How to properly pick a petunia

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Petunia belongs to one of the most common garden flowers in a dive petuniadue to the short spring-summer period, it is grown as an annual.

This flower is convenient for its versatility. You can always choose a variety or a hybrid that will be appropriate in a mixed flower bed, and on an alpine slide, and in rabatka, and hanging baskets, and on loggias, verandas and balconies.

Unpretentiousness in care, attractiveness and a long flowering period determine the widespread prevalence of this plant. The only difficult point in cultivation is the initial period, from sowing to picking petunia.

Petunia picking from peat tablets

Nowadays, peat tablets are a very popular material for sowing seedlings of flowers, which are tightly compacted peat, increasing in volume when released into a moist environment.

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The most convenient way to sow seed or pelleted seeds, which are more suitable for spot sowing, as for the size of the peat tablet, 40 mm in diameter is enough for such a flower.

In essence, with this method of sowing, picking petunia from peat tablets, in the classical sense of this process, is not needed, but it is worth noting that in the phase of two true pairs of leaves( approximately 3 - 4 weeks after sowing) plants needtransplanting

For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare disposable cups or seedling pots of small diameter, filling them with nutritious soil with good physicomechanical properties( loose, light, with sufficient capacity), which will allow the root system to actively develop, and, accordingly, the aboveground part of petunia,then make a small depression in the center of the potted soil.

Read also: Petunia grandiflora Limbaugh - cultivation and care features

Next, you should moisten the seedling pill well, place it in the recess and sprinkle it with soil so that it is completely hidden, carefully spill it with water and put the seedling container in a good placelighting.

Petunia picking for seedlings

When sowing seeds in seedlings, dive petunia for seedlings during the second pair of true leaves. To do this, it is necessary to prepare separate planting cups for each plant, fill them with ready-made loose light nutritious mixture, then in the middle of the top layer of soil in pots make a small indentation.

Read also: Energen for seeds and seedlings

After having thoroughly moistened the soil in the seed box, you can begin picking. To reduce the invasiveness of the process for delicate and fragile seedlings of petunias, not to damage the weak root system, it is best to use tweezers, especially if ordinary seeds were used at sowing and the seedlings were very thickened.

Wet soil should be slightly “raised” with a spatula( it is very convenient to use tools from the home gardening kit for this — they are small and light), stepping back a centimeter from the beginning of shoots, then pick up one plant with tweezers and carefully transfer it to a previously prepared pot, placein the groove, sprinkle with soil and shed.

Such manipulations should be repeated with each plant. Diving a petunia is not difficult, although, of course, this process requires diligence, special care, patience and not accepting haste. Next, the pots are placed on window sills or shelves with backlighting, the soil in them is moistened as it dries, the dressing mode is selected and the lighting is regulated( if it comes to greenhouse cultivation of seedlings).

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No need to dive petunia

Many experienced gardeners, who have extensive experience in growing petunia seedlings, came to the conclusion that the easiest way to get healthy seedlings is bypassing the picking process.

This can be done using spot sowing, immediately specifying the necessary sowing step( distance between plants).The most convenient way to do this is by using pelleted or granulated seeds, which are much larger than petunia seeds in their natural form.

Each gardener and flower grower who has accumulated his personal experience in growing seedlings of flowers chooses the most convenient way for him to sow, he decides how to dive in Petunia.

I would like to wish flower gardeners to be patient and attentive in this painstaking undertaking.

The main thing is to love flowers with all your soul, not to spare for them neither strength, nor time, nor care, and then your garden will turn into a beautiful motley paradise.

Read the same: when it is better to plant petunias on seedlings!

Video: how to dive a petunia

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