Technology of forcing the onion on the feather in the greenhouse, in hydroponics and sawdust

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In winter, forcing the bow on the pen is considered to be lucrative. Fresh greens contain a complex of valuable vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Especially during the progression of viruses, when the human immune system is weakened. Among other things, these spring gifts dilute holiday dishes with their appearance, taste and delicious aroma. This is a great addition to roasted and stewed culinary masterpieces. Salads in the company with greens get a whole new life. In order to get the onion to the feather at home successfully, you need to know the technology of the process, as well as the characteristics of the choice of varieties.

Preparation of materials

The first step is to choose a grade, which depends on the capabilities and preferences of the family. Some varieties of onions are hybrids, so special conditions are needed for them. An important aspect in the process of cultivation is the fertility of the soil, as well as the selected agricultural techniques. Grow culture can be on:

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  • sawdust;
  • hydroponics;
  • primer with fertilizer.

It all starts with the preparation of the material for landing. This must be done correctly and in a timely manner. The place should be well lit. Otherwise, already grown greens will be covered with yellow spots. The temperature in the room should not be below 23 ° C, because the sprouts are very gentle. Containers must be made of wood or plastic. For convenience, they put piles. Preparatory work for forcing the onions on the greens begins with the following:

  • selection of good quality bulbs - without rot and damage;
  • soaking process, which speed up germination;
  • cutting tops for oxygen to enter the kidneys( 1/4 of the whole fruit), but this should not be done for germinated specimens.

Suitable for planting bulbs should be tight and elastic. Healthy fruits have shiny scales, the shape is even and there is no rot.

Soak the selected onions should be in warm water( up to 30 ° C).This procedure reduces the rest period of the kidneys. The duration of soaking is 12 hours. After that, they need to remove and thoroughly dried.


In some cases, experts advise forcing onions to feather on sawdust. A distinctive feature of the method is that the porous structure quickly passes water. Therefore, the substrate should be watered slowly. Process wood particles with boiling water before planting to disinfect the material. As a result, sawdust will swell and become fluffy. It will not be superfluous to soak the bulbs for 3-4 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate.

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A way for the lazy

Another sprouting option is simpler. All bulbs settle on a bunch. The room should be warm. Then the entire substrate is watered with warm water( not more than 30 ° C, so that they do not boil).Then you need to wrap the mountain tightly with sacking for 4 days. After this period, it is worth sorting the bulbs, moving them to the ground.

It is possible to start disembarkation already in the middle of October. Agronomists advise using southern varieties that are of medium-sized fruit for this purpose.


The total forcing period of green onions ranges from 14 to 20 days. If all requirements are met, the first seedlings will be seen by the owners in 4 days. The yield or growth of sprouts is 2.5-3 cm within 24 hours.

Shallots are an unparalleled option for winter germination. However, he has a very long rest period. As experience shows, it is necessary to plant varieties in mid-February.

Now it is important to properly master the technology of forcing a bow and feather, then it will turn out juicy and will have a presentable appearance. Here is a step-by-step instruction for this process:

  1. Prepare the planting ground .For 1 m² should be from 10 to 12 kg of soil or sawdust. The earth is fertilized with organic matter or minerals.
  2. Use the bridge approach. The bulbs are planted close to each other, the distance between them is up to 1 cm. It is necessary to press them well into the ground, but not to bury them very deeply, because this damages the root system.
  3. Watering the bed should be every 5-10 days. It all depends on the humidity in the room. The main principle - the land should be relatively wet. Water temperature is 20-25 degrees.
  4. Lighting .For a two-week sprouts, you need to organize high-quality lighting.
  5. Cut off feathers when they reach 25-35 cm.

Fertilizer for soil. First you need to mix the humus with vermiculite. Put the mixture into the container. The height of the layer is 7-10 cm. Then treat the soil mixture with potassium permanganate( its solution) and pour water with a hose.

You can grow greens in plain water. For this you need to take a pallet. Place the onions closely, their diameter can be 4-5 cm, and pour warm water( 20-25 ° C). The fourth part of the fruit should be in the water. As the fluid decreases, it is important to periodically replenish its supply.

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At hydroponics

The most efficient and productive technology of growing green in winter is forcing hydroponics, in other words - bubbling. Thanks to a unique technique, a small area is used. The growth rate increases by 2 times, as well as yield. The device for quick awakening of “sleepy” kidneys consists of: an

  • nebulizer;
  • volume tank of opaque material( from 40 l.);
  • compressor.

First, you need to take a sheet of foam and cut the funnels on it, and then cover them with a tank. The water temperature should be at least 25 degrees and pH = 7. Pre-cleaned and selected bulbs are dipped in the holes( heads are larger than 3 cm in diameter).Forcing the onion on the feather begins with the fact that the compressor is turned on and the bulbs are bubbled from 6 to 12 hours. The longer, the more effective.

To speed up the growth process, you can add biohumus to water. Three liters of liquid should be diluted with fertilizer and the missing volume should be added.

After 2-4 days, the roots grow. The next 8-10 days intensively grow pale green feathers. For the final stage you will need bright lighting. A fluorescent lamp is perfect for this. It is included on the 11th day, and it works for 72 hours. Or you can set the container to light. This method of lighting up is also relevant for the forcing of onions in the basement.

The lamp for lighting must be placed in a vertical position. This will prevent the breakage of young shoots.

In the greenhouse

To do this, you need to select good containers. If they are wooden, they should not be mold or other defects. Plastic is also important to choose quality. The composition of the soil may include:

  • peat;
  • compost;
  • humus.

The earth is sprinkled with lime flour( fuzz) for the prevention of mold. Boxes filled with soil. The bulbs are planted at a distance of a centimeter, pressing them into the ground. The initial stage of forcing the onion to a feather in the greenhouse is carried out under the following conditions:

  • daily temperature is from 20 degrees and night temperature is up to 15 ° С;
  • water every 5 days and ensure that the soil is constantly wet;
  • regularly air the room;
  • after 12 days of growth capacity is moved to a special rack for forcing the onions.
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Store containers with sprouts from 5 cm should be already at temperatures above 23 degrees. This should provide them with twelve hours of daylight. If this cannot be done, then lamps are used. It is also necessary to apply fertilizer to the soil.

Dry nitrogen( ammonium nitrate: 30 g per sq. M) or potash( potassium chloride 10 g per sq. M) sub-feed is scattered over the entire surface of the soil. And then watered and rinsed with running water.


Growing period and yield 80% depends on the type of crop. Here are the main characteristics of popular varieties of onion for distillation:

  1. Slizun .Resistant to frost. Grown throughout the year. He is very fast. Emits a slight smell of garlic. Long leaves on the tips are twisted.
  2. Schnitt .Gentle and thin feathers that do not become rigid for a long time. The maximum height of a plant is 50 cm.
  3. . .He is very whimsical. This variety should be grown in small containers( 45x60 cm) in order to move them freely. Landing begins from the first of March.
  4. Shallot. Adapted to various weather conditions. At low temperature foliage does not fade. Enough fertile culture.
  5. Batun .Unlike other varieties, the shape of its leaves is perfectly even.
  6. High-Tier .Suitable for growing in cool and poorly lit rooms. On the tips of the leaves appear ovaries for the next tier.

The secret of productivity of forcing a bow for a feather is that you need to choose large heads: from 3 cm in diameter. They have more plates for the formation of feathers, which means that the output will be up to 2 kg of green. So, observing the temperature regime and technology of planting, as well as a system of irrigation and feeding, the owners will receive a luxurious reward.

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