energy, meanwhile can not be considered fully secure. Therefore, an urgent task is seen RCD connection to single-phase mains without earth - a special device, significantly increases the level of safety when using electricity.

The content of the article:

  • General outlook for protection modules
  • The best scheme to connect the RCD
    • Features circuits without grounding
    • The classic version enable
    • What a turn-on circuit RCD is better?
    • The scheme of the RCD in a private house
    • protection option for the country economy
  • The order of connection works
  • Useful videos on the topic

General outlook for protection modules

Despite the construction of schemes of electric wiring lines formed on the approved rules, the risk of electrical shock, always remains. Therefore, it is crucial to take care of security.

A residual current device - as interpreted by the alignment of the abbreviation "UST" in the technical language.

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In terms of performance design, it does not look the most difficult way among the modern electrical equipment. Nevertheless, the protection functions are performed efficiently and reliably enough.

The simple design of the RCD
Looks approximately the functional electrical systems, using which the effective protection of the electrical network users, as well as various household protection apparatus

It should be noted that there are varieties RCD on the basis of which in each case arranged a certain protective circuit:

  • guaranteeing the security of touch;
  • preemptive technical damage;
  • opposing fire hazard.

Each device with a specific functionality is different from other structures operating parameters, in particular the - nominal current and the current cutoff.

The device is versatile 30 mA
Appearance of the device with a small current cutoff. In operation of household networks such devices are used to protect individuals from unintentional contact with an electrical potential under emergency current leak

The most sensitive device, of course, the RCD is designed to block the power supply in case of accidental contact with live parts people schemes. cutoff current range for such devices is within the range of 10-30 mA.

The best scheme to connect the RCD

For lines of electrical networks domestic purposes it is a typical implementation of the RCD without the "land." The main share circuitry household sector - this is a single-phase wiring, which, in principle, there are only two lines: the phase and neutral.

Features circuits without grounding

Schematics electric circuit device without grounding necessarily performed with the inclusion of automatic protection of "fault" (short circuit) and overload current.

This is an obvious factor, because some RCDs are not intended to protect against such events. These devices save only on leakage currents.

Automatic light switch
Circuit breaker - are about the bet, usually in the scheme for the organization of protective cut-off due to network congestion. The design of the RCD does not involve this type of cutoff

Range cutoff currents and tehharakteristiki breakers are somewhat different from the operating parameters of protective RCD.

Meanwhile, there are universal cutoff devices combine in one device the functions of the circuit breaker and the protection against unintentional touches the electrical bus bars.

Each safety device structurally involves switching the two conductors of the supply cable - phase and zero.

At the same time, carrying out wiring, connect wires to be exactly on the working terminal. Improper installation can damage the protection device, which will lead to malfunction of the protection system as a whole.

The classic version enable

Depending on the technical load (the number of household appliances) and the number of rooms in the apartment or house can be operated by a single network or full network consisting of multiple subnets.

RCD Wiring Diagrams
Seemingly simple instrument wiring diagram of the user network, has its own nuances. Therefore incorrect connection is threatened not just the failure of the protective devices themselves, but is fraught with dangerous operational situation

For the first case typically only one device for the organization RCD tripping. Based on the parameters of the current consumption or the total power consumption in this case is selected protective device according to the rated current and the determined cutoff current.

For the second variant devices are introduced to each of the existing subnets. At the same time, as a rule, all of the installed RCD complemented by circuit breakers, designed for power consumption of a single subnet.

The classical scheme "without land"
So look around the schematic for the implementation of the RCD in the classic version of connection. This simple option wiring protects the residential / home network as a whole - blackout

Classical performance schematics of switching the RCD, "without land" is traditionally performed as follows:

  1. The main power cable consisting of two conductors (phase zero) is supplied to the machine.
  2. From the circuit breaker both cores supplied to the meter.
  3. Next, from the energy, two power wires included in the introductory RCD terminals.

After a protective device for the variant without subnets, duplicating the circuit breaker can be left out, but in some cases, experts recommend to do it.

If the scheme is used with subnetting, after RCD on each branch is necessary to put a separate machine.

A sophisticated wiring diagram
Several upgraded wiring with one RCD and separate machine for each subnet. The principle of operation is almost similar to "classics", but thanks to the additional machines, it is easier to determine the problem

Thus, the phase conductor extending from the device to protect, nourish working network through additional circuit breakers.

Zero conductor, also passing through the cutoff circuit device is output to the common zero bus from distributed over the vent lines connecting the load to zero.

What a turn-on circuit RCD is better?

Best or worst scheme - these concepts are purely superficial. How effective can be one or the other scheme - that is the question.

Here, even the non-specialist it is clear that a multi-option, which uses different levels of protection, seems more effective than any other simplified.

Driving into two subnets
Also a kind of classic circuit variant with the addition of two RCDs linear automata. One of the machines is usually put on the line power powerful kitchen appliances, the second - for lighting and sockets other rooms

Therefore, the power supply circuit of the device to the subnets when using one common RCD protection and additional devices on each of the branches of a circuit looks clearly preferred.

