Cultivation, care and reproduction of aloe at home

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Succulent shrubs from the Arabian Peninsula and from southeastern Africa are well-known to Russian flower growers. This is facilitated by the wide popularity of the medicinal properties of the plant and the fact that care for aloe in the home is extremely simple and not burdensome.

Unpretentious large plants in nature tolerate temperatures from 5 to 40 ° C and, depending on the species, grow to a three-meter height. Aloe is easily recognizable by the long, jagged leaves along the edges. As it grows old, such foliage dries and falls, revealing an erect stem. At home, adult plants bloom, and racemes can reach 80 cm in length. And the flowers exude a subtle, lily scent around. Growing aloe at home is unlikely to be able to admire its buds. The phenomenon is so rare that it is precisely for this reason that the plants got their popular name - agave.

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Although indoor aloe are in more comfortable conditions, they look much more modest here than in nature. But this does not prevent many thousands of indoor plants lovers from being interested in the question: “How to care for aloe at home?”

Growing aloe at homeWhere other plants dry out, freeze or suffer from heat, aloe tolerates all adversity.

This is a record for resilience and staying in dry ground. But as soon as watering is resumed and the pot is brought to a comfortable environment, almost completely dried leaves are poured with juice, and flower growth continues.

Although a moderately cool temperature is considered optimal for succulent growth, it is possible to grow aloe at home without worrying about creating a special temperature regime. In the warm season, when it is time to freeze, aloe pot is useful to bring to fresh air. And here, and indoors, a well-lit place is sought by the plant, where the indirect rays of the sun will fall on the succulent leaves. If there is not enough light, the plant signals by twisting the leaf plates, they lose their richness and turn gray.

When staying under the scorching sun for a long time, especially in drought conditions, the foliage loses its juiciness, becomes concave, and purple or brownish tones appear in its color. In the spring, the flower is gradually taught to stay in the sun, bringing it to a loggia or balcony and gradually increasing the time spent outside the room. Such care for aloe at home will help the flower to avoid sunburn.

With the onset of autumn, the aloe is returned to the room, and here it is important to ensure that the length of the day does not decrease and is 12-14 hours.

In the middle lane to ensure this will have to use a special light for plants. In winter, the best place for aloe is a cool bright room, where the temperature does not exceed 10–14 ° C.

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Aloe undemanding refers to watering and air humidity. If other indoor plants suffer in too dry air of city apartments, then home-grown aloe does not experience any discomfort. He does not need additional spraying, but sometimes it is necessary to wash the crowns with warm water. This procedure will improve the appearance of the flower and allow it to breathe easier.

Watering in spring and summertime is carried out regularly, as the upper layer of soil dries out. Moisten the soil better with purified water, which is 5–8 ° C warmer than the surrounding air. This procedure is combined with weekly supplements, for which they take ready-made complex formulations for succulents. If the plant is recently transplanted, fertilizer should not be applied under it. Also do not feed the aloe, transplanted in the summer in the open ground.

When caring for aloe in the garden, it is important to know that in the rain the bush must be protected from moisture. Accumulating in the center of the outlet, water during the cooling period often causes rotting and death of a healthy escape.

In winter, care for aloe at home is changing, firstly, the temperature of the content decreases, and secondly, ordinary watering reduces. This is extremely important if the plant is cool. When the pot for the winter remains at normal room temperature, it is necessary to moisten the soil a little more often, while it is necessary to focus on the state of the foliage and 2-cm layer of substrate.

How to transplant aloe at home?

As with most indoor cultures, spring transplantation is preferred for aloe. This time is used to divide the grown overgrown bush into several parts.

The younger the flower, the faster it develops. Therefore, plants up to three years old can be transplanted aloe annually, and then the frequency of transshipment is reduced to once every 2-3 years. A day before the transplant aloe plentifully watered. This will help to take out without loss and transfer to the new pot the powerful root system of the plant.

Succulent Substrate is prepared from a mixture of sod land, sand and humus. Pieces of charcoal and crushed red brick are added to the ground. Peat, which increases the acidity of the soil, should not be mixed in. It adversely affects the growth of the root system and the overall well-being of aloe. But drainage of this culture is vital. It will help protect the roots from staying in the constantly damp, threatening development of soil rot.

Read also: Planting exotic ixia in open ground and the rules for caring for a southernerThis will help the plant retain moisture and acclimatize faster. The first watering after transplanting is carried out only after 5–7 days, and the plant should not be fed for at least another month.

Before planting aloe to simplify extraction from the pot, the plant is watered abundantly. The root system is carefully released, and then divided with a sharp knife so that each shoot has its own roots, sufficient for quick acclimatization.

Video on how to transplant aloe at home will help to understand the intricacies of the process and will not make any mistakes when it comes to practice.

How to propagate aloe at home?

Aloe vitality and endurance is fully reflected in the variety of ways in which it can be propagated. At home, most often offspring from an adult plant is obtained using:

  • grafting, that is, separation and rooting of lateral shoots;
  • apex of a bush or one of their adult shoots;
  • sheet;
  • affiliated sockets formed at the base of an adult bush;
  • seeds.

One of the easiest and guaranteed successful breeding methods for aloe is rooting cuttings. Side shoots that appear in the axils of adult leaves can be cut all year round. They easily give roots and acclimatize after transplanting.

Such “stepchildren” are cut at the very base, the cut is treated with coal powder. And then do not put in a substrate or put in water, and 2 - 4 days dried at room temperature in a dark place. Only after such preparation, the cuttings are ready for rooting. The same manipulations are carried out before planting aloe without a root, for example, after its decay or unsuccessful division of the bush.

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The cuttings easily give roots both in wet sand or vermiculite, and in ordinary water. When rooting in the substrate, future plants can be dropped in several pieces at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. The stem is not buried by more than 1 cm. If the cuttings are in a humid warm environment, within a week powerful seed buds appear on the seedlings, and aloe can be transplanted into separate pots.

At home, aloe without visible problems is propagated by daughter rosettes that appear at the very base of an adult flower. How to plant aloe shoots? Young rosettes have their own root system, so they are freely separated from the adult bush during the spring transplant or in the summer.

In a few years of growth at home, aloe can reach almost a meter height. In this case, its stem is significantly exposed, and the leaves remain only at the top.

Do not part with such aloe. It can be rejuvenated by cutting off the top of it and dropping it into a separate pot. To do this, cut off the upper part of the stem with 6-7 adult leaves.

But how to transplant aloe without a root? To root such planting material, the top is dried and put into the water. After a few days, the roots will appear on the plant, and in the future the seedling can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Small plants form at the base of the leaf, plucked from the lower tiers of the stem. Before the aloe leaf is propagated at home, it is dried, like a cutting, and then the planting material is submerged in water or sandy soil after treatment with charcoal. In this case, it is extremely important to maintain the moisture of the substrate, otherwise the sheet will quickly dry.

Aloe seed reproduction is the longest and most laborious way. Sowing is carried out at the end of winter in a light, fluffy substrate based on sand and garden soil. At room temperature and high humidity, the seeds rather peck up and grow until they appear on a pair of true leaves. At this time, aloe dive, replanting sprouts in small individual pots. After a year care for aloe at home is already in normal mode.

Landing Aloe - Video

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