The construction of such circuits, typically involves installation of the protective device with the main current cutoff 100-300 mA. A further devices distributed over separate common circuit ramifications have cutoff current not exceeding 30 mA.

In this way, it provides double protection - fire and in the event of inadvertent contact.

Circuit of the RCD into three groups
Circuit design, where two devices RCD and one automatic differential applied. The layout is well done "without land" with the division of the supply chain due to additional machines

The advantages of building a grid in a similar manner are shown in the fact that in the case of operation is typically only turns off a separate section of home wiring, rather than the total supply area. Under such conditions, trip detect current leakage place is much simpler.

On the other hand, the so-called enhanced circuit-switching the RCD without grounding, is cumbersome for the user, in terms of increase in construction costs.

Clearly, to build multi-stage protection in this case would require a substantial financial investment than for a simplified version of the device.

The scheme of the RCD in a private house

Municipal buildings generally do not create any problems with security functions, with the exception of frankly old buildings.

A network of municipal buildings, as a rule, are served by the service. But in a private home owners such questions often have to decide.

Installation diagram RCD in a private house
Common and frequently used in practice, the mains wiring diagram in a private home. As can be seen from the graph, apply some protective devices that cut off the subnet serviced at different leakage currents

True, the initiative in such matters is not recommended. And if you want to organize a reliable connection diagram using the RCD should be directed to energy specialists.

Private housing projects, especially modern buildings, characterized by sufficiently sophisticated protection circuitry for energy nutrition solutions. Consider one of them for the device in a private home:

  1. Total protection devices 5 used to spread the cutoff current of 10 to 300 mA.
  2. As primary protection acts RCD 300 mA from the "Us" and possible fire.
  3. Two universal device at 30 mA involved under the lights and rosette group.
  4. Power line on the premises with the dirty environment and require increased protection, highly sensitive devices are installed at 10 mA.
  5. The overall circuit is divided into subnetworks depending on the destination.

The functionality of this scheme can be written as follows. The first device - RCD 300 mA - Fire performs the lock function.

However, this device is cutoff characteristic upon the total leakage current on all the subnets, if this value is exceeded the allowable conditions.

RCD on a current of 300 mA
The appearance of the safety device, designed to cut-off, when there is a risk of fire due to the emergency network status. Such RCDs differential current of 300 mA are fire blocking devices

Following the fire protection system is activated by a universal actuation and ensures that in the event of detection of "fault" and the leakage current over 30 mA.

Service area for this subnet RCD is a line feeding the lights and the rosette group.

Finally, a kind of third stage of forming the protective devices in the high-sensitivity 10 mA, which in fact serve areas where conditions require a special approach - bathroom, children's room.

The device RCD 10 mA
Device with highly sensitive protective response, with a current of 10 mA differential changes. It is generally used in the organization of the electrical circuits in areas where increased risk of breakdown or nurseries

protection option for the country economy

Modern designs suburban farms are increasingly acting full building infrastructure is not inferior to the residential sector under the residence on a permanent basis. It is obvious that comprehensive protection factor becomes relevant for suburban buildings.

However, reference to such farms, electric safety requirements are generally somewhat lower as compared with the actual residential sector.

Therefore, here are traditionally used simplified schematics using universal RCD current cutoff at 30 mA.

This type of protective device is provided quite effective protection in case of unintentional touching the electricity zones where leakage current may flow.

In addition, the same version of the product provides a lock in case of technical damage to equipment or wiring.

In addition to the RCD, country is equipped with wiring circuit breakers also - usually one for the light line and the electrical outlets.

RCD at 30 mA
The most commonly used appliance with a differential current of 30 mA. It is considered a kind of universal device since theoretically able to block both power during short circuits, and in case of unintentional touches

If you need additional equipment operation, such is connected to the existing scheme through the auxiliary circuit breaker.

The order of connection works

First of all, we should take care to comply with all the required safety measures in the performance of this type of work.

Disable power supply at the site of installation, to provide a process serviceable tool. Then will follow some of the rules, carrying out electrical work:

  1. Mounting is carried out strictly according to the previously prepared circuit.
  2. The device is mounted near the guns inside the electrical switchboard.
  3. Fixed in the shield device coupled with other components through conductors of at least 2.5 mm (copper). It is important to use the connection diagram printed on the protective housing unit.
  4. After completing the installation and wiring of conductors, check the correctness of connections to the site and apply the power.
  5. Check the operation of the device by activating the "Test" button.

As a rule, are not picked up the device passes the test mode.

If this did not happen - the device does not work, then the calculations have been performed incorrectly or there are any defects in the appliance circuit. Then the RCD must be replaced.

Useful videos on the topic

Roller describes the nuances and shows details of connection of the device under operating conditions the electrical wiring formed on the TN-C system. Intelligible explanation of the author of the RCD in such circumstances and practical demonstrations:

By the completion of the review of material possible circuit configurations with RCD is necessary to note the relevance of the use of these devices. The introduction of the cut-off devices for residual currents - a significant increase in the level of security when using electrical networks. The main thing - to choose and correctly connected devices.

